I found an interesting article on FB, called "Conspiracy fans think someone or something is killing off the world's top UFO researchers"
From _http://exopolitics.blogs.com/peaceinspace/2016/07/max-spiers-has-left-us-a-legacy-of-truth.html
I remember an earlier Cassiopaean transcript remarking that VB and others had died around the time the farm was purchased, and that the C's remarked that when a new reality is entered, some people don't make the cut and so leave it. I wonder if there's been an uptick in unusual deaths surrounding the reality switch that preceded the attack in Nice and the failed coup in Turkey? It may not be related in this context, but still...
The two latest victims are UFO researcher Gaurav Tiwari, found dead in India under supposedly ‘mysterious circumstances’ – although authorities are treating it as suicide.
Max Spiers, a paranormal researcher who claimed to have been part of a secret government ‘supersoldier’ programme, died in Poland this month.
From _http://exopolitics.blogs.com/peaceinspace/2016/07/max-spiers-has-left-us-a-legacy-of-truth.html
Max Spiers has departed, he was in Warsaw, Poland when he was found dead in his room while staying with friends, emergency services were unable to revive him, his friend and author Stewart Swerdlow, made the announcement on the 16th of June. Stewart said that Max was staying with their mutual friends and was helping Stewart promote his new book, Stewart said ´´Max was very troubled last time I saw him in Poland last month, I knew something was wrong, I hope he has found peace’’.
I don't know what to make of these deaths. If they were murders by the PTB, why now, when the international scene should be absorbing most of their time and energy?A young and recently wed paranormal and UFO field investigator was found dead at his home earlier this month. Reports suggest the 32-year-old Gaurav Tiwari was found at his Dwarka flat in northwestern India under what is being labeled as mysterious circumstances. But does the UFO investigator’s death point to something more than just the oddity of his passing, something that connects him to dozens of other deaths of UFO investigators and researchers over the years? Are researchers being targeted?
The Times of India reported last week that Gaurav Tiwari was found dead at his home, a death authorities are treating as a suicide. Still, police have no motive and Tiwari’s family insist that the young founder of the Indian Paranormal Society was “perfectly normal” and had no reason to kill himself. In fact, according to family, he had only been married for a few months.
Schellhorn notes in his 1997 expository that his list follows in the footsteps of an investigative piece, Saga magazine’s Special UFO Report, proffered in 1971 by author and comic books legend Otto Binder, who chronicled the suspicious deaths of no less than 137 UFO investigators in the previous 10 years. And with Gaurav Tiwari’s untimely passing, it would appear that the list of “mysterious” deaths among UFO researchers will grow even longer.
But does that mean that there is some strange conspiracy linking all the deaths, that there is possibly some unknown agency or agencies intent on ensuring the deaths of UFO investigators and researchers and scientists to keep knowledge of aliens and the paranormal secreted away from the general public? No, it does not. But plausible deniability is the stock-in-trade of those who work for and within the darker departments of governance, something that helps lend credence to the many conspiracy theories surrounding the study of aliens and UFOs.

I remember an earlier Cassiopaean transcript remarking that VB and others had died around the time the farm was purchased, and that the C's remarked that when a new reality is entered, some people don't make the cut and so leave it. I wonder if there's been an uptick in unusual deaths surrounding the reality switch that preceded the attack in Nice and the failed coup in Turkey? It may not be related in this context, but still...