The Force is Strong With This One
(Moderator note - many, many links to known disinformation sources have been edited or removed from this post.)
You may ask, how did the Universe respond to my question, http:(2slsh)conspiracycentral.(dot)nfo/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=35] Why do I exist?
Ever since I first became aware of some strange synchronicities, namely the http:(2slh)conspiracycentral(d)info/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=27] premonition of boot camp mentioned in a previous posting, I have been noticing an incredible amount of interconnected details that point, I think, to the fact that I am indeed on the Yellow Brick Road, that I'm on the right track.
What follows is a list of the interconnected details and events in my life.
- I purchased a black 1989 Pontiac Firebird on Monday, September 11, 2006. This was the very day I received the cash for my car loan. I didn't try to influence events consciously; this is just the way it worked out.
- One of my friends calls my car Nightrider because it looks identical to the car from the TV series. For those unfamiliar with The Night Rider, you can see the intro here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUplnn462uE
- Of course, many of you already know of the Pontiac Firebird logo. One variation of the logo looks like this:
- Around Monday, October 9, 2006, I had by chance watched a lecture by David Flynn regarding the Mars-Earth Connection, Cydonia, 2012, and the "Doomsday Clock" of the Mayan Calendar. http:(2slh)video.google(dot)com/videoplay?docid=-115019254014472506&q=2012] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1...2506&q=2012
This lecture helped me to understand the significance of the Pheonix, as a mythical representation of how the Milky Way Galaxy looks from the side. It also helped me to understand that what is to come in 2012 is the ending of a Grand Cycle. How strange that I had bought a car, a Pontiac Firebird, with logos all over it representing this very idea, the mythical Phoenix which dies a fiery death and and then rises from the ashes.
- By this time I was growing into a subconscious awareness that I needed to dig deeper into esoteric topics. This led to me authoring a piece on the topic of http(2slsh)conspiracycentral(dot)nfo/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=13 Levels of Awareness. At this time, I was still a fanboy to Alex Jones.
- Due to the lecture of David Flynn, I started looking into Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life concept of Drunvalo Melchizedek, more. After watching a video on the subject, I thought I had found the Holy Grail of my search, making the following post to express this view:
- This led me to do further research on the topic at Melchizedek's website, still awestruck by this information about the Platonic solids and the Flower of Life. However, I began to realize that he was only offering information on this Merkaba meditation thing through his workshops, which would cost a lot of money to attend. It rubbed me the wrong way. I had that sick feeling in my gut that something was amiss. If this information is truly world-changing, why is he charging for it? Why not just put it out there for the benefit of mankind? Why create a hierarchy?
- Then a fellow by name of Dr. Drew Hempel jumped into the topic with the following information:
- It should be noted that I had also been reading the work of Laura Knight Jadczyk for some time, and held her in the highest regard as an author. Stumbling around even more, I came across a highly critical Review of "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Laura Knight Jadczyk.
How fitting that P & P should touch on the topics of Cydonia and the New Age Movement, considering the videos that I had just watched. I had been thoroughly impressed by this author who could so thoroughly eviscerate her critics.
This led me into the suspicious that even Drew Hempel may have an agenda of his own, namely, to promote his own work and his answers over and above everyone else's (as is a common failing in academia), in a short-sighted pursuit of some sort of academic glory.
So, I began to challenge Hempel's own statements and beliefs, using as supporting arguments the writings and work of Laura Knight Jadczyk and Arkadiusz Jadczyk. Simply, I was putting him to the test, ever so politely. You can see how the rest of that thread played out. (And I would please encourage you all to do so, as it was pivotal in my own search!)
Furthermore, my curiosity had been piqued by this this channelling thing; beings who provided esoteric knowledge such as this, which if verified to be correct, are nothing to sniff at. Combined with the authorship of this Laura Knight Jadczyk, who had just earned unaccountable respect in my book, and I became intensely interested in finding out all there is to know about Laura Knight Jadczyk and her work. As it happens, there was quite a lot to read.
First viewing the website, http://www.cassiopaea.org/ , I took stock of all the links and material that were available. What was this thing called the Quantum Future School? I had the idea in my mind for some time that I was looking for a school. The Quantum Future School appeared to be it.
