squabbling neighbors

The rabbit

The Cosmic Force
Dont even know whether i shoul even post this , it doesnt seem to be important .

It seems I´ve made an enemy. The other day while taking a break from work , i was sitting having a cigarette and cup of tea and looking out of new windos put in. There use to be a barn type door were windows are now.

Anyways a neighbor walked past with his lovely yorkshire terier , a bred of dog i like very much.


The man had his dog on one of those release cord type leads and he lengthened it to let the dog trespass onto the land to take a leak or something.I saw the legs go back and forth in the kicking mode to cover up what it had done.

The next day i had been cornered by the local jehovas witness team , who continued to quote verse at me while i was up the scaffolding working. The man with terrier came by again and allowed the dog to go through the same process.

I shouted out quite audibly as to be heard that he should not let his dog do its thingies on this land , and that he lived only 10 seconds away and maybe he could do it on his own doorstep.

I said this in English and he is German,

He got the message though.

Today while i was up the scaffolding he came past with his terrier and the man was wearing large headphones and cursing me loudly. I asked hom if he had something to say , but it was pointles his tactics was to wear these headphones and curse loudly and not look at me.

Strange behaviour.

The thing is , before this we use to say hello , and i would give some friendly attention to the terrier and everything was fine-.

So i dont know where this one will lead to in such a small village , i keep smiling over his headphones tactic.

I´m thinking of writing a letter in Danish , he probably speaks it , saying that i have no problem with his dog or him , only that my young son will be playing about in this area and droppings carry virus which could be dangerous.

Im hoping this will sort things out , but as we have learnt over and over some people just like to be silly and prolong stupidity.
There is so much dog poo in Munich where I live. Once my baby went to the park and got covered in the mess. When I see dog owners letting their dogs do this, I let 'em have it! German is a good language for telling people off. Since this is a police state and dogs fouling on the pavements, etc., is illegal, why don't they cash in on messy dog owners and loud pubs instead of constantly issuing parking fines?
When he walks his dog past your house now, is the dog still relieving itself on your property? If not, I'd suggest just letting the situation stand as it is. If he wants to continue cursing, let him. If it really bothers you or continues for a bit of time, perhaps you can keep a record of the entire incident in case you should ever want/need to report it. At the same time, don't add to the situation, just be neutral in any interactions you may have with him.

A big for what it's worth, but there is not always a need to 'make nice' with certain people. We all want to be liked by everyone but if he knows enough to not let his dog do its thing on his own property, he should be somewhat aware of others concerns regarding the same issue. The only other thing I can come up with is that perhaps he didn't realize were the physical boundaries lay and thought he wasn't on your property.

He sounds to me like little more than a child acting out because he doesn't 'like' what he was told. I doubt he'll be able to keep up the headphone/cursing thing for long. He's trying to hook you into some kind of emotional response. Don't give it to him. My 2 cent euros. :)
You could buy a great dane and feed it on a high fibre diet for a few days, then accidently let it lay a trunk in his front garden.
But i guess that just esculates it.
I personally very much dislike this underhand abuse - ive never found a way of dealing with it in my life that doesnt leave me feeling frustrated with myself.
I guess you just have to 'rise above it' - personally i wouldnt waste any effort writing a letter to someone who is so disrespectful.
Collect all the poo. And return it to him. Put it in a paper bag. Leave the bag on his porch as a gift. But to make sure he recieves the gift properly, light the bag on fire before ringing the doorbell.

Then just quickly get a safe distance away, and Let him come out, and stomp the fire out.
:D :D hahaha :rotfl: :rotfl: I saw it in the movie! great idea, DragonHunter have somebody done to you, or is it the movie, I'm just asking? ;D
I have a few enemy neighbors myself and I "won" their enmity precisely the same way as you did: by not accepting sheeplessly their cr*p. One neighbor throws her garbage at my back yard, and the other one is a psychopat that ran over my now deceased black lab, Valkyria. In both cases I tried to have a polite talk, and in both failed. In fact, I thought the second incident was an accident until the woman said she did it on purpose! People are sick! I don't know what to do either, if you try to reason with these people you're doomed, but if you respond to them with more agression, it would be the begining of an endless war. I think they're crazy and stupid, because it's easier to get on well with neighbors than being constantly at fight.
I'm sorry I can't offer an advice, but at least you see you're not alone :flowers:
Hi tonosama,

My brother's kids did it to a neighbor of his when they got tired of cleaning up after his dog.
cassandra said:
There is so much dog poo in Munich where I live. Once my baby went to the park and got covered in the mess. When I see dog owners letting their dogs do this, I let 'em have it! German is a good language for telling people off. Since this is a police state and dogs fouling on the pavements, etc., is illegal, why don't they cash in on messy dog owners and loud pubs instead of constantly issuing parking fines?

Funny you should mention this , a friend of mine in Liverpool has been working on a campaign to get the council to do something about the accumulating dog poo in his area. Its not the dogs , its the owners who do not take responsibility which is annoying him . He himself is a dog owner. Maybe there is a group in Munich that could team up with my friend in Liverpool.

In Denmark some people place little flags in the poo so as to lhopefully shame the owners into doing something.

I will take the main advice here and ignore him.

The property boundaries are well defined.

Because the windows are new in the house , I am thinking he had not registered them in his brain yet that , he could be seen now.

Just the fact that he lives about 10 seconds away is annoying , but the headphone tactic just leaves me smiling. Its mad.

Thanks for responses.
The last thing these people respect is reason. They will see any attempt to have a respectable discussion as a weakness and will see it as a green light to take the micky out of someone even more.
They dont respect people that are scared of them, yet they are truely aggressive. So basically that leaves you in the position where you have to have a persona of someone that is a cross between Mike Tyson and Chuck Norris to get in their good books.

The shit in the bag gaff is a well known trick thats done on mischievers night in england. :cool2:
Maybe you could video tape him sometime? People are a little more reluctant to repeat something if they know they can get in trouble for it so if you tape him you could simply tell him to stop or you will call the police and have him fined for it. Just a thought.
Pete said:
Maybe you could video tape him sometime? People are a little more reluctant to repeat something if they know they can get in trouble for it so if you tape him you could simply tell him to stop or you will call the police and have him fined for it. Just a thought.

It use to be illegal in Denmark to have cameras outside of ones property , and only inside for business properties.this is a business property. Nowadays more and more cameras are appearing on the streets though , which is ringing some alarm bells with some people . Making money out of Parking tickets is also on the rise here also , as in Munich as was mentioned earlier.

If he persists i will film the deed and contact the authorities.
I recently a discussion (Toytown Germany) about this very topic a week ago. The dog owners here from other countries, the US, UK and so on, were saying they get
incredulous and disgusted looks for actually cleaning up after their dogs! Eh??
(By the way, I know this problem is not restricted to Deutschland.)
Yes, complaining to the authorities is on my to-d o list.
And may the force be with you! I would be interested how it plays out.
(I had problems with my horrible neighbours, and my brother-in-law offered to send round some of his friends to "sort them out". He himself is not a person to be messed with. I admit, at 5.2, I did entertain the thought. Once or twice.)

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