Spare the rod and spoil the child.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The Spanish expression “the letter with blood gets in” meaning a lesson learnt through blood/pain is not one quickly forgotten. In English would be “Spare the rod and spoil the child” or “No pain, no gain”. Not sure. Excuse, my English.

I try to think in a Just World, where no abuse of anybody and I can't. It seems impossible that all beings can one day reach this point.

What hurts me most is the pain of these children; these children tortured, raped and murdered along the history of this planet.

Can we get one day to a world where there isn't abuse of children?

It seems that SAO is the only way out. If all we care about others always, no one would abuse anyone.

I try to be a being SAO, but really it is very difficult, but I've decided I want to be SAO if it's the only way for a just world. I suffered a lot, I have seen much suffering in the world and if the path SAO is the only one who can end the suffering, I assume it with all its consequences. I try to be SAO, even if it means destroying my desires, my dreams, my fantasies...

All demons, all dragons, all monsters, all psychopaths, the end of the game, after many lifetimes of suffering, all will pray belong the world SAO.

Much suffering we are going to pour down the road… But the method seems foolproof.

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

I share these thoughts with you because I would like to know your opinions. Maybe I'm not understanding what the C's say.
OrangeScorpion said:
The Spanish expression “the letter with blood gets in” meaning a lesson learnt through blood/pain is not one quickly forgotten. In English would be “Spare the rod and spoil the child” or “No pain, no gain”. Not sure. Excuse, my English.

I try to think in a Just World, where no abuse of anybody and I can't. It seems impossible that all beings can one day reach this point.

Well at this point yes because a majority of people are ignorant about them being STS, being pathocratic/narcissistic, and probably don't even believe psychopaths exist in their everyday lives- let a lone at many levels of government, etc...

We are STS in this life, because at some level we chose it, but there is no saying that at some level we can't choose to change our frequency resonance vibration (FRV) towards STO. And that will come through hard work and as you say "no pain no gain".

OrangeScorpion said:
What hurts me most is the pain of these children; these children tortured, raped and murdered along the history of this planet.

This is a very touchy subject for a lot of people including myself. I still have a lot of trouble looking at pictures from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa. But I try to tell myself that at a deep level those kids and people chose their lesson profile and maybe are even relieving karma from past lives. Things are very complicated if looked at on a deeper level, but it helps...

OrangeScorpion said:
Can we get one day to a world where there isn't abuse of children?

Of course... or at least I'd like to think so. But that world seems very far away right now and it will take a LOT of work on the self, and the awakening of the masses to achieve.

OrangeScorpion said:
It seems that SAO is the only way out. If all we care about others always, no one would abuse anyone.

I'm going to assume SAO is a typo here for STO :P

OrangeScorpion said:
I try to be a being SAO, but really it is very difficult, but I've decided I want to be SAO if it's the only way for a just world. I suffered a lot, I have seen much suffering in the world and if the path SAO is the only one who can end the suffering, I assume it with all its consequences. I try to be SAO, even if it means destroying my desires, my dreams, my fantasies...

Yes, trying to be STO in the world of STS can be a very painful thing. But it is just that, that will pave the way to one day reaching/making the world of STO. But first thing is to change our own FRV through gaining knowledge, detoxing our bodies, doing EE to detoxify the mind as well, and spreading the knowledge about psychopathy etc.. so that others who are asking can also begin to change their FRV.

OrangeScorpion said:
All demons, all dragons, all monsters, all psychopaths, the end of the game, after many lifetimes of suffering, all will pray belong the world SAO.

I'm not sure about this. After all, the Universe has a place for all ideologies, both STS and STO. For without darkness, how can we see light?
Though I think the C's do mention something about STS being a 'reflection' in 6th density. (I have to check that out again in the transcripts) but that's a long, long way away. In 4th density there are STS, and they would never want to belong to STO- that's why they are STS... osit.

Have you read this thread? It may interest you, since it's basically about how to try our best to create that ideal world... but there are a lot of problems to solve in doing so.
Nice answer Deedlet, Big problem in " Macho cultures "...This week a 2 year child was beaten and killed by his mothers boyfriend and beat him "till his hands hurt"...Last week a similar incident was repeated... sadly I saw the same things happening during the Fifties, sixties, and the seventies. Light sentences and slap on the wrists were their punishments. The disgusts and sadness among my colleagues who could not comprehend what was happening around them, and the anguish that these children were given back to families who apparently did not want them, but kept them so that they could stay in the "Welfare" system was heart breaking...Deelets answer seems logical but it is still a shame...all these years you hear the same rhetoric of what the "Politician's will do to alleviate this problem"...still the same...seems Psychopaths rule
anart said:
Deedlet said:
I'm going to assume SAO is a typo here for STO :P

It's not a typo, really - it's the Spanish way to write it.

Yes, I meant STO, I mistook Spanish. Thanks Anart. :-[

Deedlet said:
We are STS in this life, because at some level we chose it, but there is no saying that at some level we can't choose to change our frequency resonance vibration (FRV) towards STO. And that will come through hard work and as you say "no pain no gain".

OrangeScorpion said:
All demons, all dragons, all monsters, all psychopaths, the end of the game, after many lifetimes of suffering, all will pray belong the world SAO.

I'm not sure about this. After all, the Universe has a place for all ideologies, both STS and STO. For without darkness, how can we see light?
Though I think the C's do mention something about STS being a 'reflection' in 6th density. (I have to check that out again in the transcripts) but that's a long, long way away. In 4th density there are STS, and they would never want to belong to STO- that's why they are STS... osit.

Deedlet Thanks for your feedback. I understood. STS is necessary. ;)

I wonder if someday STS beings of the 4th density might become STO.
Maybe after the end of their lives in the 4th density, I remember that the end of STS beings is a black hole and then re-start in the 1ª density, maybe then they decide to change at any time of its incarnations. It suffers so very both the 2nd and 3rd densities that I think there comes a time when the soul assumes that there is only one exit, STO.

I need to understand why so much suffering, and perhaps is a simple and immature explanation, but it seems consistent understand "all the game", of all densities, as a "great lesson": that all souls voluntarily accept the way STO, assuming its consequences... osit.

Deedlet said:
Have you read this thread? It may interest you, since it's basically about how to try our best to create that ideal world... but there are a lot of problems to solve in doing so.

Yes, it is very interesting. I'm translating it slowly because there are many messages.
OrangeScorpion said:
I wonder if someday STS beings of the 4th density might become STO.

This question was asked during a session and the answer was positive:

session 950114 said:
Q: (T) Once you are in 4th density, if you choose STS, can you change it to STO?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So you can move back and forth as you so desire and it is all still free will?
A: If you move from STS to STO in 4th level, you don't move back.
Q: (T) Once you are STS in 4th density you have to stay there? (L) No. (J) If you move from STS to STO in 4th density you don't go back to STS, you stay at STO, is
that correct? (T) That's what I mean, once you have decided to do STO, that's where you stay because you don't have any desire to go back to STS?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, it is not so much that you don't have a choice; it is just that you don't want to go back to STS?
A: Yes.

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