Strange dream structures.


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to post about this when it was still fresh in my mind. It has been reoccurring but not to the same extent as the first time it happened - which was probably around 2 weeks ago.

I often have difficulty waking from dreams, and often tend to wake up in what I call 'layers' - I will wake up in my childhood home, realise I don't live there anymore - then wake up and get dressed or put on some socks in another bed, and then realise that's not my home either so I must still be dreaming. What is scary about this, is I often 'tell' myself to wake up when I am having a disturbing dream, and I will 'wake up' into one of these layers and often get 'sucked' back down into the bad dream.

What happened on this particular occasion 2 weeks ago - was I distinctly remember dreaming about 6-8 different dreams, that seemed to dip into each other and merge in places during events - yet when I was thinking about them upon waking it felt as though I had dreamed them simultaneously. As I was trying to fully wake, I had one hand on my lower back, and I think the other was underneath me - I remember feeling as though I could not move my hand but that I was 'observing' the sensation of being able to 'feel' my back with that hand. That may have been sleep paralysis but it seemed slightly different to other times that I've experienced it.

I remember thinking to myself, as the different yet 'simultaneous' dreams were being observed; "Is this it? Is the wave here? Am I seeing all of this at the same 'time' because something is happening or changing?"

I need to write my thoughts down when they are 'fresher' =) So hopefully I can articulate myself in a more understandable way!

In any case - I was wondering if anyone else had noticed any difference to their dreams, not necessarily in content, but the way their dreams happen or the way they are remembering them upon waking?
Hi Soluna,

That's very interesting. Could it be some kind of a lucid dream? I do think that it's a good thing that you were observing these layers. It also could something trying to put you back to dream state. It kinda like where you realized that you were dreaming, that something pulls you to another dream, then you realized, then being pulled to another dream, etc.

A thought just comes to mind. Maybe your subconscious was trying to tell you something about that one particular dream, then you consciously realized that you're dreaming (which could automatically void your "taking in" that dream impression), and your subconscious was trying to put you in another dream and so on, just to get your attention on some of the things in a dream.

During this time, do all of these dreams have a "similar" scenery or theme? You mentioned a childhood home - it could be something from your childhood that your subconscious was trying to show you?

Just a thought...

Soluna said:
In any case - I was wondering if anyone else had noticed any difference to their dreams, not necessarily in content, but the way their dreams happen or the way they are remembering them upon waking?

Well, since I've been doing a good deal of dream works for a number of years as a part of understanding some aspects of myself, the dreams now came as clear as a previous hour recall and I'd immediately understood the underlying themes or clues to look at instead of going around in circle or "caught up" in the "fascinating" dreams. Some dreams can be results of diet adjustments and/or of emotions came up intensively the day before when I didn't practice EE to calm them down.

For what it's worth. :)
"I need to write my thoughts down when they are 'fresher' =) So hopefully I can articulate myself in a more understandable way!

In any case - I was wondering if anyone else had noticed any difference to their dreams, not necessarily in content, but the way their dreams happen or the way they are remembering them upon waking?"

Soluna: try to realize when you're awakened for real and write stuff down - everything you can remember, keeping things as silent as
possible, and have minimum light to recreate a dream state.

Anyways, I've also a dream where I thought I was awake, but was not. Another happened where I knew I was dreaming, but I could not
wake up! This means that there is some message in that dream that you are being "urged" to consider, especially if it's repetitive and keeps
recurring - some important thing needs your attention in your waking life. Look up the meaning for things that were in your dream to give
you some clues.

For example, in the dream where I couldn't wake up, it started with me and a friend in a jewelry store. Then she disappeared, and the store
turned into a dark, dingy place with cobwebs - and I couldn't wake up! It bothered me, but then I relazed and went back to this place to see
if I could recognize it. Sure enough, it was an old work place that went out of business that had been in business for 36 years!

