Steps to Holocaust 2.0 in Europe - collecting the evidence


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A few articles have been published earlier in 2015 by SOTT editors about a holocaust 2.0 coming soon:
From other sources there are for example these:
After the refugees began to come in greater numbers the trend became more visible, and this article was put up on September 7, 2015:

Just to refresh here are some dictionary meanings of holocaust:
1. a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.
2. a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.
3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually preceded by the).
4. any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.
The origin of the word is:
"1200-50; Middle English < Late Latin holocaustum (Vulgate) < Greek holókauston (Septuagint), neuter of holókaustos burnt whole." source:

Regarding burning, and that is just one perspective or indicator, here is a list of links and headlines that indicate some areas of Western Europe move in the direction of burning or using fire against refugees. At the moment not too many people have died or been injured, but I think the burning of buildings where refugees live, or are supposed to live may be a prelude to something more sinister. said:
German refugee center burns amid shift in public mood on migrants
October 16, 2015 1:52PM ET
by Lisa De Bode @lisadebode Google+

A refugee shelter in Flensburg, Germany, was burned out early Friday morning, the local daily Frankfurter Neue Presse reported, amid concerns that German public support for a big surge in refugees is waning.

The fire was the latest in a series of suspected arson attacks against reception centers slated to house refugees in Germany. Several occupants have been injured in past months, and last week a 29-year-old Eritrean man was killed in a blaze, German news website Deutsche Welle reported.

Earlier this week the far-right organization PEGIDA, an acronym for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, staged a new round of anti-immigrant protests in the city of Dresden. PEGIDA members carried a mock gallows marked for German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday, in a protest against her government’s migration policies.

About 800,000 people are expected to request asylum in the country this year, with most of them fleeing violence in Syria, Iraq and Eritrea, according to the EU border agency Frontex. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has received international praise for letting in hundreds of thousands of people passing through Austria and Hungary.

During much of this summer, the German public was largely with her. Thousands of volunteers flocked to train stations in August and September to welcome arriving refugees.

But that is starting to change, as German towns scramble to provide housing, education and employment for the more than 450,000 people who had entered the country by September.

An opinion poll published this week by German media has highlighted growing unease with the refugee crisis and Merkel's handling of it. In July, before German officials revised this year's total refugee estimate to up to 800,000, nearly one in two respondents said they feared relations with newcomers would turn sour if Germany agreed to resettle more people. A similar proportion of respondents said they believed anti-immigrant actions would increase.

Public opinion may be influenced by a shift in local media coverage about refugees, said Olaf Kleist, research fellow at Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Center. “The [media] reporting is focusing more on what’s happening now that people arrived,” Kleist said. “And it’s true, there are many challenges when it comes to housing, for example.”

Perhaps in response to changing public sentiment, Merkel — who in August called anti-foreigner protests “shameful” — has muted her criticism of such demonstrations, Kleist said.

“We don’t hear the condemnation anymore, and that I think is a huge problem,” he said.
[...] said:
Response to German firefighter who set refugee shelter ablaze draws outrage
Tina Bellon, Berlin — Reuters, Published Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015 10:07AM EDT Last updated Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015 10:10AM EDT
German politicians are expressing outrage over the case of a fireman who has admitted to setting an asylum shelter ablaze and been allowed to walk free pending charges.

No one was hurt in the arson attack in the small town of Altena south of Dortmund. Seven Syrians who had arrived the day before, including a pregnant woman, escaped injury after neighbours noticed the blaze and alerted them.

But some politicians say the case has cast an unfavourable light on how German authorities are responding to a rash of shelter burnings across the country. said:
‘No more refugees’: Arson attack destroys future German migration center (VIDEO)
Posted 20 Sep, 2015 said:
Fire in refugee apartment block in Germany's Ebeleben
September 7, 2015 said:
Refugees Five People injured in mysterious fire at refugee centre in Germany
(Posted Friday, September 4, 2015) said:
Violence against refugee centres in Germany increases with two new attacks
By AFP 12:59PM BST 26 Aug 2015 said:
Three Swedish refugee centres hit by fires
In Sweden there have been a fire since then, (October 21 or 22), but I only saw it in a Danish Newpaper. said:
Vao refugee centre set on fire in EstoniaBC, Tallinn, 03.09.2015.
[Below is the same story from a different source:] said:
Fire at Estonia's refugee center investigated as arson
3. September 2015 18:37 said:
‘First warning’: Threatening graffiti featuring Nazi symbols is sprayed on an asylum seekers centre in Denmark as attacks on migrants increase across Europe
(Posted August 27, 2015
On this occasion, besides the Nazi graffiti, they also burned the minibus belonging to the asylum centre.

