Some New Age Disinfo sites that I visited

Well, this will be my first thread here. Once again, my english is not good, so... be patient. :-[

First, I didn't know where to post this, I realized that it would be better to post them here, since their "information" is quite wierd. I would like to show you some sites that I escaped since their information became strange and it didn't make sense at all. Maybe I didn't understand this "info" at all, who knows? Want to share them with you so you could give your own impression:

First one:

Abundant Hope: _

I reached this site in the past, trying to understand all the planetary changes and some unusal planet activity. They talk about some "Star Fleet" who will "save" all the humans who will be in danger for the incoming catastrophes. They talk about political issues only centered in USA. They "predicted" some economic disaster in USA back then and now I see some relations with the present situation. They talk abput reptilian race, Organic Portal, Matrix' Agents, etc... But it wouldn't convince me that ALL information displayed could be either real or manipulated. I mailed Candace Frieze (The person who created "Abundant Hope") some time ago, her answer wasn't very informative, though. I would like to stop writing and show you some examples:

By AA Michael, thru Ronna Herman
Aug 5, 2008, 17:16

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Candace: I added a couple little comments in this.
From: Ronna Herman
E-mail: RonnaStar@earthlink .net
Web Site: _www.RonnaStar. com

Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 3:35 PM



ArchAngel Michael: Beloved Masters, many time/event triggers within the Sacred Heart (PUMA/ANU vortex) core of humanity and within the crystalline (PUMA/ANU vortex)construct of the Earth are being activated as ALL Creation within this universal experience moves more rapidly along the spiral of evolutionary ascension. One of the major time triggers for the activation of the eighth-dimensional Infinity Gateway will occur on your calendar date of August 8, 2008 or 8-8-8.

Candace: This is a huge opening, and special gift at this time to help set in place what is to come. This is part of the "wait." This is a "final awakening" of the many awakenings to the star seeds and advancing earth souls. this should help awaken some whom have not awakened yet, or it wasn't time for them to awaken yet.

An important cosmic moment will take place at that time, for the eighth-dimensional portal will be accessible to those of you who are diligently working to balance and harmonize your frequency patterns so that you will be able to integrate the maximum Creator Light during these times of unprecedented opportunity for spiritual growth. By doing so you, the vanguard, are opening and clearing the pathway for those following behind you. Even though there is no linear time in the higher realms, these event triggers are initiated during specific times which are important to humanity and, therefore, will more readily inspire participation and remembrance of the event.

Beginning with the Total Eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Leo on August 1, 2008, humanity and the Earth will experience another cycle of acceleration and expansion of consciousness. There will also be a partial Eclipse of the Moon on August 16, 2008 in Aquarius, the solar sign of the coming Golden Age. August 16th is also the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence which took place 21 years ago in 1987. At that time, many people around the Earth awakened, for a cosmic alarm clock went off which triggered a massive Divine discontent among the Star Seed who came to Earth to be the wayshowers and the advance guard for the ascension process that is now in full swing.

THE FIGURE EIGHT TURNED ON ITS SIDE IS THE INFINITY SIGN OF ETERNAL LIFE and connects you with the brightness and blessings of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. The 8-8-8 Galactic Gateway is being flung open to allow the full measure of Adamantine Particles to flow forth from the heart center of the Supreme Creator via our Father/Mother God. These particles, which are filled with unlimited potential, are being made available for all those who have prepared their human vessels to receive this gift of Life/Light.

It will be of great benefit if you make your preparations now for the 8-8-8 Galactic Gateway activation. It has been called the Lion's gate; however, it could better be called the Royal Gateway, for it is the gateway to your Divine heritage and the true beginning of your return journey to your many mansions in the heavenly realms that you created on your journey into density. You are being prepared to meet and merge with many of the facets of your Higher Self that you left in a multitude of Pyramids of Light throughout this universe.

Those of you on the path are gradually returning to an understanding of universal laws and cosmic truths. As you traverse the path toward enlightenment, you will gradually rectify and eliminate all erroneous concepts from the past that have created your false, creed-bound traditions and your limited reality of scarcity, unworthiness, superstition and fear. Via self-examination, you must develop a new creed of life and decide whether you will follow the path of Light or the path of the shadowlands.

