Students Take Bulgaria’s Protests to the Next Level.


Jedi Master
"Students Take Bulgaria’s Protests to the Next Level. Can They Break the Political Stalemate?"

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This is an in-depth article about the current non-violent student's protests in Bulgaria.
It provides the political, historical and social context of the latter.
The protesters display great maturity in the way they assemble and do not let the protest turn into riots.
The way they work together in a democratic manner providing an example for society and do not subject to provocations from their corrupt government is likely worth showing as an example.
Bulgaria Protests: True People Power or NGO Operation?
Both the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and Access To Information Programme are closely associated with George Soros’ Open Society Institute and derivatives of that organization. BHC also receives sizeable donations from USAID, a notorious American intelligence front organization designed to foment cultural and political destabilization in foreign countries.[1]

The Institute for Market Economics also works closely with the Open Society Institute as well as Freedom House, National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, and the World Bank. Ironically, the IME is a neo-liberal organization which promotes the insane austerity methods of the Austrian school of economics and the privatization of public services at vastly increased costs to the consumer and the average Bulgarian. Indeed, the irony is that the protests were originally set off as a result of skyrocketing electricity bills due to just such a privatization scheme. Now, the IME wishes to attach itself to the Bulgarian movement and push one of the very plans which prodded mass numbers of people into the streets earlier this year.
However, while the widespread corruption of current Bulgarian officials must be dealt with by the Bulgarian people and real demands must be made, Bulgarians would be wise to avoid any and all association with the aforementioned organizations. Failure to do so will not only wrest control of their own movement away from them, it will undoubtedly bring something much worse in the long run than the current political scene.
Now that's a vey curious and unsettling information from 'the other side' of things and affairs.
I have a Bulgarian friend who is wholeheartedly taking part in the protest and this is how I came about this information.
Thank you very much for your reply, I have forwarded the article to her. Knowledge protects.
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