Tax Day "Tea Party" rally alert!


Jedi Master
(I can post again...I found my passwordjavascript:void(0);)

I was visiting with a fellow Ron Paul supporter yesterday, when he mentioned a "Tea Party" rally at the Capital (Madison, WI) on tax day. My friend was under the impression that the RFID/surveillance monitoring (he's an organic farmer, as well) might have a forum at this rally. I was curious as to the details of this, time, issues and most importantly, WHO was organizing this rally so I googled away. Turns out that the "TEA PARTY" rallies are happening all over the US on tax day and are being sponsored by the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) ( _, whose various associated blogs elude to be non-partisan.

While many of AFP "members" tout that they are non-partisan, wikipedia furthers the deception and defines the AFP as follows:
Washington D.C.-based political advocacy group which describes itself on its Web site as "... an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels. The grassroots members of AFP advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint."
More on Wiki, or their website, BUT beware of the registration form...looks like a worm dangling on a hook for anyone hungry for a platform to protest whatever (take your pick, they'll cover it...maybe) It seems to me the AFP has to draw into their movement many fringe issue protesters most likely because many more Americans are getting more generous refunds than in previous years. You may also suspect that the AFP is just a cover for the re-emerging right wing platform... however, after reading a phrase like "fiscal and regulatory restraint" you might not first suspect that conclusion.

What strikes me as curious is that Ron Paul was THE candidate campaigning on the platform that the IRS should be abolished and you'd think that they(AFP) would have welcomed him into this "grassroots movement" TEA PARTY against unfair taxes rally... or vice versa, but alas, he's been un-invited. I guess Ron was sidelined because he was also running on the unpopular party platform calling for an immediate end to the Iraq "war".

The tax laws I WOULD protest would be the federal excise tax increase on tobacco products...OUCH! (Anyone else notice how the tax on pipe tobacco and the big stogy cigars is only doubling.... instead of by a factor of 10 for all other tobacco related products?) I guess sophistication gets to elude the full extent of a discriminant tax....again. javascript:void(0);

So, for any of you who may be lured into attending the "Tea Party" to protest the tax laws, make sure the AFP is an organization you have enough "sophistication" to align with....
as their own Palin said: you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Now that I KNOW what the AFP-organized Tea party is all about, I have decided to stay home on tax day and....
wait for my REFUND!
reply to Pepperfritz:
apparently I need to study the how-to's of posting...some add-ons didn't come out the way I wanted.
This was quite an interesting event, with signs of fueling the Patriot Movement and the domestic terrorist, the War on People advances. This is the first in recent history that the political right chose to stand in protest; it's also the first in recent history to get adequate news coverage and even promotion. Turn on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC or pick up the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal and you'll learn this was a 'grassroots' movement which knew how to tap into social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. A true movement of the people! Right. Don't hold your breath on this one. Where was news coverage of mass protest against the War for the past six years?

A friend of mine and long time antiwar protester writes,
my opinion keeps shifting because all this tea party astroturferie
is such a confused and confusing phenomenon. Incidentally, and as if
we didn't know, the media has already decided what will be covered.
Turn on CNN - let alone FOX - and there it is. There was a large CNN
crew on the Boston Common this morning babbling on about the
significance of the message being put forth by - at that hour - two
dozen people. All the TV networks are in a frenzy with national maps
and the like in their efforts to "cover" this "important citizen
protest" sweeping the country. All hype; all surface; all sham, but we
knew all that. I keep hoping that our side will be paid some
attention, but if the tea thing is already "big news" at 9"30 A.M., I
shudder to think what the "news" is going to look like at 9:30 P.M.

Indeed this is a sham. And Fox news is leading the way.

A Media Matters study found that from April 6 to April 13, Fox News featured at least 20 segments on the "tea party" protests scheduled to take place on April 15 and aired at least 73 in-show and commercial promotions for their April 15 coverage of the events.
MediaMatters said:
* Fox News host Megyn Kelly claimed that "you can join the tea party action from your home if you go to the ... a virtual tax day tea party."

* Fox Business anchor Cody Willard asked, "Guys, when are we going to wake up and start fighting the fascism that seems to be permeating this country?"

* Willard further stated that conservatives and liberals are "both fascists who are taking all of my money and building up corporate America with my welfare."

* Fox News host John Gibson expressed "hope[]" that millions of people" would participate in the protests.

* On The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News contributor Dennis Miller claimed that "the average American taxpayer feels like they've just been shot in the head in a deck chair on a sinking boat."

* Fox News host Sean Hannity asked contributor Newt Gingrich "one serious question": "Is this now a battle between capitalism and socialism?"

while Fox anchor Glenn Beck has spouted off about a "new world order" and mused about the existence of "FEMA-managed concentration camps."

Fox News is the modern Paul Revere alright. Interesting that just weeks ago Glenn Beck began his cries of damnation over the New World Order and even mentioning 'FEMA Concentration Camps'. Also interesting is the merging of Alex Jones and leading right wing spellbinders.

A day before the Tea Parties, the Department of Homeland Security released a warning to 'right wing extremists':
"The Department of Homeland Security assesses that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of right-wing extremists including lone wolves or small terrorist cells to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join right-wing extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today."

Sounds like the UK police predicting violence at the G20 Summit. We know how that said:
turned out
Los said:
This is the first in recent history that the political right chose to stand in protest; it's also the first in recent history to get adequate news coverage and even promotion.

Let's not forget that the right also held the pro-Iraq war rallies in conjunction with the respective protests. Some of those rallies drew far more people than the protests did -- and those people were far more aggressive than the protesting left.

With this Tea Party initiative, locally, I am seeing a weird thing -- not just the ultra-right joins in but also the far-left, too. The lefties protest the bailouts for the Wall Street and other manifestations of crony capitalism that doesn't serve the people.

Some people's motivations are good, but the way to express their desire for real change is questionable.
Hildegarda said:
Let's not forget that the right also held the pro-Iraq war rallies in conjunction with the respective protests. Some of those rallies drew far more people than the protests did -- and those people were far more aggressive than the protesting left.

True, I wasn't considering the pro-war rallies. These tea parties seemed to have a different flavor to them, albiet coming from the same source.

Hildegarda said:
With this Tea Party initiative, locally, I am seeing a weird thing -- not just the ultra-right joins in but also the far-left, too. The lefties protest the bailouts for the Wall Street and other manifestations of crony capitalism that doesn't serve the people.

There was a clash of different reactions from the left in the city I live. Some of the far-left wanted to protest the tea-parties, although I don't think this happened. One anti-war organization subverted the tea parties with protest signs on spending in terms of the war in Iraq and money sent to Israel to oppress Palestinians. Most though were already doing other tax-day actions and wished to not at all be involved with the tea parties.

With tough times people are naturally growing closer together; I wouldn't be surprised to see tactics used to either keep people apart or if and when merges do occur that they are diverted from real issues.
This morning I received a prerecorded phone call with a male's voice saying something like: "Were you aware of the Tax day "tea parties" held across America? More and more Americans are becoming fed up with Big Government. And then it ended with a "Do something about it!". No contact information was given and the call abruptly ended.

Is that weird or what? Someone has a call list and some money to do this kind of thing...albeit it is just a recorded message, and not a live person on the line. Wonder where it's coming from?

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