Switching sex gender in dreams ?


The Living Force

I've been taking Melatonin since a bit more than a month now, and I have experienced most of what has been described so far (vivid dreams and erotic dreams).

I was wondering if anyone has experienced dreams where you suddenly change gender ? from male to female and vice versa ?
I had several dreams where I jumped from one "character" to the other, being alternatively male, then female for example.

For example, I am dreaming that I am myself in the dream walking in a subway, then the dream jumps to another setting and I am in a car, I know I am a woman, two mechanics are fixing the car, since I am a woman, they think I don't know a thing about motors (haha if they knew :)...oh wait I don't know a thing about motors even as a dude :|).

It is quite natural when I dream and it does not really bother me, it is surprising at the recurrence of it for the moment.
Just to clarify, I never had problems with my own sexual orientation, I just know that I've been trying to "fit" into the widely accepted "male" model that society/family/friends thinks normal but I came to realize that for a long time I shunned the more "feminine" part away.
No sexual thing in dreams so far as a "woman" tough.

I checked the transcript and the forum about this and so far I would say, correct me if I am wrong, that it feels like my both hemispheres are trying to connect or get in synch, although the true symbolic meaning may escapes me.
I'd be glad to have other inputs about this if any ?
Re: Switching sex genre in dreams ?

Tigersoap said:
I was wondering if anyone has experienced dreams where you suddenly change genre ? from male to female and vice versa?

That's very common in my dreams. I've even had "sexual" dreams in which I am a man, and woke up thinking "So THAT'S what it feels like from a man's point of view!" I will also have dreams with long, involved storylines, in which I will change "perspective", first experiencing the events as one character, then another, sometimes making the switch from a female participant to a male one.

I've always just figured that the dream state is one where one's attachment to a gender identity does not have the same hold, where one's identity in general is just more "fluid"....

PS: I think you meant to say "gender" rather than "genre". You might want to edit your post and subject title.... ;)
Re: Switching sex genre in dreams ?

Tigersoap said:
I checked the transcript and the forum about this and so far I would say, correct me if I am wrong, that it feels like my both hemispheres are trying to connect or get in synch, although the true symbolic meaning may escapes me but I'd be glad to have other inputs about this if any ?
I'm not a dream interpreter but what you've said here sounds plausible and would be similar to conclusions I would make. I don't recall having a dream where this has happened. In my dreams 'I' am always 'me' or a form of me at different stages, feels like I am missing out ;) It sounds like a positive development.
Thanks PepperFritz and Pob.

PepperFritz said:
I will also have dreams with long, involved storylines, in which I will change "perspective", first experiencing the events as one character, then another, sometimes making the switch from a female participant to a male one.

I experienced this also but I think melatonine really made a push in this direction, where before I did not remember or did not experience such dreams.
I have had one dream I recall (although there may have been more) where I have been female instead of male. I was quite supprised in the dream and even went to find a mirror.
I recognised the face, but I was female. It was weird. I then played out the rest of the dream as female, but it was still 'me'.
Most of the time in my dreams I switch 'characters' or even become just a disembodied observer. But for me its rare to switch gender.
I have noticed the last month or so that I have companions following me on my right hand side, which I presume are aspects of myself. The female character being a common companion. I think she may even be the female I was when I changed gender.
I did go through a faze of being animal instead of human. Have a few times dreamt I was a dragon.....flying at high altitude on huge wings, now that was exhilarating!
I will try to find more about such dreams, I had no interesting result so far.
Thanks everyone.

RedFox said:
I did go through a faze of being animal instead of human. Have a few times dreamt I was a dragon.....flying at high altitude on huge wings, now that was exhilarating!

Funnily enough, along time ago I think I dreamt once I was a wolf and a dragon as well, it was really hard to lift all that weight and start to fly :)
Tigersoap said:
I was wondering if anyone has experienced dreams where you suddenly change gender ? from male to female and vice versa ?
I do not take melatonin, but it has occurred a very few times. In one dream some years ago I was a lonely mother having a young son of nine years, I was feeling and reflecting on all the concerns and responsibilities of life connected to this situation. It was an eye opening dream, felt very realistic.