One look at the Quantum Future Group Sites Master Index made me realize that I had quite stumbled upon a treasure trove of esoteric knowledge.
And so, I started in reading The Wave Series in hopes of satisfying my own curiousity as well as the prerequisites for entering the Quantum Future School.
I had previously thought that my into the world of Conpiracy Theory had turned my world upside down. The truth of the matter is, I had only seen the tip of the iceberg. After reading Laura's take on the history of the Bible and Monotheism as being a control system, I finally had the courage to drop the crutch known as Catholicism, to stand up under my own power, and cut the stringsthat had made me a weak puppet of faith for so long.
I am in control of my own destiny now. This evolution of thought very much mirrored that of Neo in The Matrix.
Reading The Wave Series also led me to look into this thing called "Reiki", a form of energy healing rediscovered by a man by name of Mikao Usui. A long story short, Reiki does work; it worked on a constant back pain that I had had since the summer of '06, and it worked for a friend of mine who'd been having trouble with insomnia.
So, reading the work of Laura Knight Jadczyk has benefitted me in a very personal way. It has also opened up further doors via my investigation of Reiki and people I have come into contact with as a result. Namely, a certain Reiki Master, MO, who had been the teacher of my own Master was to hold a channelling session of her own on Saturday, January 27, 2007.
My first thought was, "Oh boy, now I can experience first-hand this thing called channelling, I can't wait." Also, there is the saying "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Imitation of Laura Knight Jadczyk, and her channelling sessions, of course.
The method MO used was direct channelling of beings speaking through her own person. Of course, I had my guard up going in, because I was aware that negative beings could be channelled just as easily as positive beings, or the "higher selves" of those present, as the beings called themselves.
At this session, I asked the question, "Who was I in my direct past life?"
When I arrived at my duty station here in Hawaii, we had a terribly long formation run. I was out of shape due to just coming off of 21 days of leave, and had just run 3 miles on Monday, ran another 3 miles for a PFT on Wednesday, did Swim Qual Thursday (very exhausting, and I was sunburnt red as a lobster, which raises one's body temperature and causes one to dehydrate faster), and then Friday, we had the formation run. A perfect storm seemed to conspire against me. We ran 5 miles, even up and down a steep hill. By the time we neared the finish, I was woozy and wobbly, could barely see straight, and knew as soon as we stopped, that I would be hurting like crazy. But I kept running until the end, at which point, I apparently passed out.
When I came to in the ambulance, I didn't even know what had happened, where I was, who I was, or what year it was. Total system failure and reset. Afterwards, I was told that I had collapsed due to heat exhaustion.
So, the part about immense physical and even mental stamina was definitely true. Not to build myself up... it is what it is.
In addition, I was born in 1985, the Year of the Ox, according to the Chinese Zociac. This is what Wikipedia says about Ox people:
Being that I am from Kansas, The Wizard of Oz has special meaning to me. When I began reading the chapters in the Wave Series in which Laura Knight Jadczyk and the Cassiopaeans began referring about The Wizard of Oz in relation to the quest of the soul, I felt her words especially hitting home.
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz
And then the Higher Selves mentioned Mel Gibson.
I looked up Mel Gibson's profile on the Internet Movie Database. I thought Mad Max would be a good place to start, since it's the movie that made him famous.
- In Mad Max, there's a character by name of Nightrider. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079501/fullcredits#cast
- Looking at some trivia on Mad Max 2, I found the following:
- Another name for the Seven Sisters is the Pleiades.
- The [Pleiadians are a group very similar to the Cassiopaeans, Sixth Density Unified Thought Form Beings of Light, who communicate through trance channeller Barbara Marciniak.
- In her own commentary on the relationships of sixth density beings to one another, Laura Knight Jadczyk makes a reference to "knight's move" thinking. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/pleiadians.htm
- There is a certain variant of chess which includes the piece known as the Nightrider, or Knight-rider, a piece that can make successive knight-leaps in one move.
- Many of the films by Akira Kurosawa starred Toshiro Mifune.
- In The Matrix Revolutions, the commander of the APU Corps was named Mifune, from whom I took my own online screenname and email address (mifune04 AT yahoo DOT com).
