Strange things with my body

Hi everybody.

I apologize, cos i don't know if this is the proper place to post this.

Well, i have been living strange things, but this isn't unusual to me if i recap my life. So i'm going to comment a couple of them looking for common experiences or may be some explanation about it. So i'll be garateful with any reply.

1- I have felt in many occasions like if some kind of energy (i would describe it like wind) entering into my body through the lower trunk, (1 st chakra?), usually when i'm in bed reading before sleep, when i'm simply relaxed or even when i'm sleeping like the last night. I can be wrong because i haven't been monitoring it but i believe that it always happen in the night. Yesterday i felt it very strongly, i was covered with sheets and a blanket and i was sleeping but suddenly i felt like if there were someone and i perceived movement under the sheets and blanket (like air or wind and i had the impresion that the sheets and blanket swell), instantly after that i felt it entering in my body. I wake up just before the events, but after it happened i have the sensation to be pissed in some sense but in the other hand i didn't know if it could be some kind of energy to which i allowed to work with me, or it can be caused by another posibility.

2- This second experience had happened twice (that i remember). When i'm going to sleep and i'm with closed eyes relaxed looking for fall into a deep dream condition, i have felt like a hand that grabs me by the arm or leg, subsequently i felt that my brain turns off into the deep dream condition i explained before but it happen instantly, and not gradually as it use to happen. When i'm perceiving consciously that something touch me and what happen to my brain i automatically fight to recover wakefulness shaking my hand or leg where i feel the contact, and after this is very hard return to sleep.

Thank you for reading.
pirataloko said:
Hi everybody.

I apologize, cos i don't know if this is the proper place to post this.

Well, i have been living strange things, but this isn't unusual to me if i recap my life. So i'm going to comment a couple of them looking for common experiences or may be some explanation about it. So i'll be garateful with any reply.

1- I have felt in many occasions like if some kind of energy (i would describe it like wind) entering into my body through the lower trunk, (1 st chakra?), usually when i'm in bed reading before sleep, when i'm simply relaxed or even when i'm sleeping like the last night. I can be wrong because i haven't been monitoring it but i believe that it always happen in the night. Yesterday i felt it very strongly, i was covered with sheets and a blanket and i was sleeping but suddenly i felt like if there were someone and i perceived movement under the sheets and blanket (like air or wind and i had the impresion that the sheets and blanket swell), instantly after that i felt it entering in my body. I wake up just before the events, but after it happened i have the sensation to be pissed in some sense but in the other hand i didn't know if it could be some kind of energy to which i allowed to work with me, or it can be caused by another posibility.

2- This second experience had happened twice (that i remember). When i'm going to sleep and i'm with closed eyes relaxed looking for fall into a deep dream condition, i have felt like a hand that grabs me by the arm or leg, subsequently i felt that my brain turns off into the deep dream condition i explained before but it happen instantly, and not gradually as it use to happen. When i'm perceiving consciously that something touch me and what happen to my brain i automatically fight to recover wakefulness shaking my hand or leg where i feel the contact, and after this is very hard return to sleep.

Thank you for reading.

Hi pirataloko. I think that what you are describing has in some form happened to many of us. I remember Laura writing about this nightly harassment in some of her books, but I can't find that passage right now. Anyway, her take on this, if I remember correctly, (and this is very simplified!) is that this type of 'harassment' occur often when we are in the process of choosing our life path, when we are having a inner struggle of some kind. I've experienced this myself. Not long ago I was having strange out of body experiences. I've also experienced pinching, grabbing and back scratching during the night - all of these seemed very real!

However, I don't think that this is something to be alarmed about, it could very well be a part of your self that is "rebelling" against some other part of you; you are causing these things your self. My 'harassment' has stopped for now, and I sense that it stopped the moment when I chose to follow the STO-path. You can read a better description of all this in The Wave I believe. I'll try to find some relevant quotes when I have the time.

Hang in there and don't worry, these things will pass! Just be firm and disciplined in all of your decisions concerning your life and life path. :)
Hi Aragorn.

Thank you for the answer. I don't think that i can mark as OBE the experiences i wrote, i remember OBE in a diferent way. Thanks for sharing the link to your experiences, it helps a lot in a diferent way. Acording to the second point described in my post i have the impresion to be some kind of attack of our 4D STS "friends" trying "I get where I am not being called", but i'm going to fight always. This point had been illuminated to me. This experiences happened a year ago aprox., just after i discovered the C's spanish website and devoured the articles and become a forum member.

Refering to the first point, that was the main reason to post here, i have to say that i know that there are "weird" experiences and i'm open to, but sometimes i believe there must be an answer to them. I'm not fear or scary or anything but it's strange and i want to know, in some cases, i percieve that the experience isn't beneficial for myself, in another experiences i'm pacefull and i don't percieve any danger but in this one simply i'm not sure and it's what i'm thinking about and looking for knowing more. Whatching this experience with the perspective of the days i have to say that the energy entering in my body never before could be taken as negative, but this night was a violent entry, in the other hand after it happened i felt a negative presence adove (back my head) and the energy come in below (through the lower trunk), so i basically have the sensation that there were energies doing opposite works in some sense.

