Strange vivid dream about teleporting/materializing.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night was a very weird night.

I was dreaming and was home minding my own business and preparing myself to go to work and suddenly I dissapear instantly and I end up in the cockpit of a plane, I was in full shock and gasping how this was possible, I saw the 2 pilots look at me and they told that we would arrive any minute.

I was hoping it would be the ducht airport so I could take the train home.

A few moments later, the plane lands and the pilot says "Welcome to Londen''

Again being in full shock I was continuously wondering how this was possible, I walked out of the train and to the streets, I saw all street names in english , people talking english , english busses driving past me, it was so real and scary.

I was thinking calling my parents and telling them I am in Londen and how was I going to explain this to my work.

at my right side there were 3 girls, I asked one of them if she could help me, I explained her my situation and she seemed to believe me and walked with me along the streets, a few talks later we go sit on a staircase and she starts to cry and puts her head on my shoulder.

Exactly at that moment I dissapear again instantly and this time in front of my home, but I can't walk to it, there seems to be some kind of forcefield or shield, I try to push and push but I can't walk towards it. When I look closer I see a lot of flowers on my car, I was assuming that they must be thinking that I am dead or something.

I was then thinking about dissapearing to Laura's home, she would maybe know what is going on. I then dissapeared again and reappeared in front of her home.

But her house had a forceshield as well, but it was like ten times stronger, I was so mad at the whole confusing situation that I forcefully pushed myself through the force field with a lot of trouble and started to walk towards the front door.

then Ark came out of the house and told me ''you are quite lucky that you are still alive, that forcefield was meant to keep everyone outside''

and then I woke up.

man what a strange dream!
I Bo, strange dream indeed!

Sometime I think that we enter parallel dimension or reality when dreaming. We Know that the sts 4th density love to create and merge dimension to create new reality but that the old one still exist somewhere. That old dimension will continue to exist on it own and progress along without the sts tempering and the result may be a totally different reality. This is pure speculation of course but one that can explain dream like your that me, my daughter or wife have some time.

Well, enough speculation back to this reality,
cheer Laurentien.

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