We are asking those of you who have faithfully followed our teachings to join together in the World Pyramid of Light in the highest fifth dimension during this important time. As you unite with your spiritual brothers and sisters from around the world, we ask you to join in a great prayer together: "BELOVED FATHER/MOTHER GOD, I ASK FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD, THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE EARTH AND ALL HUMANITY." Breathe in the LIGHT, and breathe OUT the sacred Adamantine Particles of Creation activated by your unconditional loving energy. "BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE ** BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE." The Infinity Breath exercise will enhance your efforts and increase the personal benefits you will derive; however, it is not necessary for this powerful meditation and prayer to be effective. By doing so, you will radiate forth from your Sacred Heart core the Adamantine Particles of Life/Light that you have drawn forth from the Creator Source, and it will be gathered and magnified one thousand fold.

Candace: I want to add a little note here. I used to do this alot and I forget and it is easy and greatly assists GAIA. The Amatadine particles flow as part of the particles of the Photon belt, and when you breathe them in, and then condition them with heart love before you breathe them out, you greatly enhance them and gift Mother Earth in doing this. When I remember, I do this when doing things like standing in line at Walmarts (a darkened place) and notice that people really do respond to this higher energy. When you go walking, even if to and from your car, do this, try to form a habit of it. It makes YOU feel good too!. Practice it also at work and at home when tensions are flaring. You can't yell and scream yourself, of you let yourself do this and it calms others. And you can send it to those who are far away, it will "travel" wherever you send it. Wrap those whom you have problems with in these "particles."

I sometimes remember to do this when I am feeling down in the dumps, and it's a useful way to get dark little thugs that may hang around to either accept it or leave. I intentionally as I breathe out, picture these spreading a great distance, and you can include in this spreading from time to time of all of the earth. when you do this, to all the Earth, you may feel a bit wagged out afterwards, so do it when you have time to relax, maybe on an evening walk before bedtime.

This blessed elixir will be used to assist humanity and the Earth, it will reinforce the determination and dedication of the righteous, dedicated souls, and will gradually cut off the resources of those who are only interested in power, control and domination of the masses. Also, while in communion with your Father/Mother God, radiate your gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the many blessings that are being bestowed upon you. Not with words, beloveds, but with an outpouring of love from within the core of your Sacred Heart. It is also a most wondrous gift to yourself, for you will know without a doubt that you are connected to the Source of ALL as the love is returned to you in greater and greater measure.

When your Sacred Heart blazes forth with the Living Fire of Adamantine Particles, which are the particles of infinite Creation, you will begin to manifest miracles beyond imagining. When you regain access to this precious Elixir of life and ignite it with your loving intention, all the qualities of God-consciousness begin to flow through you and out into the world of form. The practice of discernment requires the use of the wisdom and the advanced intelligence stored within your Sacred Mind. However, you must not judge those whose truth does not conform with your own.

Discernment is deciding what your personal truth is, which creates the rules and wisdom you are to live by. The mind can be a masterful servant, but without its connection to the Sacred Heart it can be a destructive master. That is why it is imperative that you activate and empower both the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Mind. The ego attracts disharmony and dissatisfaction, and causes you to look outside of yourself for solutions and a state of equilibrium. The ego mind judges and condemns; however, the Sacred Mind requires that you filter information/ knowledge through the Sacred Heart, thereby making the best choices for the greatest good.

Candace: The "Spirit Truth" bestowed on Earth at the time of Pentacost and often called the Holy Spirit by churches, is the gifting of Holy or Sacred Mind to the genetic mind of Earth and to individuals when they have grown out of their ego mind. When you begin to use your mind WITH your heart, you are thus using the Sacred Mind that is being bestowed on this planet by the Holy Spirit, which is Mother God, or Nebadonia. The Spirit of Truth is her gift, which is betowed on a planet after the incarnation of the Bestowal Son, which for us, was Christ Michael. Since the betowal visit was out of the usual order of such for most planets, it has taken some time for this Spirit of Truth to be acknowledged.

Moving from judgment to discernment means making choices via the wisdom of the Sacred Mind and the compassion of the Sacred Heart. This means developing your own creed based upon the truth as you know it and then living that truth to the best of your ability, while allowing others the same right.

Seeking and living your truth is your covenant with our Father/Mother God and it is the path of harmonious and fruitful living. When you separate yourself from the Supreme Creator and the God parents of this universe, you also separate yourself from the flow of Adamantine Particles and diminishes your Life Line to the Source. Beloveds, as you gain self-mastery, you will begin to view life through a filter of love. You will become an observer and a positive interactive force, not a reactor who reinforces or compounds a negative situation that comes your way for your learning. When your prayers are wrapped in the loving energy of your Sacred Heart, they are always answered for your greatest good. Prayers from the ego-self are answered by allowing you to seek your own solution through the filter of your misconceptions, and via the distorted frequency patterns of your inappropriate actions. You must embrace all facets of your God-consciousness.

