Hi. You could call this amazing synchronicty. About 6 months or so ago, i was reading Graham Hancock's "Mars Mystery", and had just read the 10pages specific to the Mars head. For some reason I decided to go on the net and look for an ancient site in OZ, I'd not long before also read about geodectic points and so forth. I must say though, I really had no idea. I'd never heard of the website I went to and made an error in my search, there are two Mt Samuels in Northern Territory, I'm sure my i meant to go to the other. Anyway I went straight to this this Mt Samuel instead, look beside it-
As you can see it's a rather large head, and I don't believe it's a trick of light. I tried to get there, the "featured pic" (scroll up) up on the website is mine. Also I had an enormous amount of strange circumstances after the trip. I definitely believe in other dimensions vectoring our behaviour now, for many reasons. This circumstance has turned my life upside down to be honest. I had a household guest (some entity), I'd say they're gone, although I still turn off a certain thing at the main switchboard at night, in case. They were almost communicating with me, with the flashing lights, on queue, but in the end when I kept prompting them, they stopped. I'm sure they don't like doing it when I ask anymore, only when they want to and when they think it will unsettle me. I could go off to work for a nightshift and say "see yah!", and they'd flash the light.
I'm sure the game however was to unsettle me, not for me to get comfortable with it. Mobile phone worked, when it's out of range by 10kms here, even sent a message to me, "I felt like I was with you". Lights flashing, phone tingling, computer played up and so on. I had alot of synchronistic experiences on my trip outback, also numbers 218 kept coming up. And "signs", I got them when I asked for them, and they pretty well seemed to be very relevant. I was in some really weird zone, It was a fascinating experience, unbelievable. I also have seen things at home that I'm sure people just don't normally see, in the sky.
Also one night I had the strangest feeling in my body, whilst in bed, just after getting up to get a banana, and the pilot lights in the house turned off, which normally act as a guide, making me hit a wall. Then it flashed on and off constantly. Anyway, in bed I felt sort of fearful, and my body went like jelly, particularly the bottom half, it was so weird, it was amazing. That happened again about 1/2 hour later. A hypnotist said it was an attempt by a spirit/entity to attach it itself. She believed it didn't work however, as they would sensed that in me. Also the hypnotism didn't work.
There's a lot more I could say, and this is the first and most I have ever shared, even though it's very condensed and I am not sharing the many individual experiences. I suppose this seems to be the forum for it. Although I'm grateful for the experience, even the haunting ones, you try sharing this type of experience with friends and family. They've dropped off like flies, by their and my choice. But on the other hand, try and bottle these experiences up, it's not easy either, you feel like telling someone. I was on another forum, and shared the head find though, nothing else. I suppose most don't believe the synchronistic aspect in the first place, so I wouldn't bother with the rest. Considering the amazing synchronicity of the head find and the incredible amount of metaphysical experiences since my trip, I believe the head exists. It isn't on google earth? And by the way, I got lost about 60kms from the site, so had to turn back and find my way out of the scrub. Anyway, I thought I'd get that off my chest, seems like the place for it! It's been some weird adventure. I suppose this will hit your "baked noodle" area now. Oh well!
Mod's note: Edited to add paragraphs
As you can see it's a rather large head, and I don't believe it's a trick of light. I tried to get there, the "featured pic" (scroll up) up on the website is mine. Also I had an enormous amount of strange circumstances after the trip. I definitely believe in other dimensions vectoring our behaviour now, for many reasons. This circumstance has turned my life upside down to be honest. I had a household guest (some entity), I'd say they're gone, although I still turn off a certain thing at the main switchboard at night, in case. They were almost communicating with me, with the flashing lights, on queue, but in the end when I kept prompting them, they stopped. I'm sure they don't like doing it when I ask anymore, only when they want to and when they think it will unsettle me. I could go off to work for a nightshift and say "see yah!", and they'd flash the light.
I'm sure the game however was to unsettle me, not for me to get comfortable with it. Mobile phone worked, when it's out of range by 10kms here, even sent a message to me, "I felt like I was with you". Lights flashing, phone tingling, computer played up and so on. I had alot of synchronistic experiences on my trip outback, also numbers 218 kept coming up. And "signs", I got them when I asked for them, and they pretty well seemed to be very relevant. I was in some really weird zone, It was a fascinating experience, unbelievable. I also have seen things at home that I'm sure people just don't normally see, in the sky.
Also one night I had the strangest feeling in my body, whilst in bed, just after getting up to get a banana, and the pilot lights in the house turned off, which normally act as a guide, making me hit a wall. Then it flashed on and off constantly. Anyway, in bed I felt sort of fearful, and my body went like jelly, particularly the bottom half, it was so weird, it was amazing. That happened again about 1/2 hour later. A hypnotist said it was an attempt by a spirit/entity to attach it itself. She believed it didn't work however, as they would sensed that in me. Also the hypnotism didn't work.
There's a lot more I could say, and this is the first and most I have ever shared, even though it's very condensed and I am not sharing the many individual experiences. I suppose this seems to be the forum for it. Although I'm grateful for the experience, even the haunting ones, you try sharing this type of experience with friends and family. They've dropped off like flies, by their and my choice. But on the other hand, try and bottle these experiences up, it's not easy either, you feel like telling someone. I was on another forum, and shared the head find though, nothing else. I suppose most don't believe the synchronistic aspect in the first place, so I wouldn't bother with the rest. Considering the amazing synchronicity of the head find and the incredible amount of metaphysical experiences since my trip, I believe the head exists. It isn't on google earth? And by the way, I got lost about 60kms from the site, so had to turn back and find my way out of the scrub. Anyway, I thought I'd get that off my chest, seems like the place for it! It's been some weird adventure. I suppose this will hit your "baked noodle" area now. Oh well!
Mod's note: Edited to add paragraphs