
Wow, this is almost as worst then to see the movie Arachnophobia.... :O I don't like spiders but I am always, with them, very respectful. I never kill one, even if I yell when I see one. And I would not be happy in that region, in Brazil, let me tell you.

Thanks to share this article. So they are social little beasts? Hmmm, they can be social outside my country. :scared:
Holy Spiders! That's a lot. I sure don't want them on me...

I'm now adding Brazil to my list of "not-to-live" along with Australia (where huge spiders resided).

loreta said:
Wow, this is almost as worst then to see the movie Arachnophobia....

Ah, yeah, I remembered that film. It gave me nightmares at the time. :rolleyes:
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