Symbols of the Apocalypse


Jedi Master
I don't know if it's the recent sott news getting to me regarding the state of this insane world or what but I have been feeling very anxious and even slightly panicky lately. Does anyone else feel like this?? I have had intense dreams for the last two nights (rare for me) and I thought I would relate the first since it really seems to be reflecting my anxiety.
It starts out at a park where part of the game is to take a laser gun and focus it on buildings until so much energy builds up that the buildings blow up and I'm showing my husband how it is done.

Flash to my current home. I'm standing by the front door and all of the things in my home are shuffled around like we are moving out or something. The TV is stacked on top of things at the front door and I'm watching it. It is playing this History channelesque show called Symbols of the Apocalypse (this show is funny because it seems all dramatic and “sexed” up like they usually are on the Discovery or History channels only it really is reflecting reality). I see an image of a giant DNA made of purple and blue light spiraling up with what looks like an elevator on it and I immediately understand the imagery. In the background buildings are being hit by comets and crumbling to the ground. The commentator on the show asks the expert on symbology he is interviewing what he thinks we should do with this information and the expert exclaims, “we should get the hell out NOW!” which slightly alarms me.

So now I’m getting ready to go to sleep and walk into the kitchen to shut the door (I often keep both doors wide open during the day for fresh air) and as I’m doing it I think to myself “why am I even bothering? If they (4D STS) want to get me, a closed door is not going to stop them. I proceed to the front door to shut it as well and just as I am, I get a glimpse of a man on the other side who grabs the knob and pulls it shut so I won’t see him. This really angers me and I try to open the door in order to find out who is lurking outside my home. Once again this man tries to pull the door shut on me but I succeed in forcing it open in order to confront him. I can now see him and he is tall with dark curly hair and blue eyes (no one I know looks like this) and at that moment it dawns on me that he can now come into my home. He sees the same opportunity and as he comes in to attack, I grab a stick that is nearby to defend myself. I swing at him and shout No and then wake up.

Like I stated at the top of my post, I just feel anxious lately and this dream didn't help. :/
Hi Rx

Can I ask if you've been doing the E-E program regularly? If so I'd suggest backing off doing the round breathing for a few weeks and see if the anxiety calms down.
Might be an idea to back off reading the news on sott a little too, at least until you feel able to cope again.
Dreaming a lot and quiet vividly seems to be one result of doing the E-E program, and disturbing emotional dreams can come up from over doing the round breathing.

If you are doing the E-E program, I think some the dream may be quite straight forward to interpret (this is just one possible interpretation, its up to you to work out what it may mean).

Rx said:
It starts out at a park where part of the game is to take a laser gun and focus it on buildings until so much energy builds up that the buildings blow up and I'm showing my husband how it is done.
It possible that this is related to 'shining a light on' parts of yourself (i.e. your beliefs and ideas and thought processes).....and the clearing (death/destruction) of old parts of yourself. It also helps suggest that the destruction in the second dream is also related (hence why I asked about the E-E program).

Rx said:
Flash to my current home. I'm standing by the front door and all of the things in my home are shuffled around like we are moving out or something. The TV is stacked on top of things at the front door and I'm watching it. It is playing this History channelesque show called Symbols of the Apocalypse (this show is funny because it seems all dramatic and “sexed” up like they usually are on the Discovery or History channels only it really is reflecting reality).
In the C's threads talking about the E-E program, they said it was like 'cleaning house'. In dreams it seems houses/building can represent the 'self' especially your home. So to have everything rearranged like this reminds me of the effect the E-E program has on the self. Perhaps you are neglecting what is put back after it is cleaned? Or you are cleaning it too quickly (hence the chaos)?
The TV show.....presenting a distorted world (self) view of current (and historic?) events perhaps?? There is only one part of you that truly sees whats happening as an apocalypse and that's the predators mind.

Rx said:
I see an image of a giant DNA made of purple and blue light spiraling up with what looks like an elevator on it and I immediately understand the imagery.
Can I ask what you understand it to mean??

Rx said:
In the background buildings are being hit by comets and crumbling to the ground. The commentator on the show asks the expert on symbology he is interviewing what he thinks we should do with this information and the expert exclaims, “we should get the hell out NOW!” which slightly alarms me.
Where the buildings crumbling in the same way they did when you shone the laser at them?
Interesting that the 'expert on symbols' paniced! I'd suggest that this is no expert.....or at least he is gravely mistaken in his interpretation.

Rx said:
So now I’m getting ready to go to sleep and walk into the kitchen to shut the door (I often keep both doors wide open during the day for fresh air) and as I’m doing it I think to myself “why am I even bothering? If they (4D STS) want to get me, a closed door is not going to stop them.
A mental 'door' made of knowledge and awareness (and beliefs) may though? So to believe this may be a trick that lets them in.....something to consider.
They do like to trick us into accepting there reality.

Rx said:
I proceed to the front door to shut it as well and just as I am, I get a glimpse of a man on the other side who grabs the knob and pulls it shut so I won’t see him. This really angers me and I try to open the door in order to find out who is lurking outside my home. Once again this man tries to pull the door shut on me but I succeed in forcing it open in order to confront him. I can now see him and he is tall with dark curly hair and blue eyes (no one I know looks like this) and at that moment it dawns on me that he can now come into my home. He sees the same opportunity and as he comes in to attack, I grab a stick that is nearby to defend myself. I swing at him and shout No and then wake up. suggests that someone is trying 'to get in' without you seeing them. You have however caught them in the act! This is a good thing.
Notice that he was kept out until you felt fear, that he may get in. It is however good that you fought him.....

