Strange invasion dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I've had a new recurring dream two or three times this year. Memory of when they occurred is vague because I get the feeling that in addition to the times I've remembered it, the dream has also come and gone maybe a couple of times with no memory upon awakening. It's an uneasy, helpless kind of feeling that it imparts.

Basically, the dream goes like this: it's night time and everything is "normal" and then these things appear in the sky. They are moving lights but are extraordinary in terms of their shapes and the visual effects they produce. They sort of flash by. I think they are vehicles. Anyway, when they come, there are lots of them, they move across at what seems like somewhat low, threatening altitude -- they are quick but the passing of all of them takes many minutes or perhaps several hours. Their appearance is otherworldly and produces fear in everyone every time, not of the unknown but of threat, of death. You see, there is the distinct sensation within the dream that the people are living with these (ir)regular visitations -- they've come before many times and their coming is unpredictable, but each time is both cause for and a reminder of fear.

There is a sense that they are controlling the planet and can destroy anything at any time. A sense of living under disapproving watch or virtual imprisonment also pervades. There's also a sense that there is a distinct purpose to the visitations -- associated with punishment -- some purpose that results in suffering for some people.

I'm not prone to such dreams, and I can see how easily they might arise from all this stuff I read about aliens coming to "save" us. But, thought I'd mention it here "on the network" in case it sounds similar to anyone else's dreams.
AdPop said:
it's night time and everything is "normal" and then these things appear in the sky. They are moving lights but are extraordinary in terms of their shapes and the visual effects they produce. They sort of flash by.
As I read your dream, I 'relive' my recurring dreams.
I don't really think about them, but your post 'struck a nerve', so to say.
Makes my heart pound.
Makes me wanna beat feet...
All too many times (in my dreams) I have seen them in the skies.
When at nightime, surreal flashes of color within the clouds, but no thunder.
Coming closer, demanding my visual attention.
At first, I would stare, almost as in disbelief, making sure what I see, is what it could be...
Impending DOOM, yes...
All others with me tend to scatter & hide.
And I can't remember ever being caught.
I would wake up, scared.

edit: I am very intense right now.
I can't get this otta my head.
As I think, I remember when I was a child, I dreamt of storms, tornados, and 'odd' creatures.
Hi Adpop & Al,

I have had similar dreams a few times. The sky is literally filled with UFO's of every imaginable size and shape. It was fascinating and scary at the same time.

I think of it as a warning of things to come.

C's did say "invasion happens when programming is complete".
It's the emotional impact of the dream that is most disturbing and odd, rather than the "visuals." It was not like I was reacting to the visuals. It was like I had another life and felt what it all meant. Most dreams for me don't impart that kind of thing at all.
Two years ago I had this dream. Lots of red and white round aerial vehicles came during the day time. There were so many you could not count them. I said, oh my god they've come to invade us. Then I see my mother, who was 74 then. She is on a branch of the fig tree and she jumps down, like a young girl would. Then I say (to myself) then we must be in the 4th density. Then I woke up. I don't know whether this was a recurring theme or not as I do not remember my dreams when I get up. Lately I found out that if I command myself to remember thembefore going to sleep, I do. (read in one of castaneda's books).
I had a dream like that a week ago. I have transcribed my dreams for about two years but it was the first to see an UFO's. The strange otherwordly feeling accompanied it for some time after waking up. I remember it was a night time. The sky and a whole atmosphere was very weird. I was looking up and amazed about very big, disc-shaped crafts maneuvering in a low altidude. I was completly alone, watching them and most strange feelings penetrated me.
AdPop said:
I've had a new recurring dream two or three times this year.[...]

I'm not prone to such dreams, and I can see how easily they might arise from all this stuff I read about aliens coming to "save" us. But, thought I'd mention it here "on the network" in case it sounds similar to anyone else's dreams.
I also thought it was associated to your research for the channel watch and New Age COINTELPRO, its being a year since it is up. It might well arise from all you've read, or maybe you can 'see' it better after all the thinking with a hammer and research done.

