Strange Dream


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
This is a dream I had yesterday =) I found it interesting - and to an extent I imagine it is a 'collating' and mish-mash of information I have been reading recently, and in the past.

I am not sure what it means - if anything - but thought I would share.

I was in my familys house - and I was looking out of what was once 'my' bedroom window. I remember in my dream trying to figure out the orientation of the window I was looking out of, and I think I came up with North-East.
The sky looked sunset-red, and there were bright red 'sparks' floating around in the sky. In the distance was what 'appeared' to be an erupting volcano. This seemed significant to me in the dream - as the house is in mid-east England. I assumed the sparks floating around in the air were ash particles that were perhaps on fire still.
I felt a little alarmed - only at the strangeness - but calm and at peace too. So perhaps I was more curious than alarmed.
I went to the other side of the house, and looked out of another window. I saw what appeared to be a block of flats - and the red sparks were concentrated around the top.
There was a large cloud to the left hand side of it (from my point of view) and I think at first I thought it to be a cloud of ash - it was taller than the block of flats (the flats were probably 8-13 stories high - not huge, but not tiny either).
The cloud seemed to turn/move - and two huge red/glowing eyes appeared - the cloud was a figure. It was seated on a horse.
I don't know why, but with a certainty I knew it was one of the four 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse' - and looking around I saw perhaps 1-2 others.
I could hear people screaming and trying to escape - but I wasn't afraid, even though I knew (within the dream) that there was nowhere they could hide. I remember going to another room in the house, and found my parents, brother and sister huddled on a bed.
The cloudy/figures were killing people - but it didn't seem unkind, cruel or painful, it was simply a 'routine' and thorough snuffing out of life.
When my turn came, I was asked to make a choice - and if I was unable to make the choice, I would have been sent back to 'life' to live again until I could make the choice with certainty. I think it was an STS or STO choice.
I remember being a little worried that the person I was telling my choice to, wouldn't believe me, although I was earnest.

I think there was some more that came after, but it gets fuzzy from there.

I haven't read much yet - so I know my understanding is very limited and I know what comes across is very basic and simplistic and only within what little I have learned - I know there is much more to learn and understand - I am sure I 'understand' very little as of yet (if anything) - so my dream is mostly mixed up information of what I have read.

However over all, I think I was 'happy' about the dream, because throughout, I wasn't really afraid. I was just, accepting, that what will happen, will happen - and that although there were people running and screaming and obviously terrified, I was fairly calm and collected.
Hi Soluna
Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

And, from a Fourth Way perspective,
Approaching Infinity said:
… Basically, in the deepest (i.e. normal) sleep, there are no dreams. Most dreams are left over energy from one or several of the centers, and the dream content reflects this. Vaysse lists three normal kinds of dreams: associative (reactive/mechanical), compensatory (emotional), and symbolic (higher emotional). (Also telepathic, prophetic, etc.)

So … it's important to know if the dream is actually symbolic and not either of the former options. And even then, your higher self will speak in symbols specific for you, ...

To help you in your dream interpretation – of what is subjective, unique to you, and whether you recognize the images or not (and they are in you and pertain to you; they are aspects arising in your-self) - here are some questions to ask your-self. They may help, or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who are ‘people screaming and trying to escape’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know ‘people screaming and trying to escape’), what are ‘people screaming and trying to escape’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘people screaming and trying to escape’ mean to you? What kind of people might you consider ‘people screaming and trying to escape’ to be like?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘people screaming and trying to escape’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘people screaming and trying to escape’?

Ask similar questions about ‘parents’, ’brother’ and ‘sister’.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

What does the ‘four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ mean to you? How does ‘it ‘‘work’? What is ‘it’ used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about ‘it’)

What is the ‘four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ like in your dream? How do you feel about ‘it’?

Does ‘four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern – bedroom = private, tranquillity, sex, refreshment, etc.

Windows suggest bright hopes, possibilities, and insights; your outlook on life, intuition and awareness – are you reflecting on a decision, or do you need to experience more of life?

Red sky may suggest either looming danger, or that something is coming to and end.

Erupting volcano suggests difficulty in expressing emotions – ready to burst out and affect those around you.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
Oh thank you! That is very helpful, and I will definitely need to think in more detail on the points you have mentioned. Just on a brief read-through, things came to mind, or rather 'possible meanings' came to mind with relation to my memory of the dream and those pertinent questions.

Perhaps - as an 'initial' thought, there is a sadness in me, of (to an extent) ignorance coming to an end or 'dying', being brought to an end by a force not wholey in my control, and concern for my family and it's well-being, perhaps hopes that their ignorance will too come to and end. I feel concern for the ignorant 'people running and screaming' who are not understanding of what is happening around them, and their instinct is panic.

Well there is certainly a lot for me to think on =) thank you!
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