South Atlantic Magnetic Field Anomaly


The Living Force
Hi everyone,

Aside from satellites having problems in the South Atlantic and South America region due to the weaker magnetic field there letting through more of the solar wind and cosmic particles, are there also any positive or negative effects on the people living in that area? Maybe less protection against radiation or even some deeper effects on people? I happen to live right at its center in Paraguay.


The C's mentioned that UFOs avoid the area, so I guess that can be counted among the positive effects:

Session Date: April 13th 2024

(L) Isn't there some place in the South Atlantic where the Earth's crust is very thin or something, like an opening or something there? Is that related in any way?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) There's also supposed to be, I think, an anomaly in the Earth's electromagnetic field in that area, too.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with UFOs and underground bases?

A: No. They avoid the area.

Apparently this magnetic anomaly has been appearing and disappearing for a long time. It is moving around and now maybe splitting into two:

While there's much scientists still don't fully understand about the anomaly and its implications, new insights are continually shedding light on this strange phenomenon.

For example, one study led by NASA heliophysicist Ashley Greeley in 2016 revealed the SAA slowly drifts around, which was confirmed by subsequent tracking from CubeSats in research published in 2021.

It's not just moving, however. Even more remarkably, the phenomenon seems to be in the process of splitting in two, with researchers in 2020 discovering that the SAA appeared to be dividing into two distinct cells, each representing a separate center of minimum magnetic intensity within the greater anomaly.

Just what that means for the future of the SAA remains unknown, but in any case, there's evidence to suggest that the anomaly is not a new appearance.

A study published in July 2020 suggested the phenomenon is not a freak event of recent times, but a recurrent magnetic event that may have affected Earth since as far back as 11 million years ago.

If so, that could signal that the South Atlantic Anomaly is not a trigger or precursor to the entire planet's magnetic field flipping, which is something that actually happens, if not for hundreds of thousands of years at a time.

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