"Stop Iran's nuclear bomb - protect Israel"


FOTCM Member
Take a look what I've recieved from Haaretz today.

Supporter of Israel,

Here's a quote from Ahmadinejad that appeared in the New York Times. We need your help now more than ever to educate the media and help strengthen Israel's image. Please send your contribution of $250, $180, $100, $60, $36 or even $18 TODAY to help us fight anti-Israel propaganda in the media.

Stop Iran's nuclear bomb - protect Israel

Dear Supporter of Israel,

Can you imagine the world without Israel? Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah can. That's why we're working to stop them - but we need your help.

As you know, Iran has been identified as the world's leading state sponsor of international terrorism, funding Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. This is what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said about Israel:

"Israel no longer has a reason to exist, and will soon disappear"
Israel is doomed to be "wiped from the map" in a "war of destiny."
Israel is "a disgraceful stain on the Islamic world" and "a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
"Israel is a danger, but one that is about to come to an end."
"They have created a myth in the name of the Holocaust and consider it above God, religion and the prophets."
"Some Europeans countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces...Although we don't accept this claim."
Iran has missiles that can reach Israel and is working to build a nuclear bomb. Is there any doubt which country would be its first target? The principal lesson learned from the Holocaust is, if they say they want to kill you, believe them!

Please help us sound the alarm about Iran and help protect Israel by supporting our work at http://www(dot)theisraelproject.org/donate.

The Israel Project (TIP) works to educate the world about the Iranian threat through the media. We have done this by:

Collecting over 81,000 signatures on a petition to the UN asking Kofi Annan to enforce UN Security Council resolutions concerning Iran
Carefully researching facts and emailing them to journalists who cover Iran before they write their stories
Setting up press conferences with experts on Iran, nuclear proliferation and human rights so reporters can ask questions face-to-face or via world-wide conference calls
Educating the press on practical actions which can help stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons
Our staff is efficient, but educating the media costs money:

$250 covers the cost to email fully-vetted background information to 10,000 journalists worldwide
$600 lets us create and email a "breaking news" press release to journalists
$1200 pays to have one journalist take a 2

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