Something is going on while detoxing

Al Today

The Living Force
The pain meds are out I hope. The damage has been done, with missing memories, but I can account for the time.

1) As I said before, the more toxins leaving my body, the cocoon wrapped around me is melting, Probably still melting. am beginning to "feel" AGAIN a part of the life that surrounds us all. People are getting easier to "read". I had lost all this.

2) The ringing in my ears seem more intense, sometimes with faint whisperings. I just tell 'em I hear them and don't really care. Then they subside. Experience the moment with No Anticipation nor logic. This is not ALL the time. Seems at times when I need to make some sort of decision... Somewhere in the transcripts, there is a discussion of the meaning of the ringing left side ear versus right side of ear. Could anyone point that out? May have been in a couple places.

3) Seeing more old schtuff again. usually violet geometric phantoms. I ignore them and try to make no reason for them because I don't know what thy are. Sometimes they are like diamond prism reflections, spinning, and sometimes interfear with my vision. Once I was told those sparklies may be a prelude to an aneurysm. And again, Experience the moment with No Anticipation nor logic.

4) Today was unusual. On my commute, ahead were faint white orbs moving about. I was driving where one must be aware that a flock of deer may catapult over the road at any moment.

Either the veil is thinning or detox is not complete and I'm still ultra mega chemically imbalanced...

edit and more: Something I see flitters out in my peripheral vision. I stay still, they stay. Any attempt/movement to "see" better, they vanish...

edit: flock of deer - mirth- get it.?.?.?
Hi Al, I used to get the ringing in the ear quite a bit too, but I can't even recall the last time I experienced it. I too would be interested in learning what that means, but I think it was related to implants and 4d sts monitoring. Not sure about the left and right thing though!

I have seen loads of mad stuff over the years, and finally now I realise that mostly it was due to my brain chemistry being seriously out of whack. I'd say try not to worry about it, but from personal experience I know this is easier said than done. A cheery optimistic disposition has got to be the way forward for me, and you have always sounded that kind of person whenever I've read you on the forum so far.

I am trying to detox currently also, and because of lapses over the Nov/Dec, I know I've really got a loooong way to go personally. I think it is a really slow process for most of us, because toxins stay in the body for months and months.

All the very best of luck dude, keep on going, and watch out for those deer!
I found two C's references regarding ear ringing:
Skipling said:
I think it is a really slow process for most of us, because toxins stay in the body for months and months.

All the very best of luck dude, keep on going, and watch out for those deer!

Yep, once the commitment is made we must TRY to do our best. When we fall, we get back up and see what triggered the fall. Above all, intent in the heart and heavy work to those ends, MUST count for something.
I can't explain but I "feel" damaged in the mind. A couple years of blown wiring is gonna take some time to rewire.

Those deer could have been those pesky saber tooth deer from a 4D bleed throughs...

Being kicked out of the pain management place, I have NO narcs. I will not buy the over the county garbage where the side affects are worse that the symptoms. People like us are just simply wired different in being able to grow tolerance quickly. Some how this genetic trait must have a redeeming value, but I dunno what... Off the top of my head I think of more fight than flight syndrome. But alas, the med community doesn't like people like us, so I get kicked out. To live in pain, while others receive comfort. No Dr want to take time to really get to know the patient, see how they tick, and perhaps formulate a plan. But noooooo, ain't gonna happen.
To much WORK...
Thanks truth seeker. Interesting read.

As a child, I thought I could hear "things" most people don't. I quickly learned to say nothing about what I heard or seen. Doctors found nothing wrong, no tinnitus. Always had sensitive hearing. Through life I've heard things I cannot understand.
Avoiding noise here just to say, don't overanalyse these oddities. Enjoy them with no anticipation. Unless a big ole YETI is standing in the middle of the road...
Al Today said:
Being kicked out of the pain management place, I have NO narcs. I will not buy the over the county garbage where the side affects are worse that the symptoms. People like us are just simply wired different in being able to grow tolerance quickly. Some how this genetic trait must have a redeeming value, but I dunno what... Off the top of my head I think of more fight than flight syndrome. But alas, the med community doesn't like people like us, so I get kicked out. To live in pain, while others receive comfort. No Dr want to take time to really get to know the patient, see how they tick, and perhaps formulate a plan. But noooooo, ain't gonna happen.
To much WORK...

Al, it still sounds like you're blaming the doctors instead of blaming your abuse of the medication. I don't think this is the most healthy thing in the world to do. Are you aware that's what you're doing? What the doctors did was simple cause and effect. Your abuse of the medication was the cause. It also sounds like you think high tolerance to meds is something special or unique - it's not - that's why they're addictive, tolerance always increases with increased use - again, cause and effect and not something unique.
Skipling said:
Hi Al, I used to get the ringing in the ear quite a bit too, but I can't even recall the last time I experienced it. I too would be interested in learning what that means, but I think it was related to implants and 4d sts monitoring. Not sure about the left and right thing though!

I have seen loads of mad stuff over the years, and finally now I realise that mostly it was due to my brain chemistry being seriously out of whack. I'd say try not to worry about it, but from personal experience I know this is easier said than done.

Just fwiw, I also get ear ringing (varies from left to right, and either short or long) from time to time, sometimes it can be completely gone for a period and sometimes quite repetitive. Have no idea what are the real reasons or causes, but what I noticed (during periods when there was no ringing) that it usually happens when either my brain chemistry is somehow out of balance or I am running a program, or acting according to a sort of "detrimental to self" programming. So today I approach the ringing as bells or alarms going off (or a warning that I am playing someone else's tune) and try to pay attention or ask myself what's going on.

Here are two relevant excerpts, again, fwiw.

Q: (L) My husband wants to know why his ears have been ringing constantly?
A: Lizard move.
Q: (L) Why is this Lizard move causing his ears to ring?
A: They concentrate on those who are not protected or less protected by knowledge.
Q: (L) What can he do to stop this?
A: Open mind then learn.
Q: (L) And if he doesn't, what would be the result?
A: Further attack.

Also, it would be best not to concentrate on the part of the attack from 4d or whatever (because it would probably only make one more open to the 'out of tune' looping, but to concentrate on getting the brain chemistry balanced and patching up inner vulnerabilities that caused the breach in the first place.

Q: (T) I don't know if this has been addressed before, but what are some possible causes of intermittent ear ringing? (C) I have some theories about it
but I want to know if my theories are correct.
A: Monitoring as well as picking up programming signals and also some background "universe" noise.
Q: (C) The reason we ask is because I've noticed a pattern. I even keep a log about it now because it's so weird. I personally get ear ringing when it
seems like I'm talking to somebody out loud or to myself about a theory about something that has to do with matrix stuff. (L) So you're being monitored?
(C) Right. So any time it seems like I'm having a breakthrough thought - you know drones, the matrix, the programs, holographic inserts - all of the
sudden I'll get like an ear ringing. Sometimes the left, sometimes the right, but I'm trying to find out what the pattern is. So I'm keeping track of it. (T)
What process is responsible for creating the actual ringing noise?
A: Partly "interpretation" by neural processes that, at some level, recognize the potential and issue symptomatic warning.

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