It is to be seen how events will unfold.
Edit: It keeps happening: said:
Firefighters battle 5th suspected arson at Swedish refugee shelters in 2 weeks
Prejudices and hate have taken over. Its telling how a global awaking never occurred but this is. When was the last time you actually saw people revolt against the authorities? Talking in favor of the refugees has even become an dangerous endeavor.

If histories repeats itself. There will be no lack of personal to run those camps. That has become clear. I am also not expecting a significant amount of people to speak or act out against it. ''Wir haben es nicht gewusst'' right ?

- Thanks for collecting all the articles 'thorbiorn'
In the UK hate crime appears to be low. The labour party has a leader who appears to be radical, radically left. Even on TV, minorities appear to be well represented. Muslims in general appear to not be getting a backlash. A lot of inter cultural integration at schools with students from multiple backgrounds going to the same institutions. Same applies to higher education.

I would say the biggest ponerization is between the rich/poor and increase of living costs, at least where I live. Its not to say that hate doesn't exist, it just doesn't translate into crime, not to a high degree as you would expect given the times.
At the risk of sounding melodramatic, :evil: does anyone get that feeling of 'evil demon smell' in the air? Something 'bad' about to go off again? Probably Israel about to do something stupid with Palestine again. Which is going to blow up into a very ugly conflagration which nobody is going to be very tolerant about. They are going to create a stink and be unilaterally Sent to Coventry. I wonder if the UK will play a part in this, even if it was an unwilling or a stupid one? Just musing. Does anyone else ever get these 'evil' feelings? Its almost like a smell too.
bjorn said:

Stereotypes abound and unconscious lack of discernment. The media plays a huge role in this. For example, in the portrayal of terror which is usually associated with Muslims, they fail to mention that it doesn't actually result in many loses of life compared to other more pressing issues which gets no where near as much attention or even funding. We all know the games the media plays.

But, compared to the early 90's and prior the country has come a very long way in terms of accepting other cultural groups. I would go as far as saying Britain is multi cultural and quite successful at it compared to other countries. Nowadays from a young age, kids grow up, go to school with and regularly interact with people who are from different groups. When they turn on tv, go watch sports etc, they also ser this.

Hate and stereotypes abound, but the country has made tremendous progress. Just acknowledging that. I don't think the holocaust will be descending upon Britain anytime soon.
Thanks for the collection of articles. The topic of "violent right-wingers" and "violent refugees" is really going strong in the MSM here in Germany, and the dominant narrative is (for now) that these attacks are bad, we should welcome the refugees etc. BUT, the very fact that the MSM focus so much on this makes me suspicious - after all, this exposure will further strengthen right-wing groups and people's belief that those refugees are "bad" (despite all the talk of "welcoming refugees"), and to even consider them as less than human beings - you know, making open fire in their homes? How primitive! And I suspect that there are many "silent" citizens who, out of their fear of loosing what's left of their middle class life, are harboring strong sentiments against the refugees but don't dare express them yet because the official line says it's bad.

So if the Cs are right about all those agents among the refugees, who knows what will happen. I think it might be easy at this point to "blow up" German society with false-flag attacks, whether it's supposed to come from some right-wing group or from the refugees themselves or both. Let's remember also that the left terror in Germany in the 70s had all kinds of murky connections to the secret service/Gladio, as did the recent right-wing terror (which came up during the NSU scandal). So this strategy sadly is nothing new in Germany. We will see I guess...
There was also a story from Germany: said:
Police uncover far-Right plot to attack refugee shelters in Germany
The discovery comes as a leaked police report suggests far-Right nationalists could attackc refugees as well as political leaders supportive of them
By Justin Huggler, Berlin
6:08PM BST 22 Oct 2015
The above article was published the same day, as a school stabbing in Sweden happened: A day or two before there was this comment from the Swedish Prime Minister regarding the burning of the refugee centres, which I mentioned earlier: said:
[...]"It is terrible that people and whole communities are affected by unrest and insecurity in the wake of the fires. People fleeing for their lives to Sweden should know that they can feel safe here."