I also remembered a dream that I had in 2004, it was SO real that I still remember it. It was like a war in space (star wars style!) and we were obviously loosing. I was piloting one of the ships and I screamed "we need to go back and do it better!!!" and as I spelled those words I found myself in my present life back in 2004, in the room I used to live back then reading the book "In Search of the Miraculous" by Ouspensky, that was part of doing it better... That was an interesting strange dream. I did read the book back then and it helped a lot :)
This week I have had an UFO dream. I was in a big supermarket and as I was going to go outside, I put my sunglasses and I saw 2 UFO which was like fighter planes but they were white and very silent. Nobody seemed to saw them. I was able to because I wore polarized sunglasses which permit me to distinguish them without being blinded by the light of sun.

And I saw them spreading chemtrails which was soporifics to send to sleep all the population, before their invasion.
So I stayed inside the supermarket and tell me " This is the beginning!"
I decided to take some provisions to survive and wondered where could I go, but there were some patrols who had come inside the supermarket and I ran to find a hiding place (behind mastresses, first) - the policemen were controled by the aliens.

After I was on the top of a hill and I saw a lot of alien plane - do you recall the shuttles of the TV series "V"? It was the same- they flew very quickly in my direction and passed very near me - I was obliged to lie down flat on the ground and after I ran away. But they were not trying to kill me : they wanted to erode the top of the hill - I don't know why.

In the others dreams of UFO I have made before, it was always threatening, I have to hide somewhere but it seems that almost nobody is aware that it is an invasion, I am the only who is frightened.
I awoke from an alien invasion dream a couple of weeks ago, and made these notes:

I live in a modernist apartment on the top floor of a block in a city. From my window I can see a human war. Explosions are visible on the horizon, large missiles are destroying other aircraft, and strangely, it is safe to enjoy the show, which I do by going out onto a large wide balcony attached to my apartment, in order to watch the missile launches.

Back in my apartment, I am observing the escalation of the human war, which still feels safe.

I open the door and go out onto the balcony and the sky is full of flying saucers. They are a translucent lime green, shaped like red blood cells, with a small dome on top. One is flying straight towards my building, fast and low.

I know that the saucers are far more deadly and threatening than the human missiles and warplanes.

I run back into the building and, knowing that I cannot return to my own apartment, leap down some stairs and into another apartment belonging to a young couple. They are just leaving, and as I am about to open a door in their apartment, the young woman, who is carrying their baby, looks at me and shakes her head and I KNOW that there is something terrible, connected with the aliens, behind that door.

I wake up.

The sense of menace and threat connected with aliens was very strong in this dream, and this feeling did not fade upon waking, as many dream-feelings do.

This is the only alien invasion dream that I remember having.
Since we're on that subject, I also was pretty shaken up by a UFO dream a couple of weeks ago. Basically it was a massive global invasion. And it was like the feeling you might get in a police state. Fear and hopelessness and desperation. I have only had one other mass UFO invasion dream in the past, and both dreams were VERY powerful emotionally, which is pretty rare, and both left a huge impact on me as a result. In this most recent dream I remember the aliens set up some sort of order where they were actually made to look like the good guys, doing what's best for us, and everyone around me bought into it. But I knew better. I also knew they were telepathic, so I had to disguise even my thoughts, I had to think only what they'd expect people to think to "blend in". Despite the overwhelming emotions, I also had to disguise my emotions. Basically I had to "play dumb" both inside and outside when in their presence, which was a pretty unique situation since disguising your own thoughts and emotions isn't necessary when dealing with human tyrants, which made it so much more difficult.

Anyway I waited till my family and I weren't under watch and the aliens were doing something in a public setting, and we quietly "snuck out" and ran. We were running through a thick forest, hoping to be unnoticed, but they knew. They followed us, and at first they didn't reveal their presence but then it was clear as we saw a UFO above the trees flying above us. That was a pretty powerful emotional moment, because my family was there, and now I had to scramble and think how to protect myself AND them, what to do. And here is where it gets really interesting. This is when I discovered I have super-human abilities myself. This part is actually pretty typical of all my dreams in the past year or so - I almost never get nightmares anymore because when it gets really bad I always discover that I am super-human and am able to handle any "demons" and their powers. So while this doesn't put me completely at ease, I am no longer a helpless little human in the hands of godlike beings. I usually don't know what my "powers" are in the sense that, it's not like comic-book superhero defined powers. It's more like mind over matter type of power. So if I need to run really fast, I can. If I need to fly, I can, etc. So more like a need-based power, that I can do basically anything I choose as long as I have the confidence that I can do it. If I am doubting, then I usually fail.

