Starseeds, indigos, crystals...etc


Jedi Master
Hello everyone!!

I'd like to have your opinions on starseeds, indigos, lightworkers...etc.
I guess you must all have heard of the term starseed, if you didn't, I'll explain to you, a starseed is supposed to be a being who came from a more evolved planet then the one we currently reside and whose mission is to help the planet Earth and Terrans in the ascension process ( I took this definition from a site).
I'm currently a member of the forum ( has been for a long time actually). The people on this forum are lovely and clearly have good intentions but nonetheless I feel some are fooling themselves with their own wishfull thinking.
I mean as much as they want to help humanity, none of them have done an extensive work like let's say, Laura, Ark and the others. By that I mean Laura and the others has been trying to find the truth of this world, understand the universe for more than 16 years, they have written books, they even have created there own breathing program for help people, they have a site who is full of detailed information.
And they are still working,still researching the truth.
Most on this site have been feeling different their whole life, had experience with extraterestial beings, some also have abilities and something that they all share is a feeling that they are here to help humanity and awaken people.
Also recently lots have made videos for disclose themselves, you can find those videos if you tipe starseeds disclosure on youtube.
I remember reading a transcript with the C's, there were a part where Laura discussed the information that a woman Jeleilla Starr gave on her site the nibiruan council. She claimed to have received this information from ETs member of the Nibiruan Council, if I remember correctly. But long story short it was all disinformation, it was control looking like help. Yet I'm sure that this woman meant well, but she was deceived or deceived herself, I'm not sure which one would be the more accurate. Or perhaps both.I'll try to post the transcript.
Lots of those people who feel they are starseeds give more disinformation then anything else, even though I think they meant the contrary. I wonder if the fact that they felt they were different and came from a more evolved planet and also the fact that some had encounter with ETs, may have made some of them think that they had knowledge and thus not search for truth; because they thought they already have it or at least a part of it when in fact what they knew might have been truth mixed with false information. So due to this mind frame, they unwilligly blocked themselves from truth and knowledge and consequently let the door open for STS beings to play with them.

So what are your thought on Starseeds?
DianaRose94 said:
I'd like to have your opinions on starseeds, indigos, lightworkers...etc.

If you do a search (using the Search function that appears towards the top of the forum webpage) using these terms, you will find multiple instances where these and similar topics have been discussed.
dannybananny said:
So what are your thought on Starseeds?

What difference does it make?

Ummm... dannybananny, that is not a very helpful response to give someone asking a sincere question. Care to try again or apologize?
Well, I agree that these things exist in principle, but I don't neccessairly agree with the New Age definitions or consensus understandings of them. Are you at all familiar with the Ra material, also known as the Law of One? I think a "starseed" is basically what Ra refers to as a Wanderer. The Cassiopaeans also mention wanderers as beings who have incarnated from 5th and 6th density with certain missions to aid the planet during the transition through the Wave.

I think you make a very good point regarding the subjectivity of these so-called starseeds. The New Age movement is a hunting ground for various "gurus" to make people feel special or important and lure them into a sort of naive complacency regarding spirituality. It still amazes me how many New Age people think that darkness and negativity will simply go away if they wish it away or refuse to acknowledge it. Imagine the cow that convinces itself it will never be culled because it visualizes a world without slaughterhouses. So, in order to escape that darkness of the world and avoid facing their own helplessness to DO anything about it, a lot of these people claim to be some sort of "enlightened soul." Personally, I see a real starseed as a sort of Jesus figure. If they really are 5th or 6th density, I think that once they remembered that they had a mission, they would be able to simply teach like Jesus did and such teachings would be able to make a real difference. The fact that many of these so-called advanced souls spew teachings that have no real basis in reality or are purely subjective, speaks quite strongly against their "enlightened" status.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if I recall correctly, an Indigo Child is considered to be the next step in human evolution. Allegedly, these are the first wave of 4D humans who are raising the planet's vibrations as it moves into 4D. Once again, I find the New Age movement placing a lot of emphasis on finding and accommodating these "special" children. They seem to focus on autistic children and operate under the assumption that they only appear retarded because they are "too spiritual" to really function in our harsh 3D environment. I find it laughable that a being that is more advanced than us, that has supposedly learned all of the lessons of 3D and has higher awareness, suddenly wakes up one day and can't function in a 3D environment. It is definitely wishful thinking and perhaps a self-calming technique by friends and family of severely disadvantaged children who will probably never be able to lead healthy, independent lives of their own. It also seems to be a cover for the fact that autism has been linked to mass vaccination campaigns and toxins in the environment, not spiritual evolution. We're back to the sugarcoat society's evils in love and light shtick again. The Cassiopaeans also state rather clearly that it is no problem for higher density STO beings to manifest in our reality. Sure, 3D may be uncomfortable, but the idea that one is "too spiritual" to exist here really doesn't hold water. I guess that still leaves the door open for the Indigos to be an STS phenomenon, since they always require servants of some sort to draw energy from.

