Switching body direction during sleep and Sleepwalking ?


Dagobah Resident
Hi All !

While doing EE, I had a childhood memory surface for some reason, where I woke up couple of times in the bed in reverse position, legs on the pillow, and head on at the end of the bed.

Is it something unusual or it's normal for a person to switch direction of body position during sleep to such degree ?

Another question I have is about Sleep Walking.

My parents told me of an episode I have no recollection of, when I was an early teen, in the middle of the night my parents caught me in attempt to leave apartment while I was asleep & undressed (parents heard the locks open). Does anyone know what are the possible causes of Sleep Walking phenomena ?
chmod 754 machine said:
Hi All !

While doing EE, I had a childhood memory surface for some reason, where I woke up couple of times in the bed in reverse position, legs on the pillow, and head on at the end of the bed.

Is it something unusual or it's normal for a person to switch direction of body position during sleep to such degree ?

I dont know if it is unusual or normal but I have had this happen to me once, woke up with my head where my feet are meant to be and feet on pillows . Took me by surprise that's all I know.

About your sleep walking question, why dont you google it see what comes up?
I did search for an answer already and it does not cut it for me. Mostly it's said that it can be attributed to stress, fear & health related issues. I am no scientist, I fail to find a link or sense out of why body would react to symptoms above with sleepwalking. I fail to see biological/psychological need for such expression. But again, little I know.
Hi chmod 754 machine. I used to switch positions in the bed when I was younger, but it was to place my head closer to moving air in order to breath easier (I'm told I was asthmatic as a boy).

About sleepwalking, also as a boy, I would often awake to find myself in the kitchen raiding the refrigerator. On several occasions, I would sleepwalk and somehow find my Dad and start talking to him. To me, I was dreaming a conversation, but to him, I was talking some kind of gibberish. When he spoke in order to gently tell me to go back to bed, his voice woke me up.

I think these kinds of things are not so uncommon and may not even be very serious unless they happen very frequently and/or are somehow unacceptably disruptive in some way. But I don't really know. I just thought I'd share my experience. :)
Bud said:
Hi chmod 754 machine. I used to switch positions in the bed when I was younger, but it was to place my head closer to moving air in order to breath easier (I'm told I was asthmatic as a boy).

Hi Bud !

Well, that makes sense that body would move to accomodate itself to more favorable environement. To be fair, I positioned head in derection of door from a wall, which has heating pipes installed inside (happenings of flipping in bed was in winter). So I move my legs to warmer side, while moving head to cooler, with potentially more air flow. It does seem like rather logical move of the body to suit it needs(?).

Bud said:
About sleepwalking, also as a boy, I would often awake to find myself in the kitchen raiding the refrigerator. On several occasions, I would sleepwalk and somehow find my Dad and start talking to him. To me, I was dreaming a conversation, but to him, I was talking some kind of gibberish. When he spoke in order to gently tell me to go back to bed, his voice woke me up.

I think these kinds of things are not so uncommon and may not even be very serious unless they happen very frequently and/or are somehow unacceptably disruptive in some way. But I don't really know. I just thought I'd share my experience. :)

You are right it's not quite uncommon, and probably nothing serious. If one can sleepwalk, one can sleepflip in bed :)

It almost seems as if your body wanted to satisfy nutritional needs while you were asleep through raiding refrigerator without your knowledge. So, I take it my body wanted to play outside. :p
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