SMOKE AND MIRRORS! "Accelerated Persuasion"


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Hi all,

I came across this really interesting video:


After watching the video, it occurred to me that this is how illusion is promoted. Look at 911 fore example:
1. Plane 1 smashes into world trade centre, catches your attention and throws you into shock.
2. Plane 2 smashes into world trade centre, you are now full of unbelief-is this true, what's happening here.
3. World trade centre collapses. You don't notice the well placed charges exploding on each floor as your awareness is now properly focused on the two planes that have smashed into the towers.

On a larger scale, the media keeps you so wrapped up in illusion that you don't notice when someone pulls the rug under you!

I'm sure you can all find many examples of this, The trick is to be awake!


Kinyash, that link redirects to a blog about "persuasion techniques" which doesn't appear to have anything to do with 911. Why didn't you just give the direct link?

That's actually the link I used so I just copy and pasted it. I wanted to use the video as a good example of what we see vis a vis what we are thinking and the example of 911 was given in that context, not in the context of the blog.

Hope that makes sense


Okay. For those who wish to see the blog without going through the redirect thingy, here's a direct link:

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