Terror and Total Bliss: OBEs and Elevated States of Consciousness

About 5 years ago when I was 22 years old, I had a burning desire to know what happens when we die. I was reading up on NDEs, OBEs, and astral travel from every source I could. I was afraid of the idea of existence "ending." My primary goal was to find out if consciousness could exist outside of the body, and if I could prove that to myself, I could be at ease that life goes on after the body dies.

Now, flashback ten years or so before that, when I was between about 12-14. I had discovered by accident that if I laid in bed perfectly still and just "let everything go," I would get a strange tingling sensation all over my body, and it felt like something inside of me was moving apart from my body. It scared the hell out of me cause I didn't know what it was. The anxiety would "snap" me back to this reality. Terrified as I was, I felt compelled to keep trying it. Eventually though, I lost interest and went about business as usual.

Now, back to 2005, I was ready to begin my own experiments to see if I could move my consciousness outside of my body. I had read some hands-on material that gave explicit techniques which I used in conjunction with knowledge I had discovered as a child. After many failed attempts, one day there was a breakthrough. While laying in bed with my eyes closed, I found I could see my room from a perspective just above my head. The colors appeared different than usual, I remember them as looking almost monochrome, but there I was looking around my room. Again, the terror caught me, and I sprung up from the bed. Slight trauma, but success! Now for a short time after this, I was satisfied. I had the answer I was seeking. But doubt soon crept in and I was wondering if what I had experienced was merely some misunderstood function of the mind.

So, again I tried the same experiment, over and over, trying to find an experience so vivid and undeniable that the matter would be settled once and for all, for myself that is. After more failed trials, I had another curious event happen. Again, I achieved a vision of my room from an out-of-body perspective, but this time it was accompanied with audio! I heard a child's voice calling out to me. It said "I'm ready." More like "I'm reeeeaaadddy," in a sort of musical, playful tone. But more disturbing, I heard what sounded like the ferocious roar of something that sounded like a mixture between a lion and a man. To this I said "Peace out!" and again jumped up from the bed. I wondered what in the holy hell I had just come into contact with! To this day, I presume it was just some etheric garbage, or some dis-incarnate being having a bit of fun at my expense. The idea also has crossed my mind that it was a being that didn't want me to figure out too much and thusly scared me back to bodily existence. I may never know.

Now things really get interesting! One night I was reading a bit of modern Buddhist literature (Buddhism: Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen), I can't recall the particular passage, but upon contemplating it, I arrived at some sort of trance state. This is what it felt like: I can feel all of the universe. The universe is beautiful. Everything is in balance and harmony. Everything, all the pain, suffering, death, joy, wonder, happiness, sadness, light, dark, it all has its purpose, it is all beautiful. It is all one.

Then, a bodily realization hit. Again, the fear took over. If I continued on in this state, I would have no desire to sustain my life on Earth. This state was not compatible with trying to carry out a normal life. I had no desire to eat, to drink, to do anything but just sit and remain in this state. Needless to say, I chose to snap out of it and remain here. I was attached, there was responsibility here. I felt I could not have both that state and this life.

A few days passed. Again, I was feeling experimental. I had a great idea! Let's see what happens when I combine trying to leave my body with this other state I had just attained. I don't know where I got this idea, I just felt compelled to try it out.

So I laid down on the bed and began the process of relaxation, of letting go of all care and worry, letting go of this reality, to minimize as much physical sensation as possible. I felt the usual feelings of an OBE beginning to take hold, the tingling of my skin, the feeling of vibrating, the tone in my ears. I began to think about what triggered this other altered state of consciousness and...BOOM!

I felt the most intense sensation of total bliss and pure energy I have ever felt in my life. In front of my field of vision there was a tremendous white light brighter than the sun. I was enveloped. This felt like eternity. This felt like infinity. Words fail here. There was about 1% of my individual consciousness left and it whispered to me. It said if you let the light take you, then your life here will be over. As before, I was not prepared for that. I jumped out of bed and ran into my roommate's room and sat down on the floor. I had been and am still prone to panic attacks, so he was used to this. I'm sure he thought I had finally gone off into La-La land for good this time. :lol:

As a result of this experience, I have since been prone to frequent feelings that I am going to spontaneously leave my body or lose my sense of personal identity, usually when I feel overly tired or when I first wake up in the morning. Increased thoughts of physicality or the mundane counteract this and I when I feel overwhelmed pinching the skin or biting my lip brings me down.

In the light of The Wave and other material from the C's it is becoming quite clear that this relates to the transition that lies ahead. I am learning to face the fear of this phenomenon and the discomfort that it brings. I realize that I have become comfortable in this 3rd dimensional reality and what seems like a threat to my mind is in this case something beneficial in terms of progression. I think I am being "prepared" and I must learn to gradually let go of this world and prepare for the next. We have the power!

I wrote this as I hope to better understand what has and is happening to me and more importantly to help other people know that they are not alone in this trans-formative process. Hopefully people with similar experiences can relate and better understand themselves. :)
Horus_Risen said:
In the light of The Wave and other material from the C's it is becoming quite clear that this relates to the transition that lies ahead. I am learning to face the fear of this phenomenon and the discomfort that it brings. I realize that I have become comfortable in this 3rd dimensional reality and what seems like a threat to my mind is in this case something beneficial in terms of progression. I think I am being "prepared" and I must learn to gradually let go of this world and prepare for the next. We have the power!

Hi Horus,

Did you make a search on OBE on the forum yet ?

as far as I know it, it has probably nothing to do with being ready for the next world.
It may be interesting as an experience but I don't think it will help you to be prepared for the next step.

On the contrary, it seems that by chasing such extraordinary experiences you may forget that there is much work to do, by yourself, within yourself ;)
Horus_Risen said:
I felt the most intense sensation of total bliss and pure energy I have ever felt in my life. In front of my field of vision there was a tremendous white light brighter than the sun. I was enveloped. This felt like eternity. This felt like infinity. Words fail here. There was about 1% of my individual consciousness left and it whispered to me. It said if you let the light take you, then your life here will be over.
What you describe here is very similar to the "samadhi" experience described in esoteric Hinduism. This is a much sought after experience in Hindu spirituality and is usually the result of a lot of meditation work. This experience could also possibly be described as a 4D bleed-through - osit.

Horus_Risen said:
In the light of The Wave and other material from the C's it is becoming quite clear that this relates to the transition that lies ahead. I am learning to face the fear of this phenomenon and the discomfort that it brings. I realize that I have become comfortable in this 3rd dimensional reality and what seems like a threat to my mind is in this case something beneficial in terms of progression. I think I am being "prepared" and I must learn to gradually let go of this world and prepare for the next. We have the power!

It could be beneficial to your progression as you say. On the other hand, this is an intense feel-good experience and can become addictive - a sort of neuro-chemical "high". It directly benefits only the experiencer and unless there are some fruits of this contact with the higher realms which can be used for the benefit of others here in 3D, it may turn into something of a STS orientation.
In an article for SOTT (found at http://www.sott.net/signs/maharaji.php), Henry (Galahad) wrote about a "passive contact with the higher realms" which may be one way to interprete this experience and contrasted it with the path of Gnosis. I am quoting some parts of his article which I think may be relevant in this context (emphases are mine)

[quote author=Henry]
The following quote from George Heart and his book Christianity: Dogmatic Faith vs Gnostic Vivifying Knowledge is a good starting point. He compares the mystic experience with the experience of gnosis:

Mysticism is the state of passive contact with