Stem Cell research Obama speech using mind control techniques?


The Living Force
Obama gave a speech today on his reversal of Bush's opposition to Stem cell research. There are several issues that this raises such as the options that Obama now has to introduce some popular reversals of Bush policy whenever his popularity starts waning, or the potential for stem research abuse and 'Brave New World' type scientific cloning, despite Obama's strong assertion that it will not be abused.


What I found particularly unnerving was the change in the speech at 4:47 minutes as he begins to discuss how he is going to make science less influenced by politics. At 5:15 he said something that, to me, sounded out of place and 'loaded'

Suggestion, watch the video from 4:00 - 5:30 and see if any mental images pop into your head.

It's about letting scientists, like those who are here today, do their job. Free from manipulation or coercion and listening to what they tell us even when its inconvenient,..(pause) especially when its inconvenient.

The hottest topic today where scientists are being used, manipulated, suppressed, coerced, is the global warming hoax. This was essentially brought to the publics attention with Al Gores political promotion of 'An inconvenient truth'. It is also supported by Obama and he has repeatedly stated his intention to introduce the carbon off-setting tax.

Is it just a coincidence that in his speech that the word 'inconvenient' was used and repeated? Or are his speech writers using sophisticated psychologists to use phrases that will form mental connections in the minds of the masses to support him?

edit: this ties in well with popHistorian's latest: CHANNEL STATIC 008 – 2009/03/08 – Timely Passage from “Bringers of the Dawn”

PopHistorian said:
You see how clever these things are? With a few more taxes piled on top of one another, people will begin to examine the quality of their lives. You will see a lot of anger in this country, because many people will feel powerless. Anger is one of the first emotions that will occur when people finally understand the manipulation that has been going on and begin to get in touch with their feelings.

Wow, this seems very timely considering the plan going forward to unite everyone in the belief that the environment is turning against us. You’ve heard already about all the carbon taxes being proposed to combat “global warming” or “climate change,” not to mention the vast increase in taxation on Americans that will be required if their system shifts towards a more socialist model, as is being alleged now by opponents of such a shift. The media is sowing confusion and distraction at a feverish rate, presumably to keep people from easily acquiring real knowledge of what is going on, or from waking up. We know that psychopaths fear discovery more than anything.

Next, the Pleiadians discuss some of the technological means used by the PTB in frequency control.
As we know, using NLP and other suggestive techniques is the oldest trick in the book with politicians, evangelicals and other 'leaders' - so there is nothing shocking about this. The point should likely be to continue to pay attention (as we have been) to what is said and what it indicates about future plans. There are lots of clues in politician's speeches and always have been. Obama is just a bit more verbally slick, but he's not doing anything that hasn't always been done. So, as always, the clues are there to find in what is said, how it is said and in what is left unsaid - we just have to 'pay attention to the signs'.
Hey Pob, no doubt in my mind every single word in every single speech given by the talking heads is 'engineered' but the bigger picture is more interesting to me.

This is just my theory so take it easy and I am not religious in any sense of the word.

Christianity is being set up for destruction in America with the new religion being, obviously, the environment. In the global context all religions are being systematically dismantled as the new global religion will be the environment.

In this day and age it would be rather easy to convince many people this is a logical path to take for humanity, however lest us not forget the many others who expect to go to their death for "their" religion. World war 3 is easily manufactured and started in earnest with the first invasion of Iraq in the early 90's.

We know that science trumps religion on the battlefield so the outcome of this 'depopulation war' is also obvious.

The time scale this project concludes on is probably not within our lifetimes but the end result is an undeniable new world order religion, a one world religion that will jive with a one world monetary system. The logic will be flawless and completely based in the facts and science of the day. Resistance will be futile and it is just the evolution of slavery. This is the way civilization has always worked, a few controlling the many.

Don't expect a critical mass of the population to understand the manipulation before the possibility of awareness is bred right out of them, possibly with the help of stem cell research. Who knows really.

It seems to me our tolerance of difference in opinion has already been removed from our consciousness, the rest should be easy for them.

The only real question worth answering is who is "them".

I recently read a real eye opener called "The Story of the Committee of 300", it seems the plan has been in operation for hundreds of years. What else do you do when you have all the money and wealth? Make sure you keep it yeah?
In 1999, I spoke a friend of my father who had some wild ideas at the time.
He said that the next religion will be environmentalism. I figured he was making stuff up, because the environment is important- so what's the problem?

Now we see how global warming is being hyped without conclusive evidence, equating those who question the data have been called "holocaust deniers" and pro oil in a fascist manner. It gives a big clue that this is something the elite want to push to control us.

Who is going to have the voice to expose fraud in science regarding the environment, when the government funds most of the research? Anyone who denies are and will be labeled as anti-earth, turning the rest of humanity that blindly believes science against them.

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