snake dream


The Force is Strong With This One
I had a terrible/disgusting dream last night.

It starts with a person and a snake. They have made some agreement to trick someone. The person wants power over another person with the help of the snake. The snake is supposed to go into the mouth of the person to control. The snake is long about 1 meter length.
Now I am in a surrounding looking like my job (lab). I am now the person with the snake inside my mouth/throut/oesophagus. When the time is right the snake is supposed to come out again. I feel the tail of de snake getting out of my mouth. It feel horrible to have this snake inside me. I have to get it out of me. I try to get a hold of de snakes tail to be able to try to get it out of me. But pieces of the tail fall off and the rest is still stuck inside me. So very disgusting. After this I wake up. Fortunately the strange feeling of the snake inside my mouth/throut is gone.

best wishes
That IS disturbing! I don't have any analysis right off the top of my head, but perhaps others will chime in with some ideas.
Yikes, that is really disturbing and unnerving.

My first impression is that there is an attempt to control you and the snake can be seen as a warning. Another interpretation of a "snake" symbol is a self-transformation or a transformation taking place, something inside you that is changing or in your life or interactions with other people. Mouth/throat refers to something that deals with communication.

Most of our dreams are usually dynamics of our own lives. Can you think of something that has happened or would likely to happen in your life that is of this nature?

My first impression was, that the snake maybe has something to do with the predators mind, cause it is inside of us and we cannot get entirely get rid of it. Or as Myrddin suggested if you have maybe a kind of snaky person around you, so that it is eventually a warning?

Or could the snake also have something to do with the spine?
I hate to say this since anything Freudian is very far away from any of my sparse and always tentative convictions - but in this case something Freudian might be the most obvious explanation which could be closest to the truth. I hope this hint is clear enough so I don't have to elaborate on it :-[ (think of the Clinton Lewinsky affair).
What a disturbing dream! I've had a very similar dream. It starts with me speaking with a sneak face and touching it, then is vaporizes. The snake never said anything to me, this snake was not 1 meter length, it was at least 4 to 5 meters and it had a large long face, but it looked just like a snake but with smother skin, I remember that the skin was extremely soft.

Then I was on a lab, with grey walls and spiders webs on the ceiling, it was like if the spider web where the hold of the lab, like if the walls where attached to the web. And the spider web had this aurora borealis light effect, with amazing colors, it's so strange because I can completely visualize those colors in my head.
I was standing next to a table but also laying on the table, and then the huge snake came almost walking, but it had morph into a siren, snake siren, It was so weird, never in my life had I've seen something like that, not in movies nor in video games. It was like a big, intimidating mix betwen a snake and a siren. It had two arms and it also, the face was the same as the snake I was looking at first, this time it was talking to me, the me standing up, and it pointed to myself on the table, the me in the table was sleep.
I putted my hands around my sleeping self head and placed my forehead with it's forehead, and then my sleeping self woke up and got up. The Snake Siren was very pleased to see the other me awake, and it got really close to my face and opened its mouth and a snake came out and got into my mouth and into my body. Then my arms where turn into snake heads, but with spider like heads, but it was like only me the worker could see them, the other me was just stretching and didn't seemed to mind the snake arms and the spider mouth like hands.

There was only a conscious me, that was the one that woke the other one, but the other me seemed to be very uninterested in where he was and what was going on, it was like he could not see me and the siren, or the place that we where in.

The siren took my hand and kissed it, then it went away and I turn around to see my other self and it was also walking away. Then I climb the table, stand on it and reach with my arms the spider web, I pulled some strings and I climb into it, I got cozy and comfortable and made like a bed, and started to look all this amazing colors, then I woke up for real. I was super late like 3 am, and I was sleeping for only two hours. I went to be at 1am.

Well that's my dream I see some similarities with yours! Weird :huh:
Sandra said:
I had a terrible/disgusting dream last night.

It starts with a person and a snake. They have made some agreement to trick someone. The person wants power over another person with the help of the snake. The snake is supposed to go into the mouth of the person to control. The snake is long about 1 meter length.
Now I am in a surrounding looking like my job (lab). I am now the person with the snake inside my mouth/throut/oesophagus. When the time is right the snake is supposed to come out again. I feel the tail of de snake getting out of my mouth. It feel horrible to have this snake inside me. I have to get it out of me. I try to get a hold of de snakes tail to be able to try to get it out of me. But pieces of the tail fall off and the rest is still stuck inside me. So very disgusting. After this I wake up. Fortunately the strange feeling of the snake inside my mouth/throut is gone.

best wishes

Hi Sandra, these are just my thoughts. You wrote ''the person wants power over another person with the help of the snake'', and you were the one who that person wants power over.

Your attempt to get the snake out of you was not enough, perhaps you should try different ways or be more strict and willing to get it out of you. In other words, perhaps there is a person in your waking life that is trying to control you, and perhaps you've tried to not be influenced, but you still are. So you could think of different ways to go about it. Since you saw yourself at a place that looks like your workplace, could this other person be a colleague/boss? At the same time, this 'other person' could also be your predator or your negative thoughts that control you.

See also the meaning of 'snake' here: _ (scroll down 'till you see snake)

I think you're the best equipped to understand your dream. Be careful and take a good look around you and inside you. Hope this helps.
Thank you for the responses.

I had already thought my dream over, but you all came up with new and fresh ideas. I always have a hard time figuring out my on dreams. I do like to figure out other peoples dreams and seem to be able to do that better than my own. Beause the emotions in the dream influence me and I mostly don't see the symbolism.