- The anime epic Akira most likely took its name from Akira Kurosawa. Oddly enough, Akira features biker gangs in a dystopian future, reminiscent of the Mad Max movies.
- Mel Gibson recently directed and produced Apocalypto, a movie about the fall of the Mayan civilization. I wonder what Mel Gibson was really saying with that movie. Perhaps it was that the United States is just as corrupt as the Mayans in that movie, who were on the verge of collapse as a civilization. But then, why should Mel Gibson use the Mayan Civilization as an example? Surely, he could have chosen from any number of dying civilizations to allegorize America's woes. I think that Gibson, in Apocalypto, was making subtle references, for those who know, to the Mayan calendar, which predicts our own impending doomsday: December 21, 2012.
In a strange way, by degrees of connection, it all ties back into the reference the Higher Selves made to Mel Gibson and his movies. So, it seems that I may have quite stumbled into the roll of the Hero With a Thousand Faces. This archetype of a hero has also been explicated by Laura Knight Jadczyk in The Wave Series. I don't say all of this to boost my own ego. Far from it. I know I am a fool, and have much to learn. That is why I am always seeking out and reading new (especially esoteric) information constantly.
And so, I redouble my efforts, and continue to read the Adventures with Cassiopaea series in hopes of soon gaining membership to the Quantum Future School.
You may ask, how did the Universe respond to my question, http:(2slsh)conspiracycentral.(dot)nfo/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=35] Why do I exist?
Ever since I first became aware of some strange synchronicities, namely the http:(2slh)conspiracycentral(d)info/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=27] premonition of boot camp mentioned in a previous posting, I have been noticing an incredible amount of interconnected details that point, I think, to the fact that I am indeed on the Yellow Brick Road, that I'm on the right track.
What follows is a list of the interconnected details and events in my life.
- I purchased a black 1989 Pontiac Firebird on Monday, September 11, 2006. This was the very day I received the cash for my car loan. I didn't try to influence events consciously; this is just the way it worked out.
- One of my friends calls my car Nightrider because it looks identical to the car from the TV series. For those unfamiliar with The Night Rider, you can see the intro here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUplnn462uE
- Of course, many of you already know of the Pontiac Firebird logo. One variation of the logo looks like this:
- Around Monday, October 9, 2006, I had by chance watched a lecture by David Flynn regarding the Mars-Earth Connection, Cydonia, 2012, and the "Doomsday Clock" of the Mayan Calendar. http:(2slh)video.google(dot)com/videoplay?docid=-115019254014472506&q=2012] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1...2506&q=2012
This lecture helped me to understand the significance of the Pheonix, as a mythical representation of how the Milky Way Galaxy looks from the side. It also helped me to understand that what is to come in 2012 is the ending of a Grand Cycle. How strange that I had bought a car, a Pontiac Firebird, with logos all over it representing this very idea, the mythical Phoenix which dies a fiery death and and then rises from the ashes.
- By this time I was growing into a subconscious awareness that I needed to dig deeper into esoteric topics. This led to me authoring a piece on the topic of http(2slsh)conspiracycentral(dot)nfo/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=7&showentry=13 Levels of Awareness. At this time, I was still a fanboy to Alex Jones.
- Due to the lecture of David Flynn, I started looking into Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life concept of Drunvalo Melchizedek, more. After watching a video on the subject, I thought I had found the Holy Grail of my search, making the following post to express this view:
- This led me to do further research on the topic at Melchizedek's website, still awestruck by this information about the Platonic solids and the Flower of Life. However, I began to realize that he was only offering information on this Merkaba meditation thing through his workshops, which would cost a lot of money to attend. It rubbed me the wrong way. I had that sick feeling in my gut that something was amiss. If this information is truly world-changing, why is he charging for it? Why not just put it out there for the benefit of mankind? Why create a hierarchy?
- Then a fellow by name of Dr. Drew Hempel jumped into the topic with the following information:
So, I then looked into Drew Hempel, still not really sure of anything at this point. I began reading his work, all of it very interesting, except that none of it offered a nuts and bolts explanation of how to extract myself from this tangled web of deceit that I had unwittingly stumbled into.I'm here to expose the secret CIA-Freemason ties to the work of Drunvalo Melchizadek and his colleages, James Hurtak and Jose Arguelles -- all leaders of the New Age scene.
