Tao of Chaos: - Book Review


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To give the book its full title – Tao of Chaos: DNA and the I Ching – Unlocking the Code of the Universe. The author is Dr Katya Walter, and this paperback version was printed in 1996. It is recommended reading if you want to understand the inner workings of I Ching.

First, a little background on the author. Katya Walter gained a PhD with a multidisciplinary emphasis at the University of Texas in Austin. It was after this, in 1985, whilst teaching there, that she tried I Ching for the first time, and then, discovered that it actually worked, and further, its accuracy – and this was her ‘Aha’ moment – that it might form a basis in the new science of patterned chaos. This led to five years of post-graduate research at the Jung Institute in Zurich, where Marie-Louise Franz first noticed the odd structural similarity between I Ching and the genetic codes. This was followed by a year of teaching at the Jinan University of Canton, where she concurrently researched ancient Chinese culture and literature, especially that relating to I Ching, and the Chinese way of life. Then, the author started to write about her discoveries.

Now for the book review itself (although the above is in the book), the author has a deep understanding of I Ching, and the writing style is easy to follow, as she relates her personal experiences, frustrations, thoughts, research, and findings. Although, in some places, deep concentration is required to completely follow the logic and simple mathematics (it is more of a visual and logical problem than mathematics) of the process that she is explaining for a complete understanding. This is especially true when comparing the I Ching Hexagrams with DNA, RNA, and the atomic map of DNA base pairs.

The author shows that DNA is a spiral of evolution, entrainment and change, both analogue and linear: the same plan appears in the 5000-year old I Ching. A description is given of how the DNA spiral of our linear-minded Western science (yes-no, win-lose, goal oriented, quantitative based) relates to the analogue (both-and, process, qualitative based) style and thinking of the ancient I Ching. The author demonstrates that the genetic code and I Ching function through the same chaos patterns, and that the physical DNA can be translated mathematically into the psychical system of I Ching. Quote:
Thus the I Code theory postulates that, “The DNA swatch is two counterposed Period 3 windows of chaos patterning, and so is the I Ching Hexagram. The 64 DNA swatches and the 64 hexagrams both follow the same paradigm of co-chaos (author’s shorthand for complimentary chaos). All this happens not only according to ancient Chinese rules, but also according to genetic bonding rules. Complimentary chaos exists in each system, and the two systems mirror each other, one expressing itself in mind, and the other in matter.” Here is the place where mind and matter finally meet. It is co-chaos!
Just as the genetic code carries messages to build the body, so does the I Ching carry its own code for evolving the psyche. It whispers about a patterning that’s written not in the hard flesh of generations but rather, in the intangible flow of mind itself. It codes for thought and structure, at the personal level, at the deeper level of all organisms, and even of the living cosmos. It suggests some total mind in the supersystem that presents choices and options, if we can become aware of them.

Overall, the author is intrigued by consciousness and how it relates to a master code that generated the universe, and that life is an expression of chaos patterning with an emphasis on spiritual growth: this comes clearly through in the book.

What follows is the main chapter headings, and a summary of content for each, as given in the book. This will enable you to get a better, qualitative, feel for the book contents.

Beyond the Linear Limits
Showdown between left & right brain. Does the I Ching work? A fear of superstition. Passionate romantic and cool logician. A holistic realm beyond logic. God & the -isms. We’re scientific giants with starving souls. Secret design in synchronicity. The new science of patterned chaos.

To Have or to Hold
Parallel between DNA & the I Ching: they share a patterned chaos root. Nonlinear = analinear … or analogue +linear. Analogs are easy & make the world go round; logic is linear & drives towards a goal; analinears form spirals of change. Western & Eastern mindsets. The global brain.

The East-West Fork
Platonic polarity. I Ching duality. Platonic polarity. I Ching duality. “The third thing.” Gestalts. Yang & yin as field and ground. Chaos bifurcation. Chakras are transformer stations. I Ching history. Wu wei. Binary shunt = either-or. Analogue cycle= both-and.

Numbers With Heart
Patterned chaos meshes space/time/matter/energy. The I Ching shows chaos patterns. The Mandelbrot heart of number. Growing the Silly Centimeter vine. Living in the weave of number. Changing your own part of the pattern. Science as spirituality.

Chaos Rhythm at the Core
Bifurcating flag motions. The period 3 window in space and time. Koch snowflakes. Yantras. Growth by 10s & 2s. The core is the 4. A heart for pattern. Huygens & entrainment. Moving the world with a smile. A broad new highway of patterned chaos.

Co-Chaos in the I Ching
Leibniz invents binary code … no, the Chinese did. The trigram as – binary number & analogue fractal; horizontal & vertical Period 3 window; Old Family paint spectrum & New Family light spectrum. The polarized cube. Hexagrams are 64 pairs of Period 3 windows. The cosmic loom.

