Spirit of Fighting Bob resurrected on Wisconsin WAVE site


Jedi Master
Most Americans are unaware of the enormous contributions that "Fighting" Bob LaFollette made toward workers rights, voters' rights and election reform, not just locally but nationally, as well. I certainly don't recall learning about any of his accomplishments in High School or College and I've lived in WI since the mid 70's, but given the current political climate, that isn't surprising because he was "arguably the most important and recognized leader of the opposition to the growing dominance of corporations over the Government" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._La_Follette,_Sr.

Fighting Bob Fest is held in northern Wisconsin every Spring. Last year, in hopes of getting our nation's ONLY progressive Senator, Russ Feingold, re-elected, it was renamed Fighting Russ Fest. The Fest has included familiar names such as Naomi Klein, Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, and many others. What a blow to have him defeated last Fall by Koch backed millionaire Ron Johnson (R). Having witnessed so much of the divide and conquer rhetoric during the election campaigns, and currently, makes me recall the C's transcript regarding Hermes Trismegestis:

Quote from: 941016
Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus?
A: Traitor to court of Pharaoh Rana.
Q: (L) Who is Pharaoh Rana?
A: Egyptian leader of spiritual covenant.
Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor?
A: Broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East.
Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?
A: Himself; was power hungry.
Q: (L) What acts did he do?
A: Broke covenant; he inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans, and Persians et cetera.
Q: (L) What was his purpose in doing this?
A: Divide and conquer as inspired by those referred to as Brotherhood in Bramley book you have read.
Q: (L) Is this the Brotherhood of the snake Hermes formed in rejection of unity?
A: Hermes did not form it; it was long since in existence.

The saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same" painfully comes to light when reviewing the accomplishments of Fighting Bob and how the gains of that movement are swiftly being eroded. (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._La_Follette,_Sr. ) In the grand scheme of things, the Wisconsin protest may seem like trying to fight a house fire after it has already been engulfed by flames, but it seems to fit in with "Waking up the World" campaign... waking up the sleeping sheep to the tactics of the "Evil Magician". Walker's ego-inspired chatty expose' with Ian Murphy (posing as Koch) certainly catapulted the campaign across the aisle. http://www.buffalobeast.com/?p=5045

So, it was interesting to be listening to local news this morning and learn about a nonpartisan citizens action site called Wisconsin WAVE calling for a wave of resistance "Against Corporatization and Austerity and for Democracy and Shared Prosperity" http://wisconsinwave.org/ The name itself is significant given the vast scope of information this site has offered up on the approaching WAVE and the importance of awareness. Maybe this is a Signs of the Times that the Wake Up the World campaign is gaining speed (?).
When we say we can learn at anytime and anywhere, well it's true. All I knew from Hermes Trismegitus was that he was a respected alchimist, I only heard good thing about this guy. And there it is said that he ws a traitor...Interesting...
The more things change, the more they stay the same this saying often comes to my mind.

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