Spiral dream


A Disturbance in the Force
This is my first thread and i have to say hello to everyone. I read some of the topics and I might say there's a lot of usefull information here and I quite had the feeling I'm on the right place.
I had an experience about 1-2 months ago. You know those moments at night when you change your position and maybe you wake up for a few seconds. So I did and turn with my face up and in front of my face there was something like a screen and inside the screen a black smoke spiral. It was a spiral in as I just found out. Some other little screens were entering this spiral inside the big screen. As i saw this I realized that I wasnt dreaming so I somehow tried to be aware of my body, and realized I cant move but I wasnt afraid at all because the image was somehow relaxing. Only problem was I couldnt figure if my eyes were closed or not. So I opened them and saw the ceiling and closed them back so I wont lose the vision. When I closed them back the spiral was gone, instead I saw a net of lights (dont think i seen something that beatiful...) which lasted for a couple of seconds and then I was fully awake.
Well I dont know much about spirals and dreams so maybe sombody could help me and at least tell me if its dangerous or something. With a month or so before the experience contacted the Mother so maybe its related.
I also want to appologize for my eventuals grammar mistakes.
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