Society's Child - 10 Year Old Protests Crude Oil Pipeline


FOTCM Member
First, if you don’t know, here is the background:

B.C. First Nations form 'united front' against pipeline


Among the signatories is Chief Jackie Thomas, of Saik’uz First Nation, a member of the Yinka Dene Alliance.

"Harper wants to force pipelines through B.C., ignoring our rights and ignoring the majority of British Columbians. Well I have news for you Mr Harper: You are never going to achieve your dream of pushing pipelines through our rivers and lands and putting oil tankers on the coast."
The First Nations leaders say they are prepared to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in front of bulldozers to halt any pipeline construction.

And here is a very bright young girl who has taken on those bent on making it happen. She in another story went to the corporate office of Enbrige and was barred by security. Enbridge if you recall was the company at center in the oil spill in Michigan July 2010.

Ta'Kaiya made a video originally not associated with Green Peace, however you will see in the opening scene that they have become a party now to her message:

10-year old Ta'Kaiya says 'Protect our coast from oil spills

Ta'kaiya Blaney, of the Sliammon First Nation, voices her concerns about a crude oil pipeline and tanker expansion during a gathering in Vancouver on Thursday. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

Youtube Video - _

Edit: Song/Video is called "Shallow Waters"

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