Shared Joy
Jedi Council Member
I thought to add some information about water forming more substantially in the upper layers of earth's atmosphere due to weakening of the magnetic field, featured here, which explains the recurrent flooding events:
Some of the ideas presented:
Superfloods are favored by the weakening of the magnetosphere:
1. Less protection from solar flares due to diminished shield
2. Large CME can make water in space which fall to Earth – weaker magnetosphere means more water production so clouds and flooding might be the new norm
3. Oxygen escapes from Earth during geomagnetic reversals – mass extinction ensues
4. ARkStorm – scenario based on events which took place several times, more recently in the 1861, when it rained for 45 days in California and the consequences it entailed.
As we can plainly see now, more and more floods are registered everywhere, with lasting damages, along with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
These events were signaled long ago: magnetic reversal seems to be needed for the plane convergence to take place:
Session 4 July 98
(A) I have a last question which I have prepared. So, we have these two physical disasters or
events, the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but we have been told that this time it is going to be different because this time it is accompanied by a plane convergence.
A: Yes. Magnetic field alteration.
Q: (A) This plane convergence, or this magnetic field alteration, it's supposed to be related to realms crossing or passing. A realm border.
A: Realm. What is root of "realm?"
Q: (L) Reality.
A: Yes. How does the magnetic field "plug in?" Other planchette, please. Carbon disturbance, as someone
"melted" crystal on top. [We replaced planchette.] We want to stay on this general subject matter through this session, for your sake.
Q: (L) Okay, in terms of these signs, these things going on on the planet, these fires and so forth - you never said anything about all these fires in Florida. You said Arizona was going to burn, but you never said Florida was going to burn...
A: We did not say it would not.
Q: (L) I know. But, it is really oppressive. I have read a couple of signs in the last day or so that we are going to have a change in the weather, a break, is my little method of predicting...
A: Reverse extreme?!?
Q: (L) Oh! Floods again! Well, I guess floods are better than fires... but, maybe not!
A: In Florida now, where to next? How about a shattering subduction quake in Pacific Northwest of U.S.? We estimate 10.4 on the Richter scale. We have warned of Ranier. Imagine a 150 meter high tsunami in Puget Sound...
Q: (L) Other than floods, anything else for Florida upcoming?
A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather patterns."
Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre things going on on the planet, how does it relate to the comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?
A: Human experiential cycle intersects.
Q: (L) Any specifice physical manifestation of either this brown star or this comet cluster or this realm border, that is related to these events on the planet?
A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in turn causes effects which in turn stimulates further "heating up" of activity...
We are definitely" in"....
Some of the ideas presented:
Superfloods are favored by the weakening of the magnetosphere:
1. Less protection from solar flares due to diminished shield
2. Large CME can make water in space which fall to Earth – weaker magnetosphere means more water production so clouds and flooding might be the new norm
3. Oxygen escapes from Earth during geomagnetic reversals – mass extinction ensues
4. ARkStorm – scenario based on events which took place several times, more recently in the 1861, when it rained for 45 days in California and the consequences it entailed.
As we can plainly see now, more and more floods are registered everywhere, with lasting damages, along with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
These events were signaled long ago: magnetic reversal seems to be needed for the plane convergence to take place:
Session 4 July 98
(A) I have a last question which I have prepared. So, we have these two physical disasters or
events, the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but we have been told that this time it is going to be different because this time it is accompanied by a plane convergence.
A: Yes. Magnetic field alteration.
Q: (A) This plane convergence, or this magnetic field alteration, it's supposed to be related to realms crossing or passing. A realm border.
A: Realm. What is root of "realm?"
Q: (L) Reality.
A: Yes. How does the magnetic field "plug in?" Other planchette, please. Carbon disturbance, as someone
"melted" crystal on top. [We replaced planchette.] We want to stay on this general subject matter through this session, for your sake.
Q: (L) Okay, in terms of these signs, these things going on on the planet, these fires and so forth - you never said anything about all these fires in Florida. You said Arizona was going to burn, but you never said Florida was going to burn...
A: We did not say it would not.
Q: (L) I know. But, it is really oppressive. I have read a couple of signs in the last day or so that we are going to have a change in the weather, a break, is my little method of predicting...
A: Reverse extreme?!?
Q: (L) Oh! Floods again! Well, I guess floods are better than fires... but, maybe not!
A: In Florida now, where to next? How about a shattering subduction quake in Pacific Northwest of U.S.? We estimate 10.4 on the Richter scale. We have warned of Ranier. Imagine a 150 meter high tsunami in Puget Sound...
Q: (L) Other than floods, anything else for Florida upcoming?
A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather patterns."
Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre things going on on the planet, how does it relate to the comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?
A: Human experiential cycle intersects.
Q: (L) Any specifice physical manifestation of either this brown star or this comet cluster or this realm border, that is related to these events on the planet?
A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in turn causes effects which in turn stimulates further "heating up" of activity...
We are definitely" in"....