The Force is Strong With This One
Hi everyone! :),
I'm a little new here so I guess this is as good of place as any to get a little direction. I have a question about a dream I had in 2011/ early 2012. The dream I had was that I specifically remember every atom and molecule having it's vibrational frequency raised. After that, I awoke and almost instantly, I had a new outlook on life and felt I had a new path I had to follow. Nothing really dramatic but I definitely had a new look on the world and haven't seen the world the same since. I seem to be more acutely aware of the lies being jammed down out collective throats and have been working on almost a daily basis to expose them. These things never really interested me that much before the dream but since, I've been feeling the need to share the truth about things as I believe them to be. My feeling is that when more people know what the real truths are, regarding world events, the better equipped the world will be to deal with them, thus having things fall into there proper place.
I was wondering. Can anyone here tell me which thread I should post this on? I am searching for a couple of answers regarding my dream. I also would like to know if that dream may have saved me from a different reality or dimension where if I didn't have that dream, maybe I would have been stuck in a reality where there may have been cataclysmic events on or around the time of December 2012 where many thought major world changes were to take place?
If anyone can post the thread or link where I can discuss this and maybe get some answers or a push in the right direction, I'd be forever grateful!
Thanks everyone!
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm a little new here so I guess this is as good of place as any to get a little direction. I have a question about a dream I had in 2011/ early 2012. The dream I had was that I specifically remember every atom and molecule having it's vibrational frequency raised. After that, I awoke and almost instantly, I had a new outlook on life and felt I had a new path I had to follow. Nothing really dramatic but I definitely had a new look on the world and haven't seen the world the same since. I seem to be more acutely aware of the lies being jammed down out collective throats and have been working on almost a daily basis to expose them. These things never really interested me that much before the dream but since, I've been feeling the need to share the truth about things as I believe them to be. My feeling is that when more people know what the real truths are, regarding world events, the better equipped the world will be to deal with them, thus having things fall into there proper place.
I was wondering. Can anyone here tell me which thread I should post this on? I am searching for a couple of answers regarding my dream. I also would like to know if that dream may have saved me from a different reality or dimension where if I didn't have that dream, maybe I would have been stuck in a reality where there may have been cataclysmic events on or around the time of December 2012 where many thought major world changes were to take place?
If anyone can post the thread or link where I can discuss this and maybe get some answers or a push in the right direction, I'd be forever grateful!
Thanks everyone!
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe