The Living Force
Yesterday evening a violent deflagration was heard in a wide area in the southern part of Belgium, people panicked because the walls, windows and ground were shaking.
Helloooo comets !!
The official explanation explains that two F-16 jet-fighters were flying so fast and so low that they triggered a sonic boom, they said exactly the same BS a few years ago when the same kind of explosion was heard over Brussels.
I haven't read or heard anyone talk that they saw any planes so far.
I find this interesting but without knowing what it means, that yesterday there was a new "terrorist threat" arrest and as of today this is one of the last chance of discussion for Belgium to form a gouvernement without going back to the voting booths.
Helloooo comets !!
The official explanation explains that two F-16 jet-fighters were flying so fast and so low that they triggered a sonic boom, they said exactly the same BS a few years ago when the same kind of explosion was heard over Brussels.
I haven't read or heard anyone talk that they saw any planes so far.
I find this interesting but without knowing what it means, that yesterday there was a new "terrorist threat" arrest and as of today this is one of the last chance of discussion for Belgium to form a gouvernement without going back to the voting booths.
French article said:CHARLEROI Une violente déflagration a secoué la région de Charleroi, ce mardi soir, faisant trembler les murs de nombreuses habitations. Ressentie à des kilomètres à la ronde, la secousse a mis en émoi de nombreux riverains, qui ont aussitôt submergé le central téléphonique des pompiers.
L’explosion était si puissante que certains pensaient que son origine se trouvait dans les parages de leur domicile, voire carrément dans leur cave, comme ce fut le cas à la chaussée de Lodelinsart, à Gilly. Ces multiples rumeurs ont amené les sapeurs à lancer trois escouades complètes sur le terrain : l’une vers Gilly, une autre vers Montigny-le-Tilleul et la dernière en direction des entreprises Cometsambre de Châtelet. Mais aucune des équipes n’a pu trouver l’origine de la déflagration. Et pour cause, celle-ci venait… du ciel ! Deux F-16 qui effectuaient des exercices un peu trop en rase-mottes ont franchi simultanément le mur du son.