Tear gas fired at North American summit protesters


Tear gas fired at North American summit protesters

Louise Egan, Reuters
Published: Monday, August 20, 2007 Article tools

MONTEBELLO, Quebec (Reuters) - Protesters and riot police clashed on Monday outside a posh Canadian resort where North American leaders are meeting to discuss trade, security, and the recent turmoil in global credit markets.

Police fired tear gas as they pushed back about 150 people outside the Chateau Montebello resort in Montebello, Quebec, which is about 70 km (40 miles) east of Ottawa. The demonstrators tossed bottles and vegetables, having tried earlier in the day to break through police lines.

One person was arrested, police said.

The protesters were among about 2,000 people who demonstrated for several hours outside the site of the meeting of U.S. President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

The leaders downplayed the demonstration. "I've heard it's nothing... A couple hundred? It's sad," Harper said to reporters before going into a meeting with Bush.

A 3-metre (10-foot) high fence has been erected around the site to keep demonstrators out.

The protesters represented a variety of political causes, but many are upset about the three leaders' plan to discuss what is known as the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP.

The plan was drafted in 2005 to ensure North America is a safe place to live and do business, but critics on the left and right say it ignores the concerns of ordinary citizens and is a threat to national sovereignty.

"One of the main things we are aiming for is to force the leaders to make these meetings more transparent," said Alberto Arroyo, a spokesman for the Red Mexicana de Accion Frente al Libre Comercio (Mexican network against free trade).

Most of the demonstrators appeared to be from Canada.

"As far as I'm concerned George Bush is a war criminal and shouldn't be allowed in Canada," said Rolf Gerstenberger, 57, a union activist from Hamilton, Ontario.

One protest sign read: "There are no smart borders only idiot nations."

The buildings where leaders were meeting are not visible to the protesters, but those at the resort will be able to view the demonstrations via a video link that will be broadcast to officials inside the compound.

The protesters were among about 2,000 people who demonstrated for several hours outside the site of the meeting of U.S. President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

The leaders downplayed the demonstration. "I've heard it's nothing... A couple hundred? It's sad," Harper said to reporters before going into a meeting with Bush.
Typical political elitist...creating his own reality. At least the article stated there were at least 2,000 protestors. Wonder how long before the rest of the media dutifully repeats the PTB 'reality' sans the original 2,000 count? Wonder if the count was even more? Wonder when tear gas will be replaced by more lethal methods of crowd dispersal?
Total disconnect with REALity, to be sure. And they have the guns, money, and soon will have the 'imperial decree', to enFORCE their own. Anyone saying otherwise will be labeled a 'home-grown terrorist' who was 'radicalized' by ideas that are 'rife with extremist rhetoric' that they got from Internet/books/REALity. Welcome to 1984.

Seeing the signs is painful...
sHiZo963 said:
Tear gas fired at North American summit protesters

"I've heard it's nothing... A couple hundred? It's sad," Harper said to reporters before going into a meeting with Bush.
This might be odd, but this statement could be interpreted as meaning Harper was disappointed with the "turnout" of the protesters.

If that's the case, what could it possibly mean?

Could it mean that Steve is playing ball but secretly hopes that others will show their understanding of the situation, their disgust for it, and not enough showed up?

Or is it something else: that it is a pity than not more showed up to protest so that the "power elite" can bask in the knowledge of the protesters' futility because the latter is really powerless, and the former can show them just how ineffectual they are?

Wonders of wonders, how can you tell one from the other?

In response to being caught red handed on You-Tube, the Quebec police openly admit that they went "undercover"at the North American Sumit in August.

CBC Article said:
Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que. However, the police force denied allegations its undercover officers were there on Monday to provoke the crowd and instigate violence."At no time did the police of the Sûreté du Québec act as instigators or commit criminal acts," the police force said in French in a news release. "It is not in the police force's policies, nor in its strategies, to act in that manner.

"At all times, they responded within their mandate to keep order and security."
Why would such a "benevolent" MANDATE require disguised officers to carry such big rocks??? We know from the Israel / Palistine conflict that rocks generally don't symbolize "order and security"

CBC Article said:
The Quebec provincial police will not comment any further on the affair, a spokeswoman in Montreal said.

Quebec Justice Minister Jacques Dupuis was made aware of the news, but a spokesman from his office said he will not comment on the matter either.
It is amazing that they admitted to this at all... Sharper psychopaths would have denied this untill the end. Does this mean that Canadian Pathocrats are a hair more honest than thier US counter parts, or perhaps just more brazen...

Fortunatly, a few sharp minded people were able to quickly deduce that a the false flag operation was about to take place and it was sucessfuly thwarted. Unfortunatly, this could act as training "drill" to allow future Pathocrat demonstration planners to sharpen their tactics and hone thier stratagies for the next protest. Perhaps this is what US GOV refers to as "lessons learned" from Canada in section 9 of the new Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act...

sHiZo963 said:
(9) Certain governments, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have significant experience with homegrown terrorism and the United States can benefit from lessons learned by those nations.
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