I'm not sure if any of the above could apply to a waking situation in your life (dreams of intruders usually mean someone is trying to 'take' something from you)....this guy seemed more to be trying to convince you of anyone in real life trying to make you see things there way?? Have you caught them in the act and considered confronting there manipulations?? Something to consider.

Given the possible link to the E-E program as well it may be a good idea to slow down on that, and just stick to doing the pipe breathing and POTS at night. They are incredibly healing on there own.
Hope this helps! :)
RedFox said:
Hi Rx

Can I ask if you've been doing the E-E program regularly? If so I'd suggest backing off doing the round breathing for a few weeks and see if the anxiety calms down.
Might be an idea to back off reading the news on sott a little too, at least until you feel able to cope again.
Dreaming a lot and quiet vividly seems to be one result of doing the E-E program, and disturbing emotional dreams can come up from over doing the round breathing.

Yes, I have been doing the EE religiously and I think your right about backing off the round breathing. Now as I reply, I feel much better but I see how easy work on your self can be overdone. Thanks for the reminder I needed it even thought this has already happened to me one other time! (seriously wonder about myself sometimes -sheesh!) It is so easy for me to forget how powerful it is since it's such a simple breathing excersise...
RedFox said:
Rx said:
It starts out at a park where part of the game is to take a laser gun and focus it on buildings until so much energy builds up that the buildings blow up and I'm showing my husband how it is done.
It possible that this is related to 'shining a light on' parts of yourself (i.e. your beliefs and ideas and thought processes).....and the clearing (death/destruction) of old parts of yourself. It also helps suggest that the destruction in the second dream is also related (hence why I asked about the E-E program).

most of the dream I interpreted the way you did but I didn't get this part. As I read your response, this feels exactly right especially when I consider my recent conversations with my hubby explaining the benefits if the EE program (he's not convinced yet).

Quote from: Rx
I see an image of a giant DNA made of purple and blue light spiraling up with what looks like an elevator on it and I immediately understand the imagery.
Can I ask what you understand it to mean??

Well, since elevators take you somewhere, I'm interpreting it to mean that "lifting" out of the chaos (ie. from 3D ) will be powered by DNA- which is a concept I'v obviously learned from this work hear at Cass.

Quote from: Rx
I proceed to the front door to shut it as well and just as I am, I get a glimpse of a man on the other side who grabs the knob and pulls it shut so I won’t see him. This really angers me and I try to open the door in order to find out who is lurking outside my home. Once again this man tries to pull the door shut on me but I succeed in forcing it open in order to confront him. I can now see him and he is tall with dark curly hair and blue eyes (no one I know looks like this) and at that moment it dawns on me that he can now come into my home. He sees the same opportunity and as he comes in to attack, I grab a stick that is nearby to defend myself. I swing at him and shout No and then wake up. suggests that someone is trying 'to get in' without you seeing them. You have however caught them in the act! This is a good thing.
Notice that he was kept out until you felt fear, that he may get in. It is however good that you fought him.....

I'm not sure if any of the above could apply to a waking situation in your life (dreams of intruders usually mean someone is trying to 'take' something from you)....this guy seemed more to be trying to convince you of anyone in real life trying to make you see things there way?? Have you caught them in the act and considered confronting there manipulations?? Something to consider.

Actually, now that I think about it, initially, this person was not trying to get in at all. It was more like he was lurking outside or patrolling outside my home...and your right, he only came in after I opened the door and then showed fear which gave him the opportunity.

I also wonder what the TV at the front door means????

Hope this helps!

It does thank you!!
Rx said:
Actually, now that I think about it, initially, this person was not trying to get in at all. It was more like he was lurking outside or patrolling outside my home...and your right, he only came in after I opened the door and then showed fear which gave him the opportunity.

Interesting.....I had a dream a few days before your reply about locking up (my old houses) back door, only to see someone come round the corner of the house....he was very supprised (and quite shocked) that I could see him it seems.....without being afraid.
He retreated to an area outside the house I couldn't see from where I was but I knew he was there......I got the sense he was talking to a woman (my mother??) out back there. Whats really interesting is I use to have this dream ALL the time as a kid. The difference is that the 'visitor' always generated huge fear in me, my houses doors/windows would fail (to stay shut or lock) and I would be chased by the visitor or its 'toys' that it deployed to hunt me down.

This was a total change for me.....I got pretty annoyed he was out there and informed my dad (who wanted to go out and confront him). The houses front door was open and a strong breeze/force was pushing through it.....outside I got the impression the visitor had left, as I saw a blacked out car driving away (and felt a lot of hostility from it)....the neighbours didn't like the car and where confronting it! :lol:

Rx said:
I also wonder what the TV at the front door means????
I dreamt of a gutted TV last night. It had all the core components removed and had been turned into an ornament/light, so that it looked and (almost) acted like a TV unless you looked closely. I took this to mean the lines of subjective/material/corrupt/entropic input have been cut and all that remains is just for outside appearances. Perhaps anyway....

Perhaps the TV by the door means that you are about to get rid of it but are still unsure? Look at what point of view it provided you with, its proximity to the 'visitor' and the clearing out the E-E program does. :)
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