If the Indigo Child phenomena is remotely true, then I guess it would be equivalent to what we call a 4D candidate. A 4D candidate would be someone who has advanced enough in their choices and discernment to have a chance at ascending when the wave comes, and thus may be "lightening the vibrations" of the planet in some indirect way. Such a person could be STS or STO leaning. I like this term much better, because it is very precise and less open to interpretation and self-importance. That is one way how the New Age leads well-meaning people astray. It is rather vague in areas where subtle nuances need to be discussed.

I'm sure that there are people who come from other places for any number of reasons, but as Dannybannany was getting at, it is rather difficult to verify these things except through one's subjective experience. Are you a starseed? Am I? How do you know? And if you were, does that change who you are? From my understanding, you will know them by the fruits of their labors, and we all need to work to produce those fruits.
DianaRose94 said:
So what are your thought on Starseeds?

my take is that a souled half of the human population then... could be called "Starseeds."

Gurdjieff says about man:

"In addition to those centers of which we have so far spoken there are two other centers in man, the 'higher emotional' and the 'higher thinking.' These centers are in us; they are fully developed and are working all the time, but their work fails to reach our ordinary consciousness.

So I am understanding that this higher emotional and higher thinking centers could be a-likened to perhaps this sixth density "connection" that a souled individual has.

Laura communicates with the C's which are her in the future. This I think--is evidence of the higher intellectual and / or emotional reaching the ordinary consciousness.

So in a sense, Laura could be said to be the C's incarnated on earth, with a mission to help humanity--the concept of "Starseed" that i think you presented