The Flower of Life book states very explicitly that Nature uses natural numbers but the New Age must contain Nature by using the logarithmic-based irrational number Golden Ratio.
In fact it's exactly because of the irrational-based golden ratio that there is an ecological crisis today!!
The Egyptians never used irrational numbers! -- this has been proven over and over -- that the New Age is PROJECTING Western Freemasonry onto traditional Egyptian spirituality.
So COAST TO COAST IS PROMOTING FREEMASON-CIA LIES -- with all their New Age Egyptology (and yes I personally asked Graham Hancock why he thought nuclear weapons were a possible solution to a comet destroying Earth -- he didn't have a response).
So if you want to find out what's the real agenda behind Drunvalo Melchizadek -- why it's wrong to follow him -- then read "The Stargate Conspiracy" book by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.
My research is freely available by googling "drew hempel"
- It should be noted that I had also been reading the work of Laura Knight Jadczyk for some time, and held her in the highest regard as an author. Stumbling around even more, I came across a highly critical Review of "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Laura Knight Jadczyk.
How fitting that P & P should touch on the topics of Cydonia and the New Age Movement, considering the videos that I had just watched. I had been thoroughly impressed by this author who could so thoroughly eviscerate her critics.
http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/stargate.htmLaura Knight Jadczyk said:Ah, what tangled webs they weave!
P & P tell us:
On this point, I believe that P & P are exactly right. And when we look at a conspiracy of this magnitude, that has operated, essentially (if P & P had done their homework, they would realize this) for millennia. And all the "front men" are just that: red herrings to draw our attention away from the true source of the manipulation: the 4th density Matrix Control System Programmers.By now it is plain that the Nine are behind the messages of Giza and Cydonia, and that all three are now inextricably entwined in a sort of inescapable juggernaut of the 'truth.' It is impossible to have one without the other, thanks to the sterling work of the intelligence agencies, who ensure that this new belief system is constantly being topped up with new rumours and counter rumours, so that we will never fail to be gripped by the unfolding story. But welded firmly on to a very reasonable interest in the mysteries of Mars and the secrets of ancient Egypt lies the insidious presence of the Nine and their ever-eager disciples.
...The same individuals play major parts in all three stories. The prime example is James Hurtak, the ultimate guru, who channels the Nine, was Puharich's second-in-command at Lab nine, was the first perso to make the Mars-Egypt connection public, and was - and still is - also a major player in the events at Giza.
There is also the involvement in all three stories of SRI, an organisation with intimate connections with defence and intelligence communities in the United States. SRI crops up in Giza, in the Mars story, and, through its involvement with Puharich, in the events surrounding the Nine.
Thanks to this complex, often covert, input from clever men and women, what seems to be happening under our noses is the creation of a new belief system that efficiently brings together many different elements in order to broaden its appeal as much as possible.
...This is a conspiracy of enormous proportions, so successful that it is impossible to pinpoint any one person or group as the real controllers, although we have catalogued those they use. We have seen how the Nine's circle were and are supported by very wealthy people, such as Barbara Bronfman and Joyce Petschek, but it is unlikely that they are in on the secret; they are too easily identified.
And then, we have "damage control" specialists like P & P who come along and "tell the truth," and even lay it at the door of some of the truly conspiratorial parties. But over and over again, in certain terms, P & P demonstrate a real lack of depth in their perceptions and their research. They also demonstrate that most peculiar habit of disinformation artists of giving things only a very slight twist so that the percipient is certain that they are telling the truth, but the "truth" that is perceived is subjectively manipulated.
But, before I give away the whole book, which is jam packed with fun facts and jolly rumors relating to the plans of the Control System to unite us into a one world religion under the benevolent creator race from Mars, with the kind assistance of Richard Hoagland, Tom Bearden, James Hurtak, the Nine, Andrija Puharich, the CIA, NSA, and probably even the BSA if the truth were known, let me just say that if pedestrian materia-minded thinkers like Picknett and Prince have a clue that something "not quite right" is going on behind all this, even if they threw the baby out with the bath water, it does not bode well. The veil is gradually slipping away...
