Strange answer... to come to "Paradise".


Dagobah Resident
Greetings, there is much to tell and I am a person who usually give details to let me know clearly about my experiences, can be a bit tedious so I will summarize and will explain according to the knowledge they gained as I read "Wave" and other topics. I hope that answers will help us through quality education and avoid get stuck and that this will only become "stories".

It was by then a fanatic Christian.

Once I dreamed of my grandmother, she presented a very unusual way to be a coming from heaven, was not a complete happiness. She had a face of fear and caution, could see in his face that he knew something he could not say.

I ask and she answers:

What is heaven? - Similar to life here.

Who is God as god?

Then was startled with fear and said

"No, no, no ... I can not talk about it, so can not say"

The answer he gave me in dreams was not an answer that every Christian is expected - if everything here is wonderful son, beautiful angels and everything is beautiful "could be interpreted as a kind of entity that I wanted to say" you still have more research "since such an answer, I asked a person who had performed exorcisms and his answer without any doubt "was a demon that took the shape of your grandmother, that paradise is not like life on earth, here we are sinners", you may also want me away from the truth, I was completely blind as a Christian. But over time really helped me open my eyes a series of experiences that occurred.

Well in the Wave Lady Laura J. explains very well that "the dead are dead, they all lie and do not provide any knowledge. Before knowing the wave I did my own research with people working with my question was dead "if they use the dead on behalf of god how come god allows the saints to be manipulated by humans to do harm? How is it possible if God is love? And what does a dead money? And if they can not talk about things they see and know the price sure to use the dead to harm others, must be very high".

I once heard the story of a person who deeply hated the evangelicals, the cursed until one night he saw yellow eyes in the darkness of her house, she could not move and description to the most usual is a demon "had eyes torn, the serpent Lucifer".Also an evangelical who discussed with a person who practices black magic, black magic but do not pass here to read letters, or make sacrifices chickens, basic black magic but just as dangerous. The lady argued with this man, at night is a strange appreciation that fails to describe as the words of the people she told, the first thing they said "seemed an alien".

No doubt those who know the story about global sectarianism by churches, "wolves in sheep's clothing priests of God" then the connection is with the institutions already named many times over all investigations have been made , whether false or true to the belief of each person and yet there is often more.

Thanks for your answers and people working on the project Cassiopaea.
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