I don't remember how it ends, I do remember a big battle started. Progressively I was becoming less afraid and more angry. Less and less it was "Oh my god what am I going to do now" and more and more it was "Who do YOU think you are treating me and my family and my entire planet like a bunch of helpless rats for you to order around and to do what you want with?". And the more that anger came over me, the less fear I had, and the more my own power increased. Basically the less I thought I was a helpless victim, the less I was a helpless victim. At some point I remember just deflecting or dodging any "attack" they blasted, though I did not attack back. It was all still happening in that forest. Somewhere in the middle of this I woke up really angry but crying at the same time. But also somehow satisfied that I didn't have to run, but also did not have to attack them, that I simply proved to myself and them that I can handle anything they can dish out, and then some. I can only hope that everybody else on the planet had that same untapped power. If so, the aliens would just turn around and leave, there would be nothing else they could do. But first everyone else would have to learn about the true nature of their predicament, that these are not "good guys" and once that is understood, learn that resistance is NOT futile.
I see that this topic is quite old, but it was said not to make new topic if one of same content I intend to make already exist, so here we go:

Literally last night I had VERY disturbing dream.
It all began with scene where I was somewhere outside with other people talking, when I looked up and I saw an airplain (big, transoceanic one) flying unusually low - he came from my left side. While I was looking at it, something weird happend - image of an airplain began shaking and outline of it started to move (!) In couple seconds I realized that I am not looking at the airplain - when I point it with my finger to show others this weird goings-on, image of an airplain disappeared and I saw flying object I could not identify. I didn't recognize what it was, and it was almost like I didn't see anything. That was very strange.
Than something starts to fall from the sky - almost like snowflakes - those little, white things, while falling, were also moving horizontally, almost like they were making some kind of exploration. When whole mass of them were at my height, I reached with my hand and one of them sat (!) on my hand. It was some kind of thing (not alive) but the feeling was pleasant.
I was looking at this thing on my hand for couple seconds and than I looked up - I saw THOUSANDS of ships/crafts in different sizes and shapes. It was Crazy how many of them there were. I, and everyone around me was stunned. Ships/crafts came out from the clouds (it was quite cloudy day, but with not rain - you could even see Sun sometimes) and began flying in many different directions.
After that I do not remember exacly everything chronologically, but man, there were many very wierd ships. I saw what seems to be huge, metal-like blocks which were flying in groups about 50 - 100 meters above the ground. There were 2 rows of those blocks with 2 such block-ships in each row. In my dream they were flying away from me, but while I was looking at them I could not even gus were they have drive/engine. That was amazing view. I also seen cigar shaped ship with "haired tentacles" (that's best way I can describe it) wider at the end - those tentacles were hainging out of the ship and were moving like were autonomous. I think they were catching people/objects - I haven't seen them doing that, but for some reason I was sure of it.
But the most stuning ship I saw at the end of my dream - it looked like cloud was unrolling - from front side with tight threads - and while those threads were unrolling round'n'round the cloud, I could see ship/craft INSIDE (!) the cloud. When most of the cloud was unrolled, I saw that this ship is different from others - almost like it was alive. It looked at me, while I was hiding behind some wooden boards - and in this moment someone/something came from my right side and said to me - "Here you are!". I'm not sure if it was a human - this entity was quite short and wide with large eyes and it/he/she walked in strange way, but I gues there are people looking similar to this description, so I don't know. Funny thing is, that this entity...disappeared after I looked up and looked back where it/he/she was. Anyway ship/craft/entity from unrolled cloud - even if it saw me - ignored me and were moving forward on the sky. It had strange, long limbs (if I may call it that way).
Earlier in my dream I also saw humans triangle-shaped crafts fighting with all those alien ships - humans were shooting at them with some sort of rockets but I've never saw an impact of humans weapon in alien ships/crafts. But those "human" ships were really large too.
I rememeber that at the beginig, when I saw all those ships coming from the sky I said to my self - "No, that's impossible! It's too soon" - almost like I knew that they should come in couple months later. But I did not had this knowledge - that was strange as well.