"This is not the Sweden I know. This is not what Sweden I am proud of,"
said Lofven, who called on the public to cooperate with the police in their enquiries.

If the Swedish Prime Minister is saying this, is he paying attention?

Here is a 15 page research report about the extreme right in Sweden of which more than two pages are used to list all 65 references. It is from the Institute of Race Relations who about themselves write: said:
The Institute of Race Relations is at the cutting edge of the research and analysis that inform the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally.
Here is what they write and which gives you some of the background for what is happening in Sweden now: said:
Sweden’s counter-extremism model and the stigmatising of anti-racism BY LIZ FEKETE, Briefing
No 9, Sept 2014.
While in the 1990s, European fascists travelled to the former Yugoslavia to join Serb and Croatian paramilitary forces intent on ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Bosnia, now the preferred destination for Swedish neo-nazi mercenaries, such as the SvP’s Mikael Skillt [12], is the Ukraine.

At least four Swedish neo-nazis are known to be fighting with the Ukrainian task force Azov, a squad which flies a flag with Nazi symbols and seeks the establishment of a fascist dictatorship in the Ukraine.[13] The Swedish Ukraine Volunteers (Svenska Ukrainafrivilliga) boast their part in the fight to ‘shape a fascist-friendly Ukraine’ in order to ‘secure the future’ of our white children. [14]

Back in the 1990s, Sweden had an international reputation as the world’s largest provider of race hate merchandise and White Power music. Social media today is the vehicle for the same kind of hate. The Swedish Media Council reports that the seven most viewed farright websites in Sweden, attracting a total of 145,000 unique visitors a day, have seven times more visitors than the total of all the political parties in parliament put together. One of the most popular is the SvP’s website[15] Another popular website is [16] that leans towards counter-jihadism, and according to the Expo Foundation, has unofficial links with the SD.[17]
There certainly seems to be a history to what is going on in Sweden now. SD, which is an abrevation for Sverigedemokraterna, which won about 13 % of the votes in 2014.

From history to present, regarding the school stabbing there was this news today: said:
Swedish school killer watched Nazi videos before attack
By Richard Orange, Malmo
10:02AM BST 23 Oct 2015
Police said on Friday that the attacker was driven by "racist motives".

"We are convinced that the assailant was driven by racist motives when he carried out the act," police chief Niclas Hallgren told Swedish public service radio.

"We have reached this conclusion based on what we found when we searched his apartment and his behaviour during the act, and also on the basis of how he selected his victims."
Police shot Lundin-Pettersson within minutes of their arrival, ending his attack and inflicting the chest wounds from which he died in hospital later that afternoon.

Lundin-Pettersson’s social media profiles revealed right-wing and anti-immigration sympathies.

According to Expo, a Swedish magazine which tracks the extreme Right, said the YouTube videos he watched speak of the “multicultural project from hell”, rue the “Jewish media-control of Western civilisation”, and underline “the importance of race in society,“ the reporters noted.

A day before his attack, he 'liked' the song When Evil Speaks by the Belgian electro-industrial group Suicide Commando.

He also watched a video collage of Nazi military footage from the Second World War.
He was described as a normal young man interested in computers, computer games and hip-hop music.

His neighbour Liv Ringstrom told the Telegraph that there was nothing about Lundin-Pettersson to suggest he was capable of such a terrible crime.

"I meet him in the stairwell and he always seems very nice and very friendly. I've no idea if he could have done it," she said.

"It's a tremendous shock," said one of his colleagues at the company where he was working as a trainee. A childhood friend described him as "introverted".

"I have not seen him since our student days," he said.
Now the murderer is dead, and we may not know the true background, so for now I leave the available data and move on to ask: What has the role of the Swedish police been in relation to neo nazism? Here are some observations, again from the report quoted earlier and relating to events that took place in the 1990s, but which might give an idea of the present too: said:
Some wondered what the intelligence services’ weak response to fascist terror signified – and in retrospect, and given all we know from the NSU scandal about the nature of covert policing in Germany in the 1990s, we should be asking far more questions about other European security services’ failure to deal with the terror that was perpetuated two decades ago, that left countless victims maimed or dead, and many young immigrants, who fought back, criminalised. After the bomb attack on Peter Karlsson and his son, the chief of the security police Säpo insisted that neo-nazi violence was a minor problem effectively under control, leading to consternation from other police officers who stated that while they continually asked Säpo for information about nazis in relation to criminal investigations, they rarely, if ever, received an answer and then certainly not anything useful.[64] At that time some wondered whether the Dagens Nyheter newspaper was taking a leaf out of the far Right’s book after it repeated smears circulated on the internet against Karlsson and his wife, suggesting that they were not genuine journalists but members of Anti-Fascist Action. The newspaper had made similar accusations in 1996 against Expo journalists, after its offices were the target of a nazi terror and intimidation campaign. [65]
Apparently the far right in Sweden is tolerated quite nicely and as references to some court rulings mentioned in the report show, they have supporters even in quite high places or among the security police.

