The Living Force
First a brief intro:
This is my first post to the forum. I've been a long-time lurker and have thoroughly enjoyed the news on this website. I currently located in the US, living in the Wisconsin area. Reading the Cassiopaen transcripts is what brought me to this website originally. I've found them to be a good source of inspiration as well as a great primer to understanding the "big picture". I'm skeptical, yet open-minded by nature, so the transcripts and SOTT have appealed to me. I currently work as a computer pro at a large hospital IT center. You might find that a lot of my interests center around health and healthcare issues since I am so close to these in my daily life. That said, onto the meat of this post...
First a brief intro:
This is my first post to the forum. I've been a long-time lurker and have thoroughly enjoyed the news on this website. I currently located in the US, living in the Wisconsin area. Reading the Cassiopaen transcripts is what brought me to this website originally. I've found them to be a good source of inspiration as well as a great primer to understanding the "big picture". I'm skeptical, yet open-minded by nature, so the transcripts and SOTT have appealed to me. I currently work as a computer pro at a large hospital IT center. You might find that a lot of my interests center around health and healthcare issues since I am so close to these in my daily life. That said, onto the meat of this post...
Patient’s Candid Camera Sends Shockwaves Through Hospitals:
A nurse’s discovery of a Webcam hooked up by parents in their child’s Boston hospital room has stunned the patient’s doctor, raised a mound of privacy issues and potentially left medical staff looking over their shoulders. Dr. Samuel Blackman, a pediatric oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, would not speak for the record when contacted by the Herald about the incident at Children’s Hospital. But in an entry on his blog titled “Hemorrhage! You’re On Candid Camera,