This led me into the suspicious that even Drew Hempel may have an agenda of his own, namely, to promote his own work and his answers over and above everyone else's (as is a common failing in academia), in a short-sighted pursuit of some sort of academic glory.
So, I began to challenge Hempel's own statements and beliefs, using as supporting arguments the writings and work of Laura Knight Jadczyk and Arkadiusz Jadczyk. Simply, I was putting him to the test, ever so politely. You can see how the rest of that thread played out. (And I would please encourage you all to do so, as it was pivotal in my own search!)
Furthermore, my curiosity had been piqued by this this channelling thing; beings who provided esoteric knowledge such as this, which if verified to be correct, are nothing to sniff at. Combined with the authorship of this Laura Knight Jadczyk, who had just earned unaccountable respect in my book, and I became intensely interested in finding out all there is to know about Laura Knight Jadczyk and her work. As it happens, there was quite a lot to read.
First viewing the website, http://www.cassiopaea.org/ , I took stock of all the links and material that were available. What was this thing called the Quantum Future School? I had the idea in my mind for some time that I was looking for a school. The Quantum Future School appeared to be it.
One look at the Quantum Future Group Sites Master Index made me realize that I had quite stumbled upon a treasure trove of esoteric knowledge.
And so, I started in reading The Wave Series in hopes of satisfying my own curiousity as well as the prerequisites for entering the Quantum Future School.
I had previously thought that my into the world of Conpiracy Theory had turned my world upside down. The truth of the matter is, I had only seen the tip of the iceberg. After reading Laura's take on the history of the Bible and Monotheism as being a control system, I finally had the courage to drop the crutch known as Catholicism, to stand up under my own power, and cut the stringsthat had made me a weak puppet of faith for so long.
I am in control of my own destiny now. This evolution of thought very much mirrored that of Neo in The Matrix.
Reading The Wave Series also led me to look into this thing called "Reiki", a form of energy healing rediscovered by a man by name of Mikao Usui. A long story short, Reiki does work; it worked on a constant back pain that I had had since the summer of '06, and it worked for a friend of mine who'd been having trouble with insomnia.
So, reading the work of Laura Knight Jadczyk has benefitted me in a very personal way. It has also opened up further doors via my investigation of Reiki and people I have come into contact with as a result. Namely, a certain Reiki Master, MO, who had been the teacher of my own Master was to hold a channelling session of her own on Saturday, January 27, 2007.
My first thought was, "Oh boy, now I can experience first-hand this thing called channelling, I can't wait." Also, there is the saying "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Imitation of Laura Knight Jadczyk, and her channelling sessions, of course.
The method MO used was direct channelling of beings speaking through her own person. Of course, I had my guard up going in, because I was aware that negative beings could be channelled just as easily as positive beings, or the "higher selves" of those present, as the beings called themselves.
At this session, I asked the question, "Who was I in my direct past life?"
As it happens, I was a goalie in soccer during high school just because I had such a quick reaction time, perhaps due to this strong intuitive sense. As for the love of that adrenaline rush, one of my favorite "places" is driving down the highway at high speeds in my Pontiac Firebird, just listening to the soothing roar and feeling the vibrations of the engine. They also dropped the clue about persevering through pain and having great stamina. This has been a constant thing in my life; I was a long-distance runner in high school.Higher Selves: Hmm, ok, this is a slightly different-- difficult way to answer the question because, when you are not in physical form, there is not chronological time. And, and so, and yet, there is chronological time in the physical dimension. And so, it is a difficult thing to say exactly past, whether it's chronological here, because the experiences are part of a group. So, we will find something that fits that. To help give us a little focus, what is the motivation behind the question?
Me: Just uh, just curious. (Although I was secretly hoping they would give me some sort of clue that would help me along in my search, or at least tell me I'm on the right track.)