here is part of a session which brings up some interesting ideas:
Q: (I) For some reason I feel a past life connection to Sara. I feel like she was either a parent or someone who taught me a lot about me. I felt that just from reading her correspondence. What do you think? (LC) I don't know... the question didn't really form in my head until I got here...
A: How do you perceive the reincarnation process to be?
Q: (LC) I perceive it as you come back with people you choose to come back with, and that you choose people that you are karmically connected to. (I) I see it a little bit differently than that...
A: Aha! We have a variance!
Q: (I) I think that when we die and go to 5th density, that we make pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is coming back to fulfill that pact. (LC) Yes, that is the way my line of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was thinking that you have people you come back with because of closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with because you have to resolve something to let go of that person rather than to get closer.
A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this. For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced enough to do this.
Q: (I) You know, a psychic told me that I had two lives going on at once... (L) Are you suggesting that ...
A: Yes, we are!
Q: (L) I was thinking it, but they didn't let me finish. For the record, I was thinking that we are all part of the same soul unit here.
A: To an extent, but you may not yet understand what exactly a "soul unit" is in that sense. And of course, there is more than one sense for this as well. The "trick" that 3rd density STS life forms will learn, either prior to transition to 4th density, or at the exact juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and most solid step in this process is to not anticipate at all. This is most difficult for you. We understand this, but this as also why we keep reiterating this point. For example, imagine if one of your past lives is also a future life?
Q: (I) There we have quantum tunnelling!
A: Yes.
Q: (I) This has to do with past lives and future lives.
A: Yes.
Q: (I) But somehow I can't put it together yet. I can't connect it.
A: You will. "All in due time, my pretty, all in due time."
Q: (L) That was a line from the Wizard of Oz! When Dorothy wanted to know where Toto was. (P) Now, I just want to say that I think that we have all of us here traveled back in time to change the way things are now. We inserted ourselves into this time period to wake up and see what is really happening. This is 3rd density thinking, I know, but it is the only way I can describe it. We looked back on the way things happened, the way the world is now, and we have come back to change things. We have come from the future, to wake up now, because we didn't wake up before. (C) Maybe that's our "past life/future life" connection here? (P) Right, we all agreed to insert ourselves in this time line.... (L) So, we ARE from the future... (P) Because the world is going in this direction, and SOMETHING had to be done. That's what I see. (I) Yes. We all decided to come back, but there was a strong possibility that we would not be able to wake up and link up. And that's why so many things happened to attempt to keep us from getting together. (P) Not just that, things happen to keep us from waking up period! We've all been bombarded with stuff all our lives. (I) Yes, and when we started waking up, and realized that we HAD to come together to "link" to DO whatever it is we are going to do, there has to be all kinds of things to prevent it - like Caroline's cats, even! [Laughter] (S) I would like to ask a question about synchronicity...
A: Wait a minute... someone said something a short while ago that is surprisingly close to the truth. Now just a moment... reflect please.
Q: (L) Polly was saying that we have come back from the future and inserted ourselves into this timeline...
A: Yes. That is close to being totally correct!
Q: (L) In terms of reincarnation, that we were talking about a few minutes before that, we are possibly incarnations of ourselves incarnated at different levels. This just happens to be one of the levels of reality that we are occupying, but there are other selves at other levels thinking and doing other level stuff, and these other levels are perceived by us as the future...
A: Maybe for some of you, but let us not get ahead of ourselves.
Q: (P) The C's say that they are US in the future. So, we, being THEM in the future, some of who they are in the future, have come back as us, to do what we are doing, to undo what is happening on Earth...
A: Close, but more complex than that. It would be difficult for you to completely understand at this point, but let us just say that you are close.
Q: (C) I wonder if we, living here, as we are now, are also living in all the densities, one through six, at the same time, so that some part of us now, understands some part of us at all the other levels. Like, I am a tree, I am the water, I am here in this body, and I am in other densities also?
A: No, not really, but a good effort!

Owing to the nature of the higher get the idea that there is some concurrent processes that go on. A person, in a moment of time, can have a past lives on earth... but at the same time possess these higher centers and be a starseed.

I first encountered the idea of wanderer before Laura's work. And my understanding was then that if you are a 'wanderer' then you did not have a past life on earth. you were really special. you reincarnated from a higher realm onto earth to effect some change. Other people were just plain earth beings with previous lives of earth.

The problem with this idea though--is that for the higher realms, where this "starseed" comes from, fourth density (and certainly for 5D, 6D), time does not exist how it does for 3D. fourth density can time travel in our third density reality it would appear.

The truth is IMO that a wanderer is nothing special. Because--taking into consideration certain information--half of us can be wanderers. But as Gurdjieff said about the work of the higher centers failing to reach consciousness...this is true for the vast majority of souls on earth. So being a wanderer is really nothing special.

A person is a starseed.. sure there is potential truth to this... but they will die (just like everyone else) and reincarnate back onto earth or third density.
Care to try again or apologize?

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend nobody. Just didn't seem to relevant to classify beings in that way because we know how STS mentality distorts everything from upside down!
dannybananny said:
Care to try again or apologize?

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend nobody. Just didn't seem to relevant to classify beings in that way because we know how STS mentality distorts everything from upside down!