Co-Chaos in the Mind
The genetic code is a time traveller. Entropy & evolution. The living cosmos. God as all-encompassing pattern. King wen creates the I Ching text in prison. The Chou dynasty. Shao Yung’s mandala. Chou I order. Taming the analogue domain instead of alienating it. Elegant simplicity.

The Master Builder
RNA builds us. Overlay coding. Sequencing matters. Exploding codons. RNA Message Hexagram chart. Correlating message with codon – tryptophan, lysine, aspartic acid, phenylalanine, histidine. Chinese medicine. The I Ching’s 3 systems – 2 now lost. Chin Shih Huang Ti. The Silk text. Return & Change Pairs Chart. Mind play.

Art in Number and Image
Sheaves. Numbers. Arabesques. Rug. Frieze. Symphony. The golden mean. Wall texture. Bindu rug. Bolyai fabric. Double weave world. China seas. Codon trees. Classical tree. City tree. Basketry. Mystery. Miss Starry & Rocketry. Pageantry. Isle of Sumatra. Save a tree & Reflectory.

The Atomic Map
Yin Ballet. Is there evidence in mute matter? The Hoa Tu. The Lo Shu. DNA base pairs. The worksheet. Counting dots and atoms. Shock! Hypothesis: Ho Tu = atomic map of DNA base pairs. Counting out quarters. Chinese elements. Destructive = opposite; constructive = adjacent. From dreamtime into the real.

Consulting Procedure
An easy, aesthetic procedure. The 16 system. I Ching stones. Asking a question. Understanding the answer. Be calm, sincere, & transparent.

(Now, how to interpret and understand the I Ching answer to your question) Quote:
The I Ching is necessarily experiential. … Only through time – if you bother – can you actually come to realize how it can showcase the evanescent quality of an event, reveal some unexpected insight, or spotlight an all-too-familiar facet in the whirling holographic jewel of your psyche. Each hexagram will describe a unique dynamic, a special flavour in the ice-cream shop of reality.

If you are already familiar with the I Ching, you’ll notice that some of the hexagram titles that I use are not those made familiar in the best-known English translations. Over time, I have recorded and studied over 20,000 hexagrams of myself or clients relating to real-time events. I’ve also studied the ancient texts in China. When one consults with several scholars, one finds that translations of the characters can be rendered with wide latitude, so it is understandable why I Ching versions vary so widely.

The real issue is to pinpoint the archetypal dynamic behind the words. A visual image can come closer than a verbal image, and a verbal analogy can come closer than a chain of logic. The task is to find the image within the words and the dynamic within that image which moves it into analogy. It is the silent instantaneous flash of insight that comprehends an archetype.

The Dynamic of Free Will
More awareness means more choices. Watch for synchronicity and true up your instinct. Shadow won’t stay buried. The triangle. Circling birth. Paired trios. Harmonising the global brain. Change partners & dance.

A full bibliography is given, for use in any follow up reading.

As well as showing the all-pervading nature of I Ching in life, nature (for example, the same structure exists in spider’s webs and sunflowers), the universe, and showing the role of complimentary chaos. The book offers many other things too. Reading the book will increase your knowledge and understanding of I Ching; how it relates to the patterns and relationships in your mind, from the DNA level, through the surface level, up to the upper level of the higher universe. Also, by following some of the consulting suggestions in the book, the experience of using I Ching in your life can be quite revealing, as well as being quite disconcerting and painful: that is, in revealing your ego’s dominant patterns over time (for me, this happened in just under a week!), and hence, the areas where work needs to be done on the ego self for you to evolve, to make any progress along the Way (for me, this was personally confirmed after doing the recommended consulting’s: patterns came up that were thought to have been resolved! However, ‘Help is on its way’! That is, by using I Ching – although, perhaps, help in progressing arrives in an unexpected manner!).

Once again, highly recommended reading for anyone interested in the working of I Ching.
Okay, a thoughtful synopsis, and seems an interesting book. As an aside note, I’d say that if indeed the I Ching wisdom —philosophy, method, whatever— is on the basis of the human DNA, therefore the I Ching explores or is based on a very corrupted DNA currently with 2 strands. Thus, a DNA far from the original human DNA that used to have 12 strands —as stated by the C’s and the Pleiadians.

Furthermore, what about the I’Ching’s roots? Here is my tiny preface. The I Ching is deeply derived from the Bagua design —also spelled Pakua and other names— so its double trigrams and else connected features whose creation uses to be attributed to the emperor Fuxi. In turn, Fuxi was the mythical first dynastic emperor of China. It is noteworthy that the traditional Chinese books claim that Fuxi was not human but a reptilian being —yes, you read right.

That is it. Of course I told a minute part of the story while in reality the Fuxi “tale” has much more crucial knowledge to be learned.
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