Higher Selves: Well, we would like to say that you have actually lived in these (Hawaiian) islands before, although we do not feel that that was the most recent chronologically. Um... It was a male life last time. Your physical stature was much bigger. You were... how can we say, you were-- we don't know if we'll get the specific locale or time frame, because that's in that time-space dimension thing, but what we will get is the persona of you. There was a warrior-type energy about you. You are much more, well, the word comes up sensitive, thought it's not quite as accurate. You are much more aware, you're much more perceptive of subtleties now, than you were back then, in that other lifetime. There was, um, a very strong will. You withstood much physical... um... physical challenges, um, pain, stamina, you worked-- you had phenomenal stamina, and that was one of the things you counted upon, and so there was much of that, that you would often be in a situation - and sometimes by choice - that would demand great physical pain and stamina to... beyond survive, but to come through often successful. There was this, we would say, like an adventurer-warrior type. The thrill and the rush of testosterone kind of going through the body was really something that satisfied you in that life. You loved to be in that place, and that was where the fullness of your-- you felt the most alive and most fully who you were in your strength and in your power in that way. And you were also, even back then, and this is something that does happen, once there is an ability or a skill, or even sometimes some knowledge in one lifetime, is that energy is often carried over into another one, so, in that one [life] already, you had quite a strong intuitive sense, in fact, that saved your butt a few times. Where, you would feel someone coming from behind, you would sense things, and so, you applied it in, for very different reasons and in different ways, but that was also highly developed. And so, it gave you an edge, that the others that you were with and interacting with did not. There was lots of travel. We see you on land more than on ocean. You were... there was a reddish tone to your hair and beard. We can't even get a clear image of the clothing to try to get a time frame, so it's a little vague. Is that useful?
Me: Yes. I'm thinking military would be the suggestion I'm getting.
HS: What was your question?
Me: You say in my past life, I had a kind of warrior persona, -- HS: Yes. -- Me: that would probably relate to a military lifestyle, I'm guessing.
HS: Yes, although it wouldn't quite be the disciplined, structured military that we have and what the military in this time and space would be like. An example would be more like (laughing), a Mel Gibson type of military. (Room erupts in laughter)
Me: Last Action Hero?
HS: Yes, yes, that's a little closer to the image we get. (laughing) So, think of the kinds of activities and lives that he tends to be drawn to, and that would fit your picture more. Sometimes a renegade, but definitely a hero. [indistinguishable] Yes, but sometimes a leader in that sense, but without the structure and the discipline of the current military format. Yes, you might have fun watching some of those Mel Gibson movies. It may stir some other memories.
When I arrived at my duty station here in Hawaii, we had a terribly long formation run. I was out of shape due to just coming off of 21 days of leave, and had just run 3 miles on Monday, ran another 3 miles for a PFT on Wednesday, did Swim Qual Thursday (very exhausting, and I was sunburnt red as a lobster, which raises one's body temperature and causes one to dehydrate faster), and then Friday, we had the formation run. A perfect storm seemed to conspire against me. We ran 5 miles, even up and down a steep hill. By the time we neared the finish, I was woozy and wobbly, could barely see straight, and knew as soon as we stopped, that I would be hurting like crazy. But I kept running until the end, at which point, I apparently passed out.
When I came to in the ambulance, I didn't even know what had happened, where I was, who I was, or what year it was. Total system failure and reset. Afterwards, I was told that I had collapsed due to heat exhaustion.
So, the part about immense physical and even mental stamina was definitely true. Not to build myself up... it is what it is.
In addition, I was born in 1985, the Year of the Ox, according to the Chinese Zociac. This is what Wikipedia says about Ox people:
I was also born and raised in Kansas. The state animal of Kansas is the American Buffalo, which very similar to an Ox. I consider it another connection.The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.
The Ox person needs peace and quiet to work through his/her ideas, and when he/she has set his/her mind on something it is hard for him/her to be convinced otherwise. The Ox person has a very logical mind and is extremely systematic in whatever he/she does, even without imagination. These people speak little but are extremely intelligent. When necessary, they are articulate and eloquent.
The Ox is not extravagant, and the thought of living off credit cards or being in debt makes him/her nervous. The possibility of taking a serious risk could cause the Ox sleepless nights.
Ox people are truthful and sincere, and the idea of wheeling and dealing in a competitive world is distasteful to them. They are rarely driven by the prospect of financial gain. These people are always welcome because of their honesty and patience. They have many friends, who appreciate the fact that the Ox people are wary of new trends, although every now and then they can be encouraged to try something new.