It might be externally considerate to explain yourself, especially in replying to someone with 30 posts.
DianaRose94, here is a small section of a session with the C's where Laura asks about something that has to do with starseeds:

Session 000923 said:
Q: Okay. We have this stuff that Jon C sent us the other day.
It is written by J S of the N___ Council. [Groans from group.]
Now back off! She might have something useful here! She
writes: "In the early morning of August 27th I awoke to hear a
voice in my head saying, "The ingathering has begun". I looked
at the clock to see what time it was. It was 2:22 a.m.
Immediately a picture from a childhood storybook of the
animals walking up the ramp into the Ark came to mind. I
knew this was important because the feelings in my heart
chakra were very intense. I sensed that the message came
from a collective voice, a voice representing many nations and
races. It seemed to me that they were the Elders of each of
these races. The name that I get is the Star Elders. In any
case, it felt like they were telling me that they had begun calling
all the people together. My understanding was that they were
referring to the starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers and those
doing the calling were the family member of each race who
was in charge of overseeing the path of their people on earth.
There was no doubt in my mind that this reference was to a
new phase that had begun and I was being requested to
deliver that message to the people per my assignment as a
messenger for the N__ Council." End of quote from JS Now,
is there an ingathering that has begun. I am asking this, not
because I am trying to compare information, but because you
have suggested on other occasions that different people are
receiving different segments of info that needs to be
networked. With all due respect to Jelaila, is there an
ingathering that has begun in the sense that she has described
it, i.e. star elders calling the starseeds, walk-ins and
lightworkers to come together?
A: What do you think?
Q: Well, in the first place, I don't think there is going to be any
star elders calling anybody together simply because
everybody on the planet is here because they made a free will
choice to be here, and everybody is here to do what they are
going to do according to their plans, whether they are in
cooperation with anyone else or not and don't need anybody
to call them to tell them anything. In the second place, the only
ones who would be "calling" anybody to "come together,"
would the STS oriented beings because such bidding from a
higher density being only CAN come from the STS faction,
because the STO faction aren't going to call anybody to come
together because if they want to "come together" with anyone
it has to come from inside from free will choice and not
because they are called.
A: Yes.
Q: On the other hand, if Service to Others types DO come
together, what kind of stimulus for that coming together could,
or would, there be?
A: Natural progression.
Q: So, anyway, J___ further writes that she is shown a vision:
"There were what I could only describe as cities of light
separated by the deep blackness of space. Each one was
connected to the other by grids of light. They were in a circle,
like a wagon wheel or even better, a spider web. The cities
were all connected to a city located right in the center. I saw
pulsing lights moving along the grids that connected each of
the cities to this city/hub and to each other. The center city
was not as fancy or glittery as some of the others, but it did its
work providing an integration vortex for the information
coming from the higher realms as well as information that was
received from the higher realms via people in the other cities.
It took this information and placed it into the bigger universal
picture showing how each group, each race fit into the greater
consciousness in order to foster cooperation and unity. It was
the most magnificent thing I think I have ever seen. Next, he
told me telepathically that the cities of light were websites on
the Internet and that the space I saw was the space that
existed between these websites on the Internet. ...So his
message was that the ingathering meant that starseeds,
walk-ins and lightworkers would be impulsed to either create
one of these cities of light/websites or gather in one that was
already created. So what would they do in these gathering
places and what would the gathering places provide? What is
their purpose? The cities of light/websites would be places
where the people would receive information, education and
emotional/physical support to continue and complete their
missions. Earlier in the week I received a flash of information
about this while talking with a friend. I was shown the Second
Grand Earth Experiment and received a message that said,
one of the reasons the second experiment did not succeed is
because they could not get the starseeds to work together and
complete the ingathering." End quote by JS. (L) Well, we
certainly know that this is true. But, back to JSwho writes
further: "Their focus on differences between groups and
channeled information and fighting over who's information was
right and who's was wrong (mainly fueled by the teachers)
caused them to resist coming together for the good of all.
They could not, would not accept that everyone's information
had value and when interpreted multidimensionally was truth
for that group or race and had its place in the bigger universal
picture. They did not understand and would not understand
the concept of multidimensional truth. This along with a few
other challenges culminated in the destruction of the planet and
a failure to achieve polarity integration. " End quote by Jelaila.
(L) It sounds to me that what she is promoting is the support
of the idea of obedience to becoming part of a spider's web of
entrapment that doesn't bother to learn and discern. There is
the guilt trip about "they couldn't get the starseeds to work
together" because they were "fighting over whose information
was right who's was wrong." My thought is that if you join
together with wrong information, you are coming together for
the wrong reason!
A: Yes.
Q: My thought is that it is crucial to spend time working to
discover what is closest to truth and what is not, learning to
discriminate by testing and scrutinizing and learning, is the
most useful and worthwhile thing one can do and whoever is
talking to JSis basically, in a sort of left hand way, trying to
subvert the gaining of knowledge.
A: To an extent.
Q: Was this vision she had one of control or unification?
A: Neither.
Q: Do you have any further comment on it.
A: No need.
Q: Well, she says further: "The cities of light/websites will
become the new '5D' communities. All goods and services will
eventually be available through them including food, clothing,
educational information, etc, and the form of exchange will be
a higher dimensional form of barter. Once again, these will not
be where you live physically, but where you live
interdimensionally. In other words, this new world will exist
interdimensionally and you can connect to it at anytime
through your computer. Your computer is the doorway into
the interdimensional 5D community." End quote by J___. (L) I
don't think she has a clue about what 5th density really is.
A: Get those scoops ready for all those barrels filled with
oatmeal bran mix for strong bones and teeth needed for the
coming of the great messiah of light ,who will arrive upon
moonbeamship fight number five at love port seven...
Q: Well, oatmeal bran mix doesn't make strong bones and
teeth... it cleans your colon - oh! I get it! In other words, put
on the hip waders because it's getting pretty deep. Well, okay.
She then says: "There is more to write about this new phase
including information about the race of beings who have come
to our planet to set up the technology for the new cities. I will
write about them, the challenge they are now facing and what
we can do to assist them in an upcoming article. For now, I
am told that this is the end of the message that they requested
I deliver. Once again, I hope it has helped a few more of the
pieces of your puzzle come together. Until next time, I remain,
your humble messenger, JS, The Ni___ Council." End quote
by J___.
A: Ego is a terrible thing!

