Strange occurance in my Yoga class


Jedi Master
I wanted some input if anyone has any thoughts about the following.

It may be something or nothing but it was definitely strange!

I teach one of my Yoga classes in a Jacobean mansion house owned by the Local council. All of the rooms are let out to various Adult education classes. I have been teaching there since May of last year. We aren't always in the same room but are normally in one of two The long gallery or the Old Library.

I am aware that there are people who think that the house is haunted especially the Long Gallery, a particular student tells me that she is 'sensitive' to these things and has had 'feelings' in the Long Gallery that confirm her suspicion's that it is indeed haunted.

I am happy to say that I was comfortable with this in as much as I think T.C. Lethbridge's findings that hauntings are a kind of recording, replayed under certain atmospheric conditions probably represent the truth of the matter.

But here is the point of my post. I was teaching last night and got to the end of the class where the students were in relaxation. Lights off, dark room. Almost as soon as they were settled there was the most annoying noise coming from one end of the room. The whole gallery is oak panelled and oak floored. It sounded like someone was rattling the paneling from one end of the room.

I assumed it was the wind and a strange effect from the window to begin with, but it continued and became more 'insistant' it reminded me of one of those phone rings that get louder the longer it goes on. It was accompanied for me but a distinct change in atmosphere in the room, a kind of feeling of oppression or something bearing down in an unpleasant way.

So I'm there with a room full of students thinking that they must be really put off by this noise while they try and relax and at the same time feeling not altogether comfortable.

In my head I called to mind Christ and 6th density STO asking for protection, and for what ever it was to leave and to calm my unease. The noise stopped. Which only made me feel worse! Then I had the problem that it may have been coincidence but it could also be a sign that something else was at play.

I was so disconcerted that I ended the relaxation ( it was almost time anyway) and apologised to the students for the noise, wasn't it always the way etc. Only two of the students had heard it! One of which was the student who believes she is quite 'sensitive' to this kind of thing. Both agreed that it was most strange and that they hadn't heard anything like it here before. They have been using the room longer than I as this is an existing class I took on. Well that spooked me even more because this was pretty loud.

I'd like to think that I was the kind of person who is not prone to jumping to the conclusion that something is 'unexplained', but I am used to the noises in this room and have never felt that creeping, ominous sensation that accompanied it before, I've never given it a second thought but this was quite unpleasant.

Obviously with my students I just joked about it but its left me wondering what it may have been. Nothing like this has happened to me before and I've been teaching for a good few years now it made me feel most uncomfortable, I certainly wont turn all the lights out again!. I don't know if my description has done it justice, it's hard to describe something like this.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :/
We had similar noises in our house; turned out to be air in the radiators. How is this house heated?
Laura said:
We had similar noises in our house; turned out to be air in the radiators. How is this house heated?

I thought about that, but the heating is hardly on at the moment so much so we kept our jumpers on, and last week we borrowed fan heaters. Also the other lady in the class (the sensitive one) who heard it was adamant it wasn't the heating.

I don't know the actual way it's heated, but they look like electric storage heaters. I'll check.

I hope it is that, it's made me a bit anxious. I'll be keeping my ears open next week.
In my youth I was in an acting group that used to rehearse there. Always found it a bit spooky, but was easily spooked in those days.

I found this this you tube vignette from the same room.
(A little over dramatised for Breakfast TV viewers but what the heck)

and here are a couple of links that talk about the house being haunted

It's a lovely place though!
Yeah, nice place! Well, there's probably some type of recording a la Lethbridge and it can possibly be activated or amplified by living energies. I don't think I would get agitated about a recording, though.

You might try going in a few minutes early next time with a bag of sea-salt and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the room and see if that has any dampening effect on the EM field.
Laura said:
Yeah, nice place! Well, there's probably some type of recording a la Lethbridge and it can possibly be activated or amplified by living energies. I don't think I would get agitated about a recording, though.

You might try going in a few minutes early next time with a bag of sea-salt and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the room and see if that has any dampening effect on the EM field.

Yes I think I will. That and stop wearing those Lyrca Yoga pants!
Hi slowone

... stop wearing those Lyrca Yoga pants!

Wearing natural fibres next to the body will be much healthier for you, and relevant to the health side of yoga too, rather than to the PTB's marketing world!
Lycra is not a right, it's a privilege that must be earned.
Al Today said:
Laura said:
Lycra is not a right, it's a privilege that must be earned.
Making a funny about airline travel are we .?.?.? :halo:

edit: if not a funny, doh :-[

This was in an interview about flight security right?

I cringe slightly every time i hear "tracked by RFID chip"
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