It is important to remember that the Ox people are sociable and relaxed when they feel secure, but occasionally a dark cloud looms over such people and they engage all the trials of the whole world and seek solutions for them.
Being that I am from Kansas, The Wizard of Oz has special meaning to me. When I began reading the chapters in the Wave Series in which Laura Knight Jadczyk and the Cassiopaeans began referring about The Wizard of Oz in relation to the quest of the soul, I felt her words especially hitting home.
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz
And then the Higher Selves mentioned Mel Gibson.
As it turns out the Mel Gibson clue didn't stir any memories per se, but it did tell me that these channelled beings knew how to drop a clue that only I would understand.Yes, you might have fun watching some of those Mel Gibson movies. It may stir some other memories.
I looked up Mel Gibson's profile on the Internet Movie Database. I thought Mad Max would be a good place to start, since it's the movie that made him famous.
- In Mad Max, there's a character by name of Nightrider. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079501/fullcredits#cast
- Looking at some trivia on Mad Max 2, I found the following:
AndLike George Lucas with Star Wars (1977), screenwriters Terry Hayes, George Miller and Brian Hannant were inspired by both Akira Kurosawa's samurai films and Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero With a Thousand Faces."
- My initiation into Conspiracy Theory was due mainly to learning about Stanley Meyer and his water-powered car.The logo on the tank truck is "7 Sisters Oil", reference to a conspiracy theory, popular before OPEC-conspiracy theories took over, that Standard Oil and six other companies controlled the world oil market and bought up and suppressed 200-MPG carburetor and so on to keep oil prices up.
[It was just a few days ago that I was surfing through Google Video, and came across a video about Stanley Meyer, inventor of the water powered car, which literally "fractures" water into hydrogen and oxygen through a miniscule power draw, thereby providing an infinitely renewable cheap energy source. I wanted to know more about the water powered car, and what happened to Stan Meyer (I'm speaking of his murder in 1998), so I looked up the Lone Lantern Society. A look at the video vault revealed a wealth of documentaries. The things I learned over this past weekend have irrevocably removed the wool from my eyes.
- Another name for the Seven Sisters is the Pleiades.
- The [Pleiadians are a group very similar to the Cassiopaeans, Sixth Density Unified Thought Form Beings of Light, who communicate through trance channeller Barbara Marciniak.
- In her own commentary on the relationships of sixth density beings to one another, Laura Knight Jadczyk makes a reference to "knight's move" thinking. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/pleiadians.htm
- There is a certain variant of chess which includes the piece known as the Nightrider, or Knight-rider, a piece that can make successive knight-leaps in one move.
- Many of the films by Akira Kurosawa starred Toshiro Mifune.
- In The Matrix Revolutions, the commander of the APU Corps was named Mifune, from whom I took my own online screenname and email address (mifune04 AT yahoo DOT com).
- The anime epic Akira most likely took its name from Akira Kurosawa. Oddly enough, Akira features biker gangs in a dystopian future, reminiscent of the Mad Max movies.
- Mel Gibson recently directed and produced Apocalypto, a movie about the fall of the Mayan civilization. I wonder what Mel Gibson was really saying with that movie. Perhaps it was that the United States is just as corrupt as the Mayans in that movie, who were on the verge of collapse as a civilization. But then, why should Mel Gibson use the Mayan Civilization as an example? Surely, he could have chosen from any number of dying civilizations to allegorize America's woes. I think that Gibson, in Apocalypto, was making subtle references, for those who know, to the Mayan calendar, which predicts our own impending doomsday: December 21, 2012.
In a strange way, by degrees of connection, it all ties back into the reference the Higher Selves made to Mel Gibson and his movies. So, it seems that I may have quite stumbled into the roll of the Hero With a Thousand Faces. This archetype of a hero has also been explicated by Laura Knight Jadczyk in The Wave Series. I don't say all of this to boost my own ego. Far from it. I know I am a fool, and have much to learn. That is why I am always seeking out and reading new (especially esoteric) information constantly.
And so, I redouble my efforts, and continue to read the Adventures with Cassiopaea series in hopes of soon gaining membership to the Quantum Future School.