The dream really had to do with my workingplace, so maybe someone there has a bad influence on me and that is true. I always tried to avoid her, but even being in her pressence already gives me a strange unpleasant feeling. Strange. I had not thought of that. I don't know why that is so. Will think that over. What I should do about the situation.

Funny thing, mostly real things in life seem to be reflecting things in my personal life.
Because also inside things seem to change. I started a diet a few weeks ago, because of my irritable bowel syndrome I went to bioresonance therapy to check out for allergies. I seem to have a few. Milk and peanuts I knew, but also soy, corn, gluten, egg all other kind of nuts, my own cats dustmite and all kinds of insects.

So I started an elimintion diet without all the substances I am reacting against. Since I started this diet I feel there is a lot going on in my body. Perhaps also something about the snake coming out. The toxins getting out of my body. I also am thinking of starting a detoxification soon. But first all the allergenic substances have to be cleaned out of my body. Otherwise it will be too much at once.

And about the predator. Yes, also true, I want it out of me. SInce I was still a child I knew about something inside me trying to infleunce me. liek almost being possed by a bad spirit or something. SOme thign I was afriad of when I was a child. I have fought against it since. And still am fighting.
I don't want to be infuenced by it anymore. But how do you get rid of the predator? It has already been a long fight. But I already try for many years to learnt about it and how to get rid of it and how to be in charge of my own life and not being influenced by other people/predator/allergens, that make me feel tired and sick.

Thanx again.

best wishes
Maybe I am totally off base with this but could it be that it has to do with repressed emotions that if verbalized would be very harsh to say, or feeling guilty of having said something, a viper tongue maybe ?
Sandra said:
And about the predator. Yes, also true, I want it out of me. SInce I was still a child I knew about something inside me trying to infleunce me. liek almost being possed by a bad spirit or something. SOme thign I was afriad of when I was a child. I have fought against it since. And still am fighting.
I don't want to be infuenced by it anymore. But how do you get rid of the predator? It has already been a long fight. But I already try for many years to learnt about it and how to get rid of it and how to be in charge of my own life and not being influenced by other people/predator/allergens, that make me feel tired and sick.

Regarding how to work on the predator, inside and outside yourself, you may want to read some of the important threads for The Work

I think Buffers, Programs and "the Predator's Mind" is a good start.

Then it may also help you gain more knowledge reading the "Big Five" psychology books, which are extremely helpful tools towards acquiring a basic understanding of your own machine:
The Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout
The Narcissistic Family by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman & Robert M. Pressman Trapped in The Mirror by Elan Golomb
Unholy Hungers by Barbara Hort
In Sheep's Clothing by George K. Simon
Also an important aspect of the predator you may want to take into account is that it fears exposure, so continuing interacting here despite feelings of fear, distrust, laziness is a big plus towards fighting it.
This reminds me of a snake dream I had about a month ago. I was building a huge campfire where a snake slithered into the camp. Instead of running from it I grabbed it tightly by the 'neck' and ate it but made sure I threw the head into the fire. :O Still trying to figure that one out too.
stellar said:
This reminds me of a snake dream I had about a month ago. I was building a huge campfire where a snake slithered into the camp. Instead of running from it I grabbed it tightly by the 'neck' and ate it but made sure I threw the head into the fire. :O Still trying to figure that one out too.

WOW that's intense! :)
I have also had a dream about a snake. In my dream, the snake represented a psychopathic family member, and it was a warning about what's happening among some family members. The snake crawled behind the backs of two other family members. In real life, the psychopath used those two family members to spread lies, mainly about a third family member, and some lies about others as well. Those two with the snake behind their back easily believes what they are told, and the psychopath utilizes them.

The third family member I have mentioned, the victim of this blackmailing, has also dreamed of a snake, earlier. She had many dreams of an invading snake, not in her body, but in her room and in her house. At that time, the psychopath behaved friendly against her, but had bad influence and collected information the psychopath used later.
Another snake dream. This one is from a while ago. I was wondering whether to share it. But I decided to do so.

30 august 2007
I am in my flat. I see a snake. It is withdrawing in his shelter. Now I see his shelter. It is a huge “cave system something” with huge caves underneath my flat/under the ground. From my flat he can reach this cave system. The very ancient and old snake that lived there died. This old snake was the ruler. The snake I saw was the one who killed the old snake. Now he is de new ruler. The old snake was as old as mankind. The snake had special powers and with this power he could rule.
I feel very strange when I see the snake and his hiding place. I feel a huge dislike of it and even disgust. He can easily access my flat, but also all other houses of other people.
I am again in my flat. I see my cats, I see them multiple times (copies of my cats). I sense that something is wrong. There is something behind those copied cats. I find out that there is a person behind it. She thinks the cats into existence and she project them into my reality.
I leave the flat and pass another strange hairy creature. The creature changes in shape. I float before my apartment. I see a woman from which I think that she made the cat projections . With thought power I fight with her to free myself from her control. While we fight I see a man in wizard outfit. I look at him and feel his evilness/anger/negativity. I realize that he is the one behind all other projections, including the woman that I fight with. Now I point my “energies” towards the evil wizard to fight for my freedom. I win. Then I feel really good.

When I was 12 I dreamt of swallowing a snake, that is the only part of the dream I really remember. it was terrifying in some ways and yet relieved upon waking up for it was over.

the sensation was very "real" for a dream, it certainly has been one that has stuck in my memory all these years.
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