Strange Sleep Occurrences


OK per recommendations I am posting this in the hope that this section is more appropriate.

I had mostly forgotten about these sleep disruptions as they occurred mostly when I was pre-adolescent - about 50 years ago.

This same disruption happened several times over the course of about 7 years.

I would become aware - while sleeping, of an enormously heavy hourglass-shaped object that was hanging above me - it was like i could "see" it but not through my eyes - more like sensing its presence. This thing was moving - slowly rotating end-over-end.

I also had the feeling that the only reason that it did fall on me and crush me was that I was very strongly willing it not to - and that I could not relax for a second if I was to survive.

It seemed like this lasted for an eternity - I don't remember how these things finally resoved.

I do remember that on more than one occasion I must have cried out, and my parents entered my room to see what was wrong - in these instances I was able to sit up, to see my parents, even to mumble at them, but could not "wake up" from the sense of this thing hanging over me.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
I may have something to add that is similar to your experience.

When I was around the same age or younger, I had an experience of an 'awake' nightmare. I was sleeping but I was conscious of my body and everything else. There were these geometric objects 'sucking' energy out of me or rather, inducing the most terrifying fear you could ever feel. I mean that. I couldn't cry I couldn't scream I couldn't do anything but observe this terror and what these shapes done to me. But like your story pstott, it went on for what seemed like forever. I lived in fear of this happening again but it never did, or that I am aware of.

I also had the impression of something being right in my face, like an infinite sized object very small, yet very big.

Not sure what this was, perhaps a sleep paralasis gone wrong, but thought I'd share.
Yes I had the same sense of terror, but I also had the feeling that I was preventing this object from doing with me what it wanted - and I had a definite sense that it regarded me as prey.

I was not paralyzed during these sessions, but moving took considerable effort.

Hi pstott,

I am wondering myself what this type of dream may be about as I had a similar dream just this morning. Have you had this type of dream recently as well? In the dream I had, it was as if a heavy ominous force was trying to envelop me and I was struggling with it and pushing against it from doing so. The strength of the weight kinda feels like walking against a gust of wind. It also reminds me of sleep paralysis, but like you said, I was not completely paralyzed by the weight of it as I could still push against it and could see the darkish form whereas with paralysis I only feel the weight. I wonder how much it may relate to a state of mind, as I have been feeling quite overwhelmed lately, and the pressure or force in the dream is definitely overwhelming.
I had a session of sleep paralysis yesterday. This also triggered my memories of having experienced it in my childhood and adolescence. Only now that it re-occurred do I remember. Last night, I awoke (which is, my eyes opened) and I was unable to move my body. I felt the presence of danger behind me (I was lying on one side facing the wall) that had somehow taken me out of my sleep. The thought that I had to turn over and address this unseen threat was the only thing on my mind. I think I may have screamed out loud in an attempt to regain physical control.

None of my friends or family relate to this. I've looked at the forums, searched the internet. Some places say that it's diet related, but the original post of this thread is so similar to my experience that it's down-right disturbing. During one of these events, at around the age of 12, I remember seeing a humanoid face on a black background approaching me while I was paralyzed. That's the only time that I remember the paralysis being accompanied by a waking nightmare. My estimate is that it has happened numerous times since, but that the traumatizing nature of this event has lead me to simply shut it out.

Just thought I'd share that. It seems I need to pay more attention to my diet.
As I originally mentioned, this was several occurrences back in my pre-adolescence about 50 years ago.

I am doubtful that this was diet-related, as we ate amost foods prepared from basic raw materials by my grandmother - mostly meats and vegetables without a lot of dairy and no pre-prepared foods that might contain additives or preservatives. I was not allowed to eat of lot of sugar or drink pop.

We lived in a small town in the south-west of England - close to local farms and food sources - there were cows in the field at the end of my street!

And also, these episodes would happen only once or twice a year, and there were no significant changes in my diet at these times that I can remember...

During these episodes I was able to move - open eyes, sit up etc., but it did seem to take about twice the normal effort to do so.
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