Do not see the trials and tests in your life as punishment, but as an opportunity to discover the illusion of limitation you have built around you which is keeping you from true freedom of expression and creation. Self-mastery means that you decide what you wish to experience and the path you will follow. You initiate action instead of reacting to circumstances and other people's actions. As a human Being, you must be aware of negative emotions as they arise. Immediately neutralize them through the transformative power of forgiveness.

Many of you on the path are very old souls and are experiencing your last reincarnation on Earth, if you so desire. You have completed your earthly mission and did not need to return, but agreed to do so in order to be a wayshower for your soul families and loved ones. Before incarnating, you agreed to help anchor the higher frequencies of Light needed to assure that the greatest number of souls would be ready and able to take part in the ascension process now in progress. We know who you are. We of the higher realms recognize each of you through your Soul/energy signatures. As your intuitive abilities increase, you will also be able to recognize us through our loving vibrational patterns or our energetic signature.

Once the shield that you have placed over your Solar Power Center is removed and your Sacred Heart is ignited with Adamantine Particles, the beauty of your Soul and the fire of Spirit will always shine through, and your auric field will begin to expand and grow in radiance. You are laying the foundation for higher truths: a new creed for all humankind, a creed of freedom, equality, abundance and peaceful co-existence and, most important, a closer connection with our Father/Mother God and with us.

Beloved sons and daughters of the Light, the glorious gifts and opportunities being offered to you are beyond the comprehension of many of you and the unawakened masses. The information we, the servants of our Mother/Father God, have given you over the past few decades has never been revealed to the masses before. The secret wisdom teachings were reserved for the select few, the initiates and disciples who took an oath to reject their loved ones, all earthly pleasures and possessions. Slowly and laboriously, sometimes over several lifetimes, they dedicated themselves to intense study, deprivation of physical needs, and rigorous training, exercises and initiations.

Many perished or fell by the wayside, for some of the tests were dangerous and beyond the capabilities of all but the most disciplined and hardy souls. Many of you who are fearful and hesitate to move forward on the path of illumination were among those who failed or perished in past initiations. You did not fail, beloveds, for you helped set the stage and open the higher frequency pathways for the miraculous times you are in the midst of presently.

During these unprecedented times, you are not being asked to abandon your family, your possessions or earthly pleasures. In fact, just the opposite is encouraged. As a self-master you must strive to live in both your inner and outer worlds; if you deny either one, you are not fully conscious and you are out of balance. You have not been asked to retreat into a remote sanctuary to gain en-Lighten-ment, but to create a sacred sanctuary, a column of refined frequencies of Light around you, so that no matter where you go, you will take your sacred space with you. You are being offered an opportunity to don your cloak of Light and accept the crown of immortality as you join the ranks of 'ascending masters'.

Candace: For many of you the greatest difficulty has been with family and living both your inner and outer worlds. This can be very frustrating and I have had myself the last 6 weeks go through a process related to keeping this balance between inner and outer worlds. You must stay IN life beloveds, that is what the Mission idea is about. The courage to stay the course, rather than walk away from these challenges in the outer world. It is not easy, I know from personal experience.

Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.

PS, to any of you who might distribute this piece elsewhere, REMOVE my commentary first please. While AA Michael won't mind the commentary, others may. -Candace
Reference: _

As you can read, the global idea is: We will open a galactic gate, so... sit down and wait to "open your eyes". They use some kind of "cosmic riddle" to explain this things. "Adamantine particles" What are exacly? Do they assume that because it sounds like an impressive event we won't any doubt about of it? I mailed Candace a lot of time, demanding explanations but she answered once.


We are asking those of you who have faithfully followed our teachings to join together in the World Pyramid of Light in the highest fifth dimension during this important time. As you unite with your spiritual brothers and sisters from around the world, we ask you to join in a great prayer together: "BELOVED FATHER/MOTHER GOD, I ASK FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD, THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE EARTH AND ALL HUMANITY." Breathe in the LIGHT, and breathe OUT the sacred Adamantine Particles of Creation activated by your unconditional loving energy. "BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE ** BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE." The Infinity Breath exercise will enhance your efforts and increase the personal benefits you will derive; however, it is not necessary for this powerful meditation and prayer to be effective. By doing so, you will radiate forth from your Sacred Heart core the Adamantine Particles of Life/Light that you have drawn forth from the Creator Source, and it will be gathered and magnified one thousand fold.

I didn't get it... but I remarked that sentence. Is that what you call STS?

