Strange dream that may not mean anything


I had this strange dream the other night. It really wasn't very long at all. Only this ... I was talking on the phone to a man, a man it seems I know very well, we were having this really satisfying conversation. I have no clue now what it was about only that intellectually it was very satisfying. Then he starts singing this song and I start humming the harmony. Which is sort of interesting because I'm not that musical. Then he asks very quietly "When can I see you?" and I say "now"

Then I wake up with a start sort of wide awake. This dream came after doing EE. I don't do it every night but I did this night. I am getting more regular though.

The dream itself seems so insignificant when I relate it but it keeps nagging at me, like I'm missing something.
Hi Kila --

Kila said:
This dream came after doing EE. I don't do it every night but I did this night. I am getting more regular though.

The dream itself seems so insignificant when I relate it but it keeps nagging at me, like I'm missing something.

I don't really know what to say about the specifics of your dream, but I think it is an indication that EE might be doing something for you, so I would recommend keeping it up as regularly as you can and just pay attention and see what continues to happen.
I agree with Shijing. Many people have reported increased dream activity, particularly if they do the EE right before bedtime. As for the specifics of the dream, it may be a couple of things: information being relayed to you from your higher self or STS activity designed to distract you. Unfortunately because it can be difficult to discern one from the other, it's best not to become attached to it and what it may signify. You may however want to write it down in a journal for future reference.
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