State of the Union ... Says it all


The Force is Strong With This One
musician, Cloud Cult, did a bit of an "edit" to one/many of "dubya's" state of the union addresses and this is the interesting result:
That's is probably what Bush meant to say. Oh bummer is much worse than Bush though:

_ said:
The former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service Jose Rodriguez says President Obama is waging the nation's war against radical Islam in a far more brutal manner than his predecessor President George W. Bush.

"We don't capture anybody any more," Rodriguez told 60 Minutes' Lesley Stahl on Sunday. "Their default option of this Administration has been to ... take no prisoners ... How could it be more ethical to kill people rather than capture them? I never understood that one."

Those remarks by Rodriguez have been largely overshadowed by his more controversial defense of "enhanced interrogation techniques," which is laid out in his new book.
That is the logic of the CIA, capture and torture, then maybe kill. Obama is just killing people with none of the "niceties" of torture. Between these psychopaths i would rather be bombed than endure ethics as practiced by the CIA.
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