Yoga simply means "practice", and kung fu is just another form of the exact same thing, whatever you have learned in kung fu will contribute to every other yogic practice. All roads lead to Rome in the end.
Personally, I don't practice kung fu in order to fight, there is a whole lot more to it than that I believe, I practice Tai chi, where there are no attacks at all, and it’s all there only to protect the body. The way I see it is, who knows what might happen in the future, when the economy falls, there will be many desperate people who will do anything to survive, suppose a group of people try to rob you of everything you've got, what will you do? Yes, it's the soul that matters, but we are in 3rd density, and if you can develop a method to protect yourself in horrible situations, then it's definitely useful. I've been reading into the Dao of tai chi, it says that being alive is a expression of the universe and is completely natural, by learning kung fu you are simply learning how to sustain this naturalness, in all respects of life, the fact of the matter is, we live in a violent world, and learning how to protect your life, or nature isn't only advisable, it's necessary. Kung fu evolved from yoga in the first place, it's completely the same in terms of the lessons one must learn in order to master these disciplines. It's merely the emphasis which is different, there is nothing you can learn in yoga that you can't in kung fu, it's all just a form of dancing really, a series of movements in line with the laws of the universe that sustain life, the thing is, if you are going to repeatedly perform movements until it's absolutely ingrained in the subconscious, why not perform movements that will help you in a spiritual sense and in a confrontational situation as well? I don't know what kung fu you are learning, but in tai chi we learn to never confront, we react to attacks, doing what is necessary to protect oneself. Who says we stand no chance of defeating 3rd density opponents anyway!?
I aspire to attain a high level sufficiency with my physical armoury and psychic armoury; it's one and the same to me. I think the body represents the spirit and vice versa.
Look at it this way, suppose there are a finite amount of lessons to learn from yogic practices, which, at the end of the day is all just a study of Qi anyway, you've started your journey with kung fu, but you won't abandon it just because you switch paths to yoga! Different verse, same song. Once you've learned, you've learned. And there isn't anything you can't practice that won't contribute to the whole, I'd say, practice kung fu, and Yoga! The more angles you look from to observe the same thing, the clearer the picture will be.
That's awesome man! You've demonstrated exactly what I am trying to say.
It's all about balancing the internal with the external, you are doing Tae kwon do, an external art, but purely external arts won't teach you the subtleties of spiritual advancement, so you've done Reiki, thus balancing the scales, this is exactly what I am trying to achieve with yoga, you've discovered something fantastic, something I am realising now, it doesn't matter which discipline you chose, make up your own!
Finally, a message for Starsailor, nothing is wasted...Ever! Even if you only learn a tiny bit of kung fu, there are situations you'll now be able to deal with, and situations you can't help, this holds true for you and the greatest grand master of all time. The more you do, the more you'll want to do naturally.