Smoke and enjoy the flight


FOTCM Member
Great, if you're rich you can smoke in flight.
Smoke and enjoy the flight
By Nicola Clark International Herald Tribune

Published: September 3, 2006

PARIS If Alexander Schoppmann is right, then where there's smoke, there's a flier.

As more countries ban smoking in public places, his idea might seem malapropos. But Schoppmann, a German entrepreneur, is hoping to turn smokers' umbrage at ever-expanding efforts to stub out their habit into a highflying business proposal: Smoker's International Airways.

As the name suggests, the airline, known as Smintair for short, will probably not be for the faint of lung. The carrier, expected to begin luxury service with only business and first-class seats early next year, plans daily flights between Schoppmann's hometown of D
mark said:
Great, if you're rich you can smoke in flight.
While smoking during flight, don't make any sudden movements with your cigarette, lighter or matches. Doing so would most likely get you branded as a terrorist and thus you would incur the wrath of the air marshal / flight attendant Nazis.
Yeah, it's pretty funny how this guy is essentially exploiting smokers with his ticket prices while claiming to serve them. They failed to mention "Freedom Air," I think it was, another smoking airline, which did apparently get a license and begin flying, about a dozen years ago. It didn't last long.

Also, isn't it an overstatement that some smokers just don't travel long distances anymore? I would think that a box of nicotine gum for $50 would probably last for years of air travel. The airlines could also sell that stuff for $1 a piece and probably never need bankruptcy. Seemingly easy solutions, OSIT.

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