Apparently there is an organized neo nazi subculture in place in some European countries including Sweden and Germany. These have, for example had a tacit support from their governments to go and fight for the present Poroshenko led USA/NATO/IMF and EU backed cruel government of Ukraine and have on the way gained the needed experience and contacts. To this mix one may add, though they have still not showen themselves much yet, a small percentage of radicalised agents mixed into the mass of desperate and suffering refugees coming from the Middle East, Afghanistan and North Africa fleeing NATO led wars and USG color revolutions. Where will all this end? Perhaps if the 1990s and onward has been rehearsal, then we are in for something worse this time.
I think we have to be careful not to get entangled in the machinations of our mainstream media. They are very much in the process of hysterization (and so is society) and not very helpful in collecting evidence on what's really going on in the world.

Most of the quotes above are taken from media sources that have presented us with theories like "Putin is threatening the world", "Assad is butchering his own people", "Man-made global warming", "Suicidal co-pilot crashes plane into French alps, locking out airline captain", "World might stop turning without gay marriage", "MH-17 shot down by Russian separatists", "EU sanctions against Russia working well - Moscow cut off from Belgian chocolate" .... ;)

I think you'll get the picture. So calm down everybody. I think nothing is what it seems at first glance...
luc said:
Thanks for the collection of articles. The topic of "violent right-wingers" and "violent refugees" is really going strong in the MSM here in Germany, and the dominant narrative is (for now) that these attacks are bad, we should welcome the refugees etc. BUT, the very fact that the MSM focus so much on this makes me suspicious - after all, this exposure will further strengthen right-wing groups and people's belief that those refugees are "bad" (despite all the talk of "welcoming refugees"), and to even consider them as less than human beings - you know, making open fire in their homes? How primitive! And I suspect that there are many "silent" citizens who, out of their fear of loosing what's left of their middle class life, are harboring strong sentiments against the refugees but don't dare express them yet because the official line says it's bad.

So if the Cs are right about all those agents among the refugees, who knows what will happen. I think it might be easy at this point to "blow up" German society with false-flag attacks, whether it's supposed to come from some right-wing group or from the refugees themselves or both. Let's remember also that the left terror in Germany in the 70s had all kinds of murky connections to the secret service/Gladio, as did the recent right-wing terror (which came up during the NSU scandal). So this strategy sadly is nothing new in Germany. We will see I guess...
For some historical background about the far right in Europe:

Pedlars of Hate - the violent impact of the European far right from 2012 has a wealth of information about the different European countries, the groups and the actions they have promoted and taken. It is written by the same researcher, Liz Fekete, who wrote the report about the far right in Sweden I mentioned earlier.

Here is the first paragraph of the preface:
There have been many indicators over the last year that Europe, the continent which gave birth to fascism is the 1930s, is experiencing what the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern parliamentary leader of the Social Democrats calls an early form of far-right terror. First, July 2011, Oslo, and the murder of seventy-seven people, mainly children, by Anders Behring Breivik; then, December 2011, Florence, and the gunning down of two Senegalese street vendors by an erstwhile supporter of CasaPound. The scandal engulfing Germany, following revelations that the police and the intelligence services failed to detect the National Socialist Underground (NSU), the neo-Nazi terror cell which committed at least seven murders from 2000-2007, was another foreshadowing.

Yet in the aftermath of each event, come explanations which militate against deep reflection about the causes and consequences of the crimes of Breivik, Gianluca Casseri, Uwe Mundlos, Uwe Böhnhardt, et al. The media debate focuses on the salacious, psychological and random aspects of such massacres. Breivik was a paranoid schizophrenic, Casseri a vulnerable loner. And we were constantly told that the NSU posed a uniquely difficult challenge to the state because, unlike other terror cells, it did not glorify or seek public recognition for its crimes. Thus, societies carry on as before, reassured that while the killings were indeed horrific, they suggest no hidden
pattern and, hence, nothing fundamental needs to be changed. The hundred-plus cases,
mostly from EU countries but also from Norway and Switzerland, documented here in Pedlars of Hate, reveal that there is indeed a pattern.
It is tempting to quote some more passages from this report, but I leave it for now.

