Sunny Sheu: Murdered for Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia


The Force is Strong With This One
An interesting news article from NY came to light recently. I felt I should share it with people here at sott.
A bloggers post involved in bringing this story to the media/world suggests that his life is also endanger now.

The shorthand of the story is that a man named Sunny Sheu had his house stolen from him by fictive buyers who used forged documents. Judge Golia of Queens engaged in what appears to be highly questionable behavior in failing to reverse the sale. Sheu started investigating the judge, was told by policeman who specifically referred to information he had provided about Golia, and that if he didn’t drop it, he’d wind up dead. Sheu disregarded their warning and did wind up dead. The authorities are also refusing to honor requests for information regarding Sheu’s death made under New York’s Freedom of Information Act.
Indeed - a good example of the deep corruption in our institutions and psychopaths running rampant. The fellow who shot the film of Sunny warning about his death is now being threatened (apparently) by NYPD/others. He has been amassing evidence in the case and is appealing for help.
Will Galison the person that filmed the youtube video and reported this story was reportedly assaulted and had his life threatened by an undercover cop who was surveilling his house on Wednesday, June 29th.

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