Sonoma University / Study / Electromagnetic Weapons


A Disturbance in the Force
Dec 15 2006

Sonoma University / Study / Electromagnetic Weapons

Radiowaves As Weapons

Neurological Weapons

Microwave Weapons

Electronic Harassment

This report makes references to the

U.S. Intelligence Community or the U.S. Government.

I don't think thats the "big" problem.

Looks like this is some type of "worldwide" problem.

I am now researching laws in Canada.

"Project Censored"

A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations

......and Continuing Research in "Electromagnetic Weapons."

Located here :


"Print out" .pdf file

Completed December 2006

Sonoma State University

Project Censored

Media Freedom Foundation

Peter Philips

Lew Brown

Bridget Thorton



1801 East Cotati Ave
Rohnert Park, CA 94928


Gerry Duffett

Toronto / Ontario / Canada


University of Pennsylvania

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience

Neuroethics Publications

Electronic Harassment

Microwave Harassment

Neurological Weapons


DARPA ................On Your Mind


Jonathan Moreno,

University of Pennsylvania

Download the Document



Think your brain is being controlled or disrupted by the Pentagon ?

You risk being called a nut,

but the notion is not so far-fetched.

Current research at the

............intersection of

neuroscience and national security

might one day produce weapons that literally


or, if desired,


the mind.

This would give us unprecedented war-fighting superiority as well as a set of

............ethical dilemmas

that could make

genetically-modified-organism issues

............pale in comparison.


05 April 2007

Download the Document



Journal Article

PDF format - 115 K

01 September 2004

Reprinted from Cerebrum, Volume 6, Issue 4, Fall 2004, pages 92-100.

Publisher URL:

Exploitation Of Millimeter Waves For

Thru Wall Surveillance

During Military Operations

In Urban Terrain

Download pdf file here :



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Royal Military College of Canada

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Gerry, I'm not certain why you posted four posts in a row when one longer post would have sufficed. You also have not discussed any of this material - just posted brief excerpts and links - which could be considered spamming, which is not allowed in this forum. Also, you have linked to the 'whale' website which has been proven to be largely disinformation previously on this forum - please search the word 'whale' for more information on that.

In short, your introductory posts on this forum do not bode well - could you please take the time to explain your point clearly - it is externally considerate to do so and abides by the rules and spirit of this forum.

I am currently looking for information about

"radio frequency weapons"

I believe this type of technology was used to make me sick in

1996 into 1997 in my workplace in Toronto.

Here is one of my original postings :

January 11 2004

Gangstalking / Workplace Mobbing

Here is a copy of a letter I sent to the Toronto Sun newspaper about an article that was published.

This incident that happened to me is an odd health and safety issue.

Here is a situation where a union might have made a difference.

I will be sending more letters to various groups in the up coming year.

Hi Mr Margolis.

I found your article about Edwin P. Wilson all too frightening and hits me personally way too close to home.

I was working at Harper Detroit Diesel in Toronto

Now called

Harper Power Products

10 Diesel Drive, Toronto, ON M8W 2T8

Tel: 416-259-3281

Toll-Free: 1-800-6HARPER

Main Fax: 416-259-1863

Sales Fax: 416-259-4438,,,

and one of my co workers or somebody in my customer base or the competition started poisoning my food over a period of months.

I also believe some type of "radiation devices" were used to make me sick.

I almost died.

I had worked in the diesel generator industry for twenty two years as a field service technician at a variety of dealers and distributors based mostly out of the Toronto area.

In this position I worked in and around all types of generator set applications such as apartment buildings, schools, retail stores, hospitals, marine units, data centres, airports, telephone switching centres, or just about anywhere you would find a generator set.

This position also took me into a lot of high security buildings or buildings that you don't need to know exist.

Some of the customers I have dealt with include Metropolitan Toronto Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, the R.C.M.P., Bell Canada, Transport Canada, Navigation Canada, Public Works Canada, Department of National Defence, the Ontario Realty Corporation, Nexacor Realty, AT&T, Cantel, C.I.D.A., External Affairs and many, many more.

I did quite a bit of work on high security micro wave and fibre optics communication links all around North America.

This is where this poisoning comes from.

One person I worked 15 yrs with on these systems, who I had not seen in 4 yrs, called me at home one night in the middle of this series of poisonings, who I didn't even know had my home phone number and asked "aren't you dead yet".

I wound up on the West Coast of Canada standing in a parking lot with what were suppose to be Chinese Nationals from F.E.T.A.C. being photographed by the R.C.M.P. as part of a smear campaign.

The worst part of all of this is Gerry Duffett almost died, thats me.

The next worst part of all of this, is this is my tax dollars paying these freaks.

I wonder how many times a day this goes on.

I still don't know who poisoned me.

I was off work for almost one year.

I can now 5 yrs later barely hold a full time job.

The harassment in my work place is unbelievable as far as off colour and snide comments about my mental health.

There is much more to the story.

Thank you.

Gerry Duffett.




Just in the last couple of years a new fibre optics system was installed in Ontario to link all the power generation stations to one central control centre code named Ledcor.

Don't tell anybody you know that, somebody might try to kill you.
Electromagnetic Weapons / Neurological Weapons / .pdf Links

Electronic Harassment

Microwave Harassment

Radio Waves as Weapons

Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation / Julianne McKinney


Security Limits / Compromising Emanations / Markus G. Kuhn / University of Cambridge


Bio Effects / Non Lethal Weapons / U.S. Army / Donald Friedman


Darpa On Your Mind / Jonathan D. Moreno


Sonoma University / Peter Philips / Lew Brown / Bridget Thorton


Royal Military College / Canada / Major G.J. Burton / Major G.P Ohlke


The Militarization Of Neuroscience / Hugh Gusterson


Electronic Harassment Effects / Eleanor White


Neurology And Mind Control / Terilyn Lee Johnson


The Challenge Of Exotic Weapons / Canada / Cris McHale


State Sponsored Terrorism / Mark M. Rich


The Code Of The Brain / Cheryl Welsh


Gerry Duffett

Toronto / Ontario / Canada


Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Most Important Lawsuit In US History

And One So Disturbing

That 17 Years After It Was Filed

It Has Still Yet To Be Heard

John StClair Akwei v.s. N.S.A / Civil Action 92-0449

See it here:



James F. Marino

Located here :


Having access to the following information, yet failing to share it with others will only make you an accomplice to this government's crimes against humanity.

The NSA & Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)

The Above Decal Should Be On The Rear Bumper Of Your Automobile.

In fact, given its tremendous importance globally, documenting how the unique bio-electromagnetic field around each of our bodies can be used by the NSA as a tracking device to spy on us 24 hours a day,

AKWEI VS NSA should be on the rear bumper of every automobile on this planet:

"NSA Agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using RNM) any individual spotted in public whom is in contact with the surveillance subject.

RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere in the U.S.

This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security, and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare.

NSA's RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals

and can send messages through the nervous system to affect their performance.

The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs

(such as sleeping gas or brainwashing aiding drugs).

This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology.

Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains

and identify/track individuals by using digital computers.

ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain)

via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects."

Former NSA Operative John St. Clair Akwei

John St. Clair Akwei's Lawsuit Against The NSA For Illegally Satellite Tracking Americans

& Our Fellow Brothers & Sisters Around This Planet

John St. Clair Akwei VS The NSA, Fort George Meade, Maryland

John StClair Akwei v.s. N.S.A / Civil Action 92-0449

See it here:


posted by James F. Marino at 9:10 AM

Located here :


Gerry Duffett

Toronto / Ontario / Canada


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