One can find other publications at for example a short briefing paper from april 2013: State intelligence agencies and the far Right: A review of developments in Germany, Hungary and Austria; The summary is here:
Then there is this more recent report published in March 2015 about the death of some asylum and immigration seekers:
Unwanted, Unnoticed: an audit of 160 asylum and immigration-related deaths in Europe;

Considering what has happened during 2015, I think the work they have done to document the development of far right racist tendencies in Europe over the past few years has been timely, and quite correct, unfortunately. The reports do not tie together all the dots or even present them, but it is quite sufficient to convincingly argue that something is afóot.
My take on it,

Current climate can chance dramatically when the global economy collapses. This can escalate very quickly.

Populations in the west at the moment don’t have the empathy or clearly not enough to stop their authorities from inflicting genocide. Millions did die already through their policies in the Middle East. When it will hit home there will just as much uproar as before. Complete and utter silence.

They will name it ‘deportation’ or call it ‘interment camps’

Our right-wing party in the Netherlands already called in the past for millions of Muslims to be forcefully deported and to be stripped of their nationality's.

It will always feel unreal, that doesn’t prevent it from happening. If it hits I expect nothing from the majority. It will be up to a small minority to convince them otherwise or just take power altogether from preventing it to happen.

Or some kind of ‘cosmic’ intervention.

The destruction of the true Semitic people (Arabs,Persians?) is a priority of 4STS if I remember it correctly.
Regarding what is happening in Britain I found this and while the problems do not seem to be major, there is still a rise in incidents in some locations: said:
Britain Faces Worrisome Islamophobia Upsurge
Alwaght- A leading Muslim organization in Britain has warned over an upsurge of Islamophobia in the country after recent videos showing anti-Muslim abuse on public transport were posted online.

In a statement Miqdaad Versi of the Muslim Council of Britain said: “As a whole, we have to understand that the UK is a very tolerant society, with London one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, and thankfully these kinds of attacks are relatively rare. But they are on the rise.

“The growth in Islamophobia has reached levels which are very worrying. Most Muslims know someone who’s suffered some form of abuse, whether online, physical or verbal. We’re now in a very serious situation and have been for the past year.”

In a recent Islamophobic attack, a woman was filmed shouting abuse at two Muslim women, one of whom was pregnant, and calling them “ISIS bitches”. A 36-year-old woman from north-west London was subsequently arrested and pleaded guilty to causing racially aggravated distress.

According to Tell MAMA, an organization that monitors anti-Muslim attacks through self-referrals, women are much more likely to be targeted because their dress makes them more vulnerable. “Women wearing the headscarf are more likely to experience name calling, have things thrown at them, general abuse”, Fiyaz Mughal of Tell MAMA said. “Women wearing the full-face veil will suffer both more incidents and more aggressive incidents, such as people pulling off their veils.”

A recent report for Tell MAMA, We Fear For Our Lives, based on in-depth interviews with the targets of Islamophobic attacks, found a spike in the number of incidents following “trigger” events such as the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris in January and the Tunisia terrorist attack in June.

According to Mughal, there has also been in increase in anti-Muslim attacks directly relating to the refugee crisis, which has seen hundreds of thousands of people fleeing persecution and conflict in the Middle East and Africa trying to reach safe haven in Europe.

Meanwhile a group of Muslims in Rotherham, a British town at the center of a historical child sex abuse scandal, are formally boycotting South Yorkshire Police over claims the force has not done enough to prevent Islamophobic behavior in the area.

According to a statement by British Muslim Youth on Sunday, the ongoing investigations into the sex abuse ring have left tensions in the community and seen incidents of Islamophobia on the rise. "Islamophobia is at unprecedented levels in Rotherham. According to figures collated by Tell MAMA, which records anti-Muslim hate crimes, there have been 27 attacks in Rotherham reported to them alone, in the last 12 months,” BMY said.

“This equates to more than two reports a month. Considering that Rotherham is a relatively small town, there is a real over-representation of hate crimes against Muslims in the town,” the statement said.
The observation that some areas within countries are more affected than others is common throughout Europe.
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