In another older one I changed gender as I was embraced by a man with Rudrakshas, similar to Shiva of Indian fame. I felt a huge rush of energy in the spine racing up to the head. Then I woke up, the energy still in my head.
I often "become" different people while I am dreaming, and sometimes that include switching gender too, or being an animal (bird in particular). I take melatonin occasionally, but that kind of dream experiences occurred often enough even before.

My guess is, melatonin, being an anti-oxidant, improves metabolism and information processing in the brain. This allows the brain to more efficiently assimilate, or solve, whatever issues or questions you are currently dealing with. If this involves rich metaphoric imagery or identity\gender changing in the dreams, well, whatever works. :)
I don't remember a particular dream where I switched gender but it might have happened. I did dream of turning into an animal. I was running away from some danger and I figured out I would scare them away if I turned into a black panther, so that's what I did :P
Since I was rejected by my father for making the mistake of being born a girl, I felt it was quite an accomplishment when I dreamt myself a set of male genitals :/
This mourning I woke up from a dream in which I was a woman having a conversation with a man. It was a very short segment of the dream I'd been having before, and it wasn't related in content. I don't remember the details of the conversation, but I remember the first thing I thought upon waking up was: I should post this on the forum!
Sorry to point out the possible Freudian slip, or am I being slow on the uptake, Approaching Infinity?

"this mourning". Mourning a dream, or am I being obtuse? Anyway, couldn't have been a typo, eh?

To be honest, this has been a waking problem for me. I can feel and see the tensions between my hemispheres, as I have an uptight, masculine side, and a more relaxed, feminine side, which in my stupid buffered way, always took to be a false 'I'. I actually thought I was turning into a woman :huh:, whereas I was merely loosening up. Strange thing is, the more I thought about it the more confused I got, and hostile (UPTIGHT), but when I just relaxed and thought, it must be a part of that mosaic consciousness that simply needs to settle, I cheered up. This side of me is much more affable and open, I have discovered, too. :) 'Tis all about the relaxation aspect in my case. The physical sensations were a real clue; the uptight one felt "on strings", as if being rattled from beyond. This in turn led to hostile, paranoid thoughts, poor interpersonal skills, and increasingly sleepless nights with not only racing thoughts, but also external voices, thoughts which could not have been innately me because they used words and expressions I did not truly know. Surely this in itself is a manifestation of diagnosing semantic aphasia?

I think I was resisting the feminine influence, to the extreme detriment of my body mind and spirit, and psychologically it can be explained very simply. I feared the change in consciousness that this was bringing.

The irony here is, of course, that is I exorcising a Freudian ghost, after pointing out a misspelling! Happy accidents!! :shock:. Jazz. Didn't Miles Davis say there was no such thing as an accident or a mistake in Jazz? Just something new to relate to, understand and adjust if neccessary. Surely, such is life.
I have been taking Melatonin for over 18 months now.

As Tigersoap mentioned I went through the early "erotic" part quickly. Then started seeing myself in various roles (from Astronaut to genetically modified soldier).

I can recall about 5 times I saw myself as a woman in my dreams including one in which being in the hospital just after delivering twins!!!! :scared:

Since many members are having these dreams, may be it is ok to see yourself in opposite gender; sort of balancing act between your male & female essence OSIT.
Skipling said:
Sorry to point out the possible Freudian slip, or am I being slow on the uptake, Approaching Infinity?

"this mourning". Mourning a dream, or am I being obtuse? Anyway, couldn't have been a typo, eh?

No typo, I'm just Canadian. :halo: In these northern parts we tend to use strange and arcane spellings.
Approaching Infinity said:
No typo, I'm just Canadian. :halo: In these northern parts we tend to use strange and arcane spellings.

Greeetings, fellow Canuck....

If anyone's interested, here's a nifty chart showing the differences between the spelling of certain words. As you can see, Canadians usually follow the original British spelling where the Americans have changed it....

Differences Between British, Canadian, and American Spellings

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