Solar storms and mass animal deaths – the connection

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Jedi Master
...In 2008 NASA detected a massive breach in the magnetosphere, allowing solar winds to penetrate and cause enormous geomagnetic storms. It is known that solar storms bombard our planet with highly charged particles that can affect the pineal gland in humans. The British Medical Journal has published findings that support the proposition that damage to the gland can cause humans to have a diminished sense of direction. Comparing the pineal gland in humans to that of the same gland in birds raised an interesting question. In humans the gland weighs 2.0 grams and equates to less than 1% of the brain’s total weight, whereas the pigeons pineal gland weighed 1.5 grams, 10% of the weight of their brain. While the pineal gland gives us our general sense of direction as iron rich blood flows through and drawn towards the magnetic north, the increased size in the pigeons likely indicate a greater sensitivity to the magnetosphere.


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