Strange scene during meditation

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post, I apologize if it isn't, please let me know if I should delete it and post it in another place.

Earlier this week I was in the middle of a short mindfulness type of meditation (one that I tried before with no strange experience) to calm the mind and suddenly a strange scene popped up in my mind.

There was a woman, standing alone near the sea, there were high clouds in the sky, with the sun shining softly through those with colors that were giving to the picture that aspect of an afternoon that is starting to get a little closer to sunset.

I understood that the woman was there mourning her child who passed away, what felt like, several months ago.

I knew that because, somehow, in that vision, I was that woman.

I somehow knew that this was not a past life, even the clothes of the woman were pretty contemporary. And still, somehow I felt I was that woman (although I am a man in real life).

Apparently on her mourning process she went to some therapy and she was standing there because she wanted to scream to the sky, to the universe, at really top max volume and full force what she felt for her lost child.

Then she started to shout with tremendous volume, will and power using the name of my actual son (!!!), saying in Spanish (my mother tongue) "[his name] ERES LO QUE MÁS QUIERO EN EL MUNDOOOO!!!!!"


And then I started to really feel ALL the pain, the anger, the helplessness, the sorrow of that mother, who was truly feeling that something was literally cut and taken away from her very own being.

These incredibly tough and horribly sad feelings lasted for several minutes that I spent crying in pain until I could put myself back together minutes later but still feeling incredibly bad.

It was so hard, and it felt so weird to hear and feel that with the name of my son... and it REALLY felt like I lost him.

Horrible, it was truly horrible.

At the end of this meditation kind of a conclusion came to my mind, that I preferred to experience this through this type of 'empathetic vision' than go through that myself in the flesh, having to face that situation for the rest of my life.

I just wanted to share it with you since it was quite a tough experience although of course nothing compared to what the actual tragedy of living through that terrible situation would be like.

I guess I am just scared, like any parent can be about the safety of their children, I don't know.

Big hugs to everyone.
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post, I apologize if it isn't, please let me know if I should delete it and post it in another place.

Earlier this week I was in the middle of a short mindfulness type of meditation (one that I tried before with no strange experience) to calm the mind and suddenly a strange scene popped up in my mind.

There was a woman, standing alone near the sea, there were high clouds in the sky, with the sun shining softly through those with colors that were giving to the picture that aspect of an afternoon that is starting to get a little closer to sunset.

I understood that the woman was there mourning her child who passed away, what felt like, several months ago.

I knew that because, somehow, in that vision, I was that woman.

I somehow knew that this was not a past life, even the clothes of the woman were pretty contemporary. And still, somehow I felt I was that woman (although I am a man in real life).

Apparently on her mourning process she went to some therapy and she was standing there because she wanted to scream to the sky, to the universe, at really top max volume and full force what she felt for her lost child.

Then she started to shout with tremendous volume, will and power using the name of my actual son (!!!), saying in Spanish (my mother tongue) "[his name] ERES LO QUE MÁS QUIERO EN EL MUNDOOOO!!!!!"


And then I started to really feel ALL the pain, the anger, the helplessness, the sorrow of that mother, who was truly feeling that something was literally cut and taken away from her very own being.

These incredibly tough and horribly sad feelings lasted for several minutes that I spent crying in pain until I could put myself back together minutes later but still feeling incredibly bad.

It was so hard, and it felt so weird to hear and feel that with the name of my son... and it REALLY felt like I lost him.

Horrible, it was truly horrible.

At the end of this meditation kind of a conclusion came to my mind, that I preferred to experience this through this type of 'empathetic vision' than go through that myself in the flesh, having to face that situation for the rest of my life.

I just wanted to share it with you since it was quite a tough experience although of course nothing compared to what the actual tragedy of living through that terrible situation would be like.

I guess I am just scared, like any parent can be about the safety of their children, I don't know.

Big hugs to everyone.
Thank you for sharing this and yeah, I understand why you are shaken. I'm not a parent, so I can only imagine the horror of losing a child. And that probably doesn't come close.

Maybe that woman was you, or a part of you that your concience deemed appropriate to picture as a woman. The world is such a scary place right know, it wouldn't be surprising if your subconcious built an enormous emotional charge. Every parent who is aware of the state of the world must ask himself, now more than ever " how is my child going to make it?", " how will I protect him?", "what if he's taken away from me?" etc, etc.

I would say it a good thing that this memory, emotional charge of whatever that is, was able to express itself in a manner that was safe for you. You were able to see it, to integrate it.
Take good care of you, be gentle with yourself🌸
‘It is easier to observe others doing the hard lessons, than it is to do the same for yourself’

None the less it still hurts to see this. I think this is another interaction from the approaching wave, it opens you up to see alternate realities, possibly alternate lives here. This may be someone from your soul group, some emotions reach farther than some people realize. Maybe they needed someone to hear them … and you did. Haiku …

’It’s the lessons, sometimes you don’t get to choose which ones you get.’
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