Candace: I want to add a little note here. I used to do this alot and I forget and it is easy and greatly assists GAIA. The Amatadine particles flow as part of the particles of the Photon belt, and when you breathe them in, and then condition them with heart love before you breathe them out, you greatly enhance them and gift Mother Earth in doing this. When I remember, I do this when doing things like standing in line at Walmarts (a darkened place) and notice that people really do respond to this higher energy. When you go walking, even if to and from your car, do this, try to form a habit of it. It makes YOU feel good too!. Practice it also at work and at home when tensions are flaring. You can't yell and scream yourself, of you let yourself do this and it calms others. And you can send it to those who are far away, it will "travel" wherever you send it. Wrap those whom you have problems with in these "particles."

Photon Belt... any proof of that? they say that the famous "Photon belt" comes from Alcion. (I assume that we all know Alcion). That adamantine particles flow trought it. Once again, what are exactly those "particles"? any reference about it? I didn't find it. Remarked another STS idea. I didn't finish to read ALL that article: it is in english (Sometimes I grow tired of trying to understand all this "mystic riddles" and traslate them). I grow bored to read all the time the same thing: stay in the light, be one with all, connect with our father, etc, etc.

C's said (I don't have the quote right here) that souls that are candidate for 4D will evolve in a natural way in order to reach this new density. It is all natural, like animals are candidate for 3D... anyone did see some dogs or cat meditating to become humans? They just are themselves, they evolve naturally and... humans pass to 4D in the same way? just "waiting and see" like C's said?. If that is true... why should we try to change this reality like Abundant Hope claims in their articles? Political chances, NESARA, "Light Workers" and that things? C's material seems to be more reliable than other information around. They seem impartial, serious and they don't feed our "ego". Anyways, I see that information like more elements of investigation, not a solid truth that I should follow like religion or some extravangt cult.

This website is connected with a lot of similar sites. The most weird thing that they mentioned is something called "Stasis". Stasis is some process that the "Star Fleet" will use in order to sleep THE WHOLE PLANET when the "final changes" arrive:

-Jupiter becoming a sun.
-The reconstruction of the 5° planet between Mars and Jupiter.
-Masive earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and that climatic changes.
-The removal of our ozone cape: this will clean our planet of its pollution.
-The landing of space ships that will bring "beings of light" that will cooperate with "star seeds" (Star seeds are like souls who came for this event from other planets)
-The appareance of the "habitants of the undergrounds".
-Migrate humans to other planets until planet Earth gets rebuilded itself.

I read some articles in your website and C's said that this "habitants of the underground" will replace us all! so... are this people being used by 4D STS to "program" people for the incoming control before the "wave" arrive? I have a lot of doubts... I would like you to help me to analize this "information" to find the lies that hides between "cosmic riddles", real facts and control metods.

I hope this thread could be understood. My english is so bad... :cry:

Atte. Alejandro.​
Re: Some sites that I visited early.

Cyrus Wallace said:
First, I didn't know where to post this, I realized that it would be better to post them here, since their "information" is quite weird. I would like to show you some sites that I escaped since their information became strange and it didn't make sense at all. Maybe I didn't understand this "info" at all, who knows? Want to share them with you so you could give your own impression:

You posted it at the right place.

Since we are talking about Cointelpro, i deactivated your links.
Re: Some sites that I visited early.


Thanks, Namaste, I didn´t know that. I know that that article was not as deep as many ones written on this forum, but with my knowledge on english, I do what I can. :(

Thanks anyways for those who read it. :)

PD: Sorry if I answered late, everytime I've tried to answer this post, my internet were failing. Call it destiny or pure bad luck, but at last I did it. :shock:

Take care.​
Re: Some sites that I visited early.

Yes it is COINTELPRO (which means it contains a mixture of truth and lies, with the lies being at the crucial points). The ONLY thing I can see that seems to resonate with what the C's have said is the part about massive earth/climate changes and "Jupiter becoming a sun". This latter observation is interesting because I recall the C's saying that the Wave will cause the planets to change their structure and appearance. Apparently Jupiter and Saturn only appear as gas giants from our 3D perspective, but in 4D, they are Earth-like planets. In 5D, Jupiter and Saturn appear as stars (or suns). With the passage of the Wave, Earth will supposedly become like Jupiter is now (a gas giant), but this will only be true to those in 3D. This is equivalent to Earth transitioning to 4D, where it will remain Earth-like.
Re: Some sites that I visited early.