Today it's te impresion i have about the experience, tomorrow would change, who knows?

Thank you for your reading!
Hi pirataloko,

I don't think Aaragorn was suggesting that you had an OBE. Rather it was an example of what had experienced. He also mentioned being pinched, grabbed, etc, through the night.

If you notice, your experiences all seem to happen near the time you are sleeping or during your sleep, causing you to wake.

The psyche can manifest physical sensations to get our attention or just as an outward expression of an internal conflict.

There is also something called sleep paralysis, that you might want to read about, if you haven't already. I believe Wikipedia had a half decent entry on it. Bear in mind that sleep paralysis is usually explained as a medical/physiological phenomenon, as most are unaware of its potential (IMO) as a metaphysical or psychicaly inspired event as well.

Give your mind some credit for being able to manifest physical experiences instead of something external. I believe an internal reason should be sought in most cases before considering external forces.

Of course, it could be some nasty negative energy from some entity, spirit attachment, hyperdimensional being, etc) messing with you, but it might prove more beneficial to consider an internal reason first.

Are you doing the EE program with the Prayer of the Soul? If not, you might find it having an effect on such strangeness.

Gonzo said:
Hi pirataloko,

I don't think Aaragorn was suggesting that you had an OBE. Rather it was an example of what had experienced. He also mentioned being pinched, grabbed, etc, through the night.

Hi Gonzo

I agree with you, it was a clarification because i didn't know if i had been clear with my english.

Gonzo said:
If you notice, your experiences all seem to happen near the time you are sleeping or during your sleep, causing you to wake.

The psyche can manifest physical sensations to get our attention or just as an outward expression of an internal conflict.

Yes, i'm agree that's a posibility.

Gonzo said:
There is also something called sleep paralysis, that you might want to read about, if you haven't already. I believe Wikipedia had a half decent entry on it. Bear in mind that sleep paralysis is usually explained as a medical/physiological phenomenon, as most are unaware of its potential (IMO) as a metaphysical or psychicaly inspired event as well.

Yes, i was reading about sleep paralysis just after reading Aragorn's reply, and i'm agree with your opinion.

Gonzo said:
Give your mind some credit for being able to manifest physical experiences instead of something external. I believe an internal reason should be sought in most cases before considering external forces.

Of course, it could be some nasty negative energy from some entity, spirit attachment, hyperdimensional being, etc) messing with you, but it might prove more beneficial to consider an internal reason first.

Are you doing the EE program with the Prayer of the Soul? If not, you might find it having an effect on such strangeness.


Yes for sure, i give credit to my mind and i trust in natural process, and i know i have to wait the unexpected and there would be a point where the unexpected can be considered in a "normal" way. I'm going day by day looking for what's happen in every moment.

Yes i'm doing the EE program with POTS, in an irregular basis since last summer to the day i read the reply to my post in, and in a regular basis since that day.

Thank you for your comments.
Dear Pirataloko,

When you are drifting off to sleep and experiencing this wind and the hands do you find it impossible to move? If so, I believe you are suffering from sleep paralysis. I have suffered from sleep paralysis and read a couple books on the subject. Without going into detail about my horrific "ghost" stories I could tell you regarding my own experiences with SP, I would like to recommend reading Dark Intrusions and Soul Traveler. Some of the stories in Dark Intrusions sound very similar to your experiences. I agree that these experiences could be 4-D STS entities attempting to attack you and/or use you for energy, but I cannot say for sure.
Hi everybody

Scarlet said:
Dear Pirataloko,

When you are drifting off to sleep and experiencing this wind and the hands do you find it impossible to move? If so, I believe you are suffering from sleep paralysis. I have suffered from sleep paralysis and read a couple books on the subject. Without going into detail about my horrific "ghost" stories I could tell you regarding my own experiences with SP, I would like to recommend reading Dark Intrusions and Soul Traveler. Some of the stories in Dark Intrusions sound very similar to your experiences. I agree that these experiences could be 4-D STS entities attempting to attack you and/or use you for energy, but I cannot say for sure.

Scarlet thank you for your reply, i have to say that it isn't sleep paralysis at all. I had never experienced this (that i remember), in my experiences i can move and fight all the time. That's an interesting issue but it isn't my case.
It's great news that you are able to move during those times and I wish that were the case for me! I still recommend Dark Intrusions though if you are curious to read up on cases where people have had similar experiences. Not everyone who was mentioned in that book suffered from SP, though the author has experienced it. Perhaps if you have more of these strange experiences reading the book might interest you. Best wishes! :)
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