More less that was it. My dream. I woke up Very frightened. I remember thinking in my dream during the invasion - it's all over now. It will never be the same. It was so scary, that when I woke up (it was 5 in the morning) I went out on the balcony to see for my self if "my old world" still exist. When in the morning I was on my way to work, I was looking at the sky and looking around and I felt relief. I mean, if something like that really happens - world as we know it - will come to an end, and I'm afraid people will be some kind of slave.

That was - in total - my third dream of an alien invasion, but my two prior dreams was very modest - in first I saw one ship dividing into more elements and in second I saw three huge ships coming slowly down to Earth 's surface. So it was nothing like the last one with massive invasion.

I hope despite all mistakes I've made, you were able to read it all through :)
Well since you brought it up again I will add my UFO dreams (in last 2 years) to this topic.

In first dream there was a huge spaceship with other smaller ones next to him and they were moving toward the nearby city while I was observing them from the point of my village. They were emerging from the clouds. This city was under attack and I was observing how buildings are crashing down in fire and smoke. There was no fear in me, I was just observing the whole thing. It's like I was prepared for it, expecting it. Then I looked behind me and saw two unfamiliar dark-skinned humans sitting in a car and staring at me. End of dream.

Other dream that I recall was about some kind of flying vehicles. I observed them through the window of my house and I had a feeling that their purpose were to make a surveillance and to collect humans into some sort of red glowing energy cage that is part of this drones. I felt that I need to be cautious about them.

Third dream was about me sitting on some buildings balcony and watching at the small UFO which was hovering only few meters in front of me. People were hiding in that building and UFO was "observing" me or better word is scanning me to determine something.

All this dreams were short but intense. There was that feeling in all of them that I am protected somehow because of my higher awareness of them, but that a caution must be on high level in order to make a positive outcome of this interactions.
You may say - it was brought on me ;)

Interesting thing in your dreams is your relation to the UFO. In two of your dreams (1&3) it was almost like you were part of those events. I mean attitude of the UFO's in relation 2 U was quite unique (observing and scanning are usually caused by deeper intentions - like know more/get through someone to something/someone else, etc.). Although second one shown that not utterly ;)
You wrote that in your first dream you were prepared for it. It had totally opposite feelings in mine. I could not understand why nobody saw them coming! There were really over thousand ships in my dream - and it was only my neighbourhood!! I was convinced that they should be visible moment they entered our Solar System, or at least when they passed Jupiter! But no, they were seen 4 the first time when they came out from the cloud... that was/is incomprehensible 4 me..
I keep coming back here and I'm reading all over again what I wrote. This dream was Shocking for me.
I was trying to interpret my dream and it struck me that the only scenario for those UFOs not to being seen is that ..... they are already here....!
And if taking my dream seriously, it definitively has something to do with the clouds.
Generally to pull out most important cliff notes from my interpretation:
1. Changing image of the airplain into unidentified object which can not be seen/stored properly in your memory/eluding your perception suggests that currently we are unable to detect alien presence;
2. Falling white things from the sky in mass wave symbolize drop of blindness curtain;
Quotation: "I was looking at this thing on my hand for couple seconds and than I looked up - I saw THOUSANDS of ships/crafts in different sizes and shapes. It was Crazy how many of them there were. I, and everyone around me was stunned. Ships/crafts came out from the clouds (it was quite cloudy day, but with not rain - you could even see Sun sometimes) and began flying in many different directions"
Conclusion: I could saw what already was there (!) And when spotted, UFOs began to "do what they came here to do"...

Strong One ;)

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