Earlier today, around an hour past midnight UTC, something exploded just behind the sun's eastern limb. The blast unleashed a _http://spaceweather.com/glossary/flareclasses.html?PHPSESSID=qaebjcooh0bov6gr3duu9r29f3 C8-class solar flare and hurled a _http://spaceweather.com/images2007/31dec07/cme_c3_big.gif?PHPSESSID=qaebjcooh0bov6gr3duu9r29f3 bright CME into space. These events may signal the impending return of sunspot 978, which has spent the past two weeks transiting the far side of the sun. The sun's rotation should bring the active region into view later today or tomorrow allowing us to see what it is and evaluate its potential for more explosions. If you have a solar telescope, monitor _http://spaceweather.com/swpod2007/31dec07/hinode_xrt_limb.jpg