In that old workplace, I remember that 6 of my paychecks had bounced, and I was asked to hold off cashing another 6 of them, because the
owner was having cash liquidity problems. Then I wondered what was the connection to the jewelry store, and I realized that it was the same
one where my lady friend was now working! It too was in financial trouble - the owner was siphoning off cash to pay for his cocaine habit.

I realized that I had to warn my friend that she had to find another place to work, or her paychecks would bounce like mine did!

When I made the connection of the jewelry store to my old place of work, I was able to wake up! THIS is what it meant!

So my lady friend took my advice, because she knew the score at her place, and although the next job she got wasn't to her liking, she did
find one after, that WAS to her liking, and she's doing great there!

So the lesson here is: scrutinize what your dreams mean, and if you've figured it out, they'll stop recurring, and then other dreams will
occur of a different nature - once you learn the lesson offered, you move on.
Thank you for your responses!

I will certainly pay more attention to my dreams, in terms of trying to learn something from them.

When I was going through a period of trying to write down my dreams - I would 'dream' of writing them down, and it would be a difficult process of trying to wake myself enough within the dream to write. Then I would continue dreaming of reading what I had written, or dream of writing stories or scripts - it was very odd. Of course I would then eventually awaken to empty notepads and feel very frustrated!

I wonder if my problems with waking are my subconscious trying to get me to pay attention to the dreams! Although the numerous dreams I have of sharks ripping people to pieces send shudders down my spine just recalling them - I don't know what I should be learning from that!
Last night, after reading the responses to Laura's new thread, asking for thoughts about what might happen on December 21 st, 2012, I had this dream. As a retired teacher and Grammie of six, many of my dreams involve children. In my dream I was in a stunning building which felt like an ancient temple. There was a wide tunnel, staircase in the center. It reached toward an opening onto a starry night. I took two children at a time and we ascended slowly as though we were rock climbing. The surface was like quartz and jagged, but it seemed like the ascent was quite smooth and rather quick. As I rose to the top with the children in tow, we grasped the lip and watched the dark, star filled sky. We seemed to be anticipating an event. We floated down and I ascended with two more children. There were candles on a huge altar and one little girl refused to climb with me. The others were busy cleaning and polishing the surfaces and she was like a puppy who would not move. Her mother came and removed her rather angrily. As I reflected I felt that it was a conduit to the fourth demension STO and I was attempting to bring my children, grandchildren and students through. I became aware that not all would or be ready and some would want to stay behind.

Thanks to Laura for the thread. It inspired an interesting dream.
So far as 12/21/2012 is concerned, I HAVE had dreams, not of that date, but of what I have analyzed to be prophetic
and seems to defintiely imply Earth changes. (I have recorded 357 dreams over 4 years)

For example, in one of these dreams, I saw an apartment building collapsing - with the people still living in them! AND almost
as quickly, a new apartment building arose to replace it - with brand new, happy people to replace those before! Right after
this event, I then saw the planet Earth from outer space - directly after the scene of the apartment building collapsing and
then renewing itself!

And then there was a view screen or window - of a UFO craft - and there was planet Earth as I had just seen it! I was
standing in the bridge area and I was telepathing with a few other extraterrestrials - we were discussing the Earth
"changes" that we were observing. I was one of the ETs on the bridge, and they seemed to be very interested in what
I was talking about, which seemed to be about my experiences on Earth.

Clearly, the ONLY thing that this dream could have meant was that Earth was changing from 3rd to 4th density, and that I
was cleartly a wanderer, who had just ended his mission. I am probably one of the few who have not only SEEN a UFO in a
dream, but even rarer - have been ON one!

This is just one dream of several that have to do with a shift to 4th density by Earth. It was just the most obvious.

So I suggest to you that if youtr dream may seem weird, try looking "between the lines" and note any veiled references
to Earth changes. Write down in a jpourmal what you're free-lance thinking is telling you - and if you notice a clock with a
time synchronicity, say 7:07 am, or if later in the day, it's 10:10 am or say 2:22, or 3:33, then it's telling you you're right on.

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