I am wondering if you have had the chance to read The Wave series yet? A lot of your questions would be answered by reading these books. You can start out by reading them online here. Just scroll down and you can start with volume 1 on the left hand sidebar.

If you have read much of this forum, you will have seen that we are not much into the "love and light" crowd. We are more interested in working on the self and learning as much as we can about everything in order to be able to discern between subjective and objective truth. We use as a basis for this Working on ourselves the 4th Way work as done by Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, Sufi teachings, the many works of professionals in the field of psychopathy and of narcissisticially wounded people and how to deal with these wounds, which can also be called programs/buffers.

Getting control of these programs/buffers is what we are Working towards. That's what is really going to help ourselves become better people.

That's my understanding of the situation at this time.
Neil said:

Neil, you haven't learn from the last thread, from what anart told you???

dannybananny said:
Care to try again or apologize?

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend nobody. Just didn't seem to relevant to classify beings in that way because we know how STS mentality distorts everything from upside down!
If that was you reason why you didn't write it???
Its easy for some to be sincere, without the intention to offend but we have to be external considerate.

DianaRose94 said:
So what are your thought on Starseeds?

Almost everything you've said. Crazy or hipnotized sheeps, distorted persons that are kind of afraid to look for the answers and more than just superpowers or ETs. If I was one of them I would be looking for more precise and deep answers to all. And more or less that's what happened.

It's good to know that you are not falling in their beliefs.
Brunauld said:
Neil said:

Neil, you haven't learn from the last thread, from what anart told you???

dannybananny said:
Care to try again or apologize?

I apologize, I didn't mean to offend nobody. Just didn't seem to relevant to classify beings in that way because we know how STS mentality distorts everything from upside down!
If that was you reason why you didn't write it???
Its easy for some to be sincere, without the intention to offend but we have to be external considerate.
External consideration also involves, Brunauld, taking care of how one expresses their thoughts (even in written form) to others. Just so you're aware, three question marks usually expresses urgency or exasperation with someone. Is there anything you're upset about?
No of course not :). Its just a habit.

I always write it like that, no urgency or whatever. Thanks, if three question marks show that, I'll have to change the habit.

I was going to ask about something similar, but I think this is not the thread to do it. You've read my mind in some way.
Brunauld and dannybananny, please remember yourselves. This is getting a bit ridiculous.

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