Supposed 2012 "Cataclysmic Events"


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi everyone! :),

I'm a little new here so I guess this is as good of place as any to get a little direction. I have a question about a dream I had in 2011/ early 2012. The dream I had was that I specifically remember every atom and molecule having it's vibrational frequency raised. After that, I awoke and almost instantly, I had a new outlook on life and felt I had a new path I had to follow. Nothing really dramatic but I definitely had a new look on the world and haven't seen the world the same since. I seem to be more acutely aware of the lies being jammed down out collective throats and have been working on almost a daily basis to expose them. These things never really interested me that much before the dream but since, I've been feeling the need to share the truth about things as I believe them to be. My feeling is that when more people know what the real truths are, regarding world events, the better equipped the world will be to deal with them, thus having things fall into there proper place.

I was wondering. Can anyone here tell me which thread I should post this on? I am searching for a couple of answers regarding my dream. I also would like to know if that dream may have saved me from a different reality or dimension where if I didn't have that dream, maybe I would have been stuck in a reality where there may have been cataclysmic events on or around the time of December 2012 where many thought major world changes were to take place?

If anyone can post the thread or link where I can discuss this and maybe get some answers or a push in the right direction, I'd be forever grateful!

Thanks everyone! :lol:
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I don't know exactly what your dream means, and I doubt anyone can give a certain answer. But it does sound as if it reflected some inner process. Dreams that mean something are usually a metaphor, and in this case, perhaps it could be a metaphor for gaining understanding. Kind of like the metaphor of a light bulb lighting up when having an insight, only much more elaborate and personal, and based on your then existing ideas of "vibrational frequency".

Sometimes, it seems we learn in leaps or jumps. We may experience much, and be exposed to all kinds of information, yet without really digesting it. Then, there may come a point when our neurons really start firing, so to speak, and finally assemble the big picture of the information we have stored up in ourselves. Perhaps you made a particularly large jump of this kind, which happened to occur while you slept, as your brain went through your memories?

As for 2012, I think there is a much simpler idea to consider: most predictions of major events that are date-specific turn out to be wrong. In the case of December 2012, many people thought major things were going to happen then, but they never had a real basis for that belief. Long story short, here's how that belief developed:

First, the date was derived from one of the many ways of relating the Mayan calendar to ours - and there are many ways, differing by hundreds of years, and none of them certain. So, you had this date that was in all likelihood meaningless. Then, basically, the entire idea of what the date was supposed to mean was wholly made up. It had nothing to do with the Mayan calendar or Mayan beliefs - whether or not those have any meaning - but rather with a few authors who made a buck and gained a following through their writings. Then the idea was repeated and modified ad-nauseum until it became a New Age staple and even part of our pop culture. Then, on the date, reality ultimately exposed it for the sham it had been all along.

You can search around on SOTT for a bunch of old articles dealing with the subject. And as you read on in The Wave (and reach volume 2), you'll begin to come across information about how the New Age and pretty much anything part of it is just another control scheme by the PTB.

But all of this is not to say that there are not things going on that are similar to some of what was predicted. There are - see for example SOTT's Comets and Catastrophe article series. The difference is, we don't know exactly when things are going to happen. We don't have a date. At best, we have a probable year range. And so it'll remain until the stuff is about to really hit the fan.
I really appreciate your taking the time to respond. I'm a newbie here and have been directed to read "The Wave" series. I just started 2 days ago and I'm on chapter 14 I believe? Anyways, from what I understand about different realities, dimensions and the fact that time as we know it, doesn't really exist, I think on some level it did happen for some 3D souls that choose to have that experience. Maybe it just didn't happen to all of us 3D beings in this here and now. Maybe, since all realities are possible and do happen, for some reason I believed I was spared that 3d devastation, in THIS reality, to fulfill another destiny that I was chosen (or chose) to accomplish.

Anyway, again, I really appreciate your insight on this and thank you for taking the time to respond. If any other ideas come to you, please feel free to share them with me and I'll be more than grateful to listen to your thoughts on this matter. :lol:
RevNowWhileWeCan ;D
I very much agree with Psalehesost's interpretation of your dream and what caused it. To be going along in your daily life and then to suddenly receive a boost of awareness as a kind of "free lunch" seems far-fetched, and maybe this was you just putting together information that you already knew from observation. Was it really such a sudden change, or can you remember subtle changes in your thinking and attitude leading up to it?

RevNowWhileWeCan said:
I really appreciate your taking the time to respond. I'm a newbie here and have been directed to read "The Wave" series. I just started 2 days ago and I'm on chapter 14 I believe? Anyways, from what I understand about different realities, dimensions and the fact that time as we know it, doesn't really exist, I think on some level it did happen for some 3D souls that choose to have that experience. Maybe it just didn't happen to all of us 3D beings in this here and now. Maybe, since all realities are possible and do happen, for some reason I believed I was spared that 3d devastation, in THIS reality, to fulfill another destiny that I was chosen (or chose) to accomplish.

Anyway, again, I really appreciate your insight on this and thank you for taking the time to respond. If any other ideas come to you, please feel free to share them with me and I'll be more than grateful to listen to your thoughts on this matter. :lol:
RevNowWhileWeCan ;D

No doubt in some reality a cataclysm did occur on 21/12/2012, and possibly every other day as well. Since you understand this concept, you might like to read this recent thread, along with the other posts/threads that are linked to from it, for some food for thought :).
Actually yes. Leading up to the dream, I've always asked myself about reality as it pertains to science and in looking for answers, I believe I've found them in the works of Nassim Haramein. He's regarded as a "pseudo-physicist" but that's because, I believe, the current scientific paradigm is behind the 8-ball weather it's intentionally or the ptb wish it so. Anyway, I knew that his works involved in consciousness and the mainstream science community wanted nothing to do with him. In MY heart, I knew he was right. That being said, I felt like the answers of the physical universe were laid out to me. After thinking about it, I wondered why, after 100 years, science couldn't find a common ground between Einstein's theories and the Quantum mechanics guys. I knew the bridge was because of consciousness but I also knew the main-streamers would never accept that.
After finding out the answers to the physical universe on my own I started to ask other questions and try to figure out why there was so much lying and withholding of info being done. That lead me, almost instantaneously, into the truth movement. I know there's A LOT of disinfo out there so instinctively, I learned to ask questions and that's why I don't follow guys like Alex Jones and David Icke. They're pretty good at what they do but I believe I've evolved past their obvious agenda.
So, in closing, my love for science is what originally lead me down this path. I knew if science had an agenda, they weren't the only ones and boy was I right!

So my current path is to see the truth as it really is, try and expose it to those who aren't sure and bring them on board to help disseminate the info for the world to use. Again I'll say, "When the world sees the truth as it really is, things will fall into their true place and everything will be as it's supposed to be".

Carlisle, i hope this gives you a little insight as to why I'm on my current path. If you can add anything at all, I'd gladly appreciate it!

Again, my specialties are exposing Zionism and American politics. If I can be of service in these subjects in any fashion, feel free to call on me. :)
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