So-called 10th planet.


Dagobah Resident
An object called the 10th planet by some astronomers is not as big as previously thought.

The round world, officially catalogued as 2003 UB313, is about 1,490 miles wide with an uncertainty of 60 miles, according to new observations by the Hubble Space Telescope. Pluto is roughly 1,430 miles (2,300 kilometers) wide.

A study in February put the diameter of 2003 UB313 at roughly 1,860 miles (3,000 kilometers).

Nicknamed "Xena," 2003 UB313 was discovered last year. By many accounts it could be considered a planet. It is round and orbits the Sun.

But because several other objects meet those criteria and also approach Pluto's size, astronomers have been wrangling for months over how to define the word "planet." It is not known if or when the International Astronomical Union, which rules on such things, will issue a decision. Members of an advisory board weighing the issue can't even agree on the parameters of a definition.

Since 2003 UB313 is 10 billion miles away not even as wide as the United States, it showed up as just 1.5 pixels in Hubble's view. But that's enough to precisely make a size measurement, astronomers said.

The new size estimate suggests the object is brighter than had been thought. An object's brightness hints at its surface composition. In this case, a layer of methane frost might cover the world, astronomers speculated today.
Since it is larger than Pluto, if Pluto is considered a planet, then Xena should be too. Interestingly however, from the Cassiopaea transcripts of 11.19.94:
Q: (L) How many planets are in our solar system?
A: 12
Q: (L) Could you tell us the names of all the planets, their distances from the sun, the chemical composition, and the diameter.

Mercury=Opatanar, 36 million miles from Sun; 3000 mi diameter.
Venus=Pemuntar, 67 million miles from Sun; 7,500 mi. diameter.
Earth=Saras, 93 million miles from Sun; 7,900 mi. dia.
Mars=Masar, 141,500,000 miles from Sun; 4,200 mi. dia.
Jupiter=Yontar, 483,400,000 miles from Sun; 88,700 dia.
Saturn=Zendar, 886,700,000 miles from Sun; 74,500 dia.
Uranus=Lonoponor, 1,782,700,000 miles from Sun; 31,566 diameter.
Neptune=Jinoar, 2,794,300,000 miles from Sun; 30,199 dia.
Pluto=Opikimanaras, 3,666,100,000 miles from Sun; 1,864 dia.
NI=Montonanas, 570,000,000,000 miles from Sun; solid matter; 7000 miles dia.
NII=Suvurutarcar, 830,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 18000 miles diameter;
hydrogen, ammonia.
NIII=Bikalamanar, 1,600,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 46000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia.
Xena is not in the above list where one would expect it.

As a non-sequitur, the endings of all of the planet names "resonate".

"*ar" occurs 8 times
"*as" occurs 3 times
"*or" is a singularity but could also be a phonetic variation on "ar" because of the context.

I wonder what, if anything, the phonetic deconstruction might mean.
After additional search and

Word Unit: -or (Latin: a suffix; state of, result of; he who, that which).
Word Unit: -ar (Latin: a suffix; pertaining to, of the nature of, like; denoting an agent).

From we see that opatan has meaning:


Extinct: yes

Languages: EUDEVE, JOVA,

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