3D Resident said:
Yes it is COINTELPRO (which means it contains a mixture of truth and lies, with the lies being at the crucial points). The ONLY thing I can see that seems to resonate with what the C's have said is the part about massive earth/climate changes and "Jupiter becoming a sun". This latter observation is interesting because I recall the C's saying that the Wave will cause the planets to change their structure and appearance. Apparently Jupiter and Saturn only appear as gas giants from our 3D perspective, but in 4D, they are Earth-like planets. In 5D, Jupiter and Saturn appear as stars (or suns). With the passage of the Wave, Earth will supposedly become like Jupiter is now (a gas giant), but this will only be true to those in 3D. This is equivalent to Earth transitioning to 4D, where it will remain Earth-like.

Thanks for you opinion, 3D resident. I was thinking about it and realize that "Jupiter becoming a sun" is not what will happen actually because, as C's said, Jupiter looks like a sun in higher densities. Wich means that who made this transition to 4D and then to 5D, will see a different Jupiter from the planet who recall from their previous density. That will create the sensation of a huge change in their "reality" when only they just passed to another "realm" where things obviously will look different. I have to remember that it is not the first time that the Wave arrives our solar system, it is a cycle. I wonder how was our solar system before the first Wave arrived. I wonder if people who are candidate to 4D will keep their memories when they make their transition.

But, if I think using C's material...

3D Resident said:
With the passage of the Wave, Earth will supposedly become like Jupiter is now (a gas giant), but this will only be true to those in 3D. This is equivalent to Earth transitioning to 4D, where it will remain Earth-like.

This could be an explanation:

Session: 080997

Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!

A: The alternative is less appetising.

Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!

A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...

Q: Why is the sky glowing red?

A: Contemplate.

Q: Of course! Comet dust! Sure, everybody knows THAT!

It planet Earth will become like Jupiter is now in 3D, that "glowing red sky" could be the reason of that. But, maybe I'm wrong.

Take care.​
Re: Some sites that I visited early.

Cyrus Wallace said:
I was thinking about it and realize that "Jupiter becoming a sun" is not what will happen actually because, as C's said, Jupiter looks like a sun in higher densities. Wich means that who made this transition to 4D and then to 5D, will see a different Jupiter from the planet who recall from their previous density. That will create the sensation of a huge change in their "reality" when only they just passed to another "realm" where things obviously will look different. I have to remember that it is not the first time that the Wave arrives our solar system, it is a cycle. I wonder how was our solar system before the first Wave arrived. I wonder if people who are candidate to 4D will keep their memories when they make their transition.

Hi 3D resident and Cyrus, the idea seems to be related to our perception and awareness - not so much the planets changing in structure as the Wave moves through. Apparently, the reason Jupiter looks like a 'painting' to us now is because, as the C's put it,

A: If that is what they are saying , but remember, Jupiter, Saturn and others resonate to vibrational levels greater than Earth. You are looking directly at density 4 when you view Jupiter, which is why photos of it from up close appear "surreal," more like drawings.


A: Jupiter is already a star.
Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?
A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.
Q: (F) How the hell can that be? (L) If a planet...
A: Every thing cycles fully.
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."
Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what level?
A: 5, 6, and 7.
Q: (T) What does it look like in 4th?
A: Earth.

- so it is not a matter of 'planets changing in structure' - it is a matter of our perception and awareness changing so we see the planets and everything as they are, according to our (hopefully) increased awareness. At least this is my current understanding.
Re: Some sites that I visited early.

For a long time, I have been investigating and searching web sites that may consider abundanthope as a new age destructive cult, but i have not find anything..

As I have lost some members of my family as a result of the ideas and brain wash of this web site, i would like to know other comments from people who might have been affected or influenced negatively.


Re: Some sites that I visited early.

bcr said:
For a long time, I have been investigating and searching web sites that may consider abundanthope as a new age destructive cult, but i have not find anything..

As I have lost some members of my family as a result of the ideas and brain wash of this web site, i would like to know other comments from people who might have been affected or influenced negatively.



Hi bcr and welcome to the Forum. You can post an introduction post here and tell us a bit about yourself.
Re: Some sites that I visited early.

bcr said:
For a long time, I have been investigating and searching web sites that may consider abundanthope as a new age destructive cult, but i have not find anything..

As I have lost some members of my family as a result of the ideas and brain wash of this web site, i would like to know other comments from people who might have been affected or influenced negatively.



Hi bcr,

Welcome to this forum.

Since you seem a bit familiar with it because you lost some members of your family, could you explain to the members of this forum, what it is exactly and why you think it is " a new age destructive cult".
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