Song to Cassiopeia


The Force is Strong With This One
Song to Cassiopeia

We are going through changes have you felt it?
The road seems to be turning over
And we're losing what we know of time
We'll say goodbye to our families we don't know if one of us will come back
Five stars announce the inevitable but they will accompany us
Where will we go with that journey
It will be decided if the changes are good or bad
It will be decided where you'll be when it happens
But don't forget Cassiopeia accompanies us
As Athena encourages us to take that last step
Walk together
And we can move forward
A free spirit an invincible soul
The last fight that decides
Where we will go on...
We'll watch the sun don't forget
There's no time left
The Wave is coming
The Earth trembles the changes are strong...
But if we stay together
We will discover the truth of the world and of the cosmos.
Comrades, sisters do not forget that we are not alone that we have a good star to guide us.
We have courage
We have faith
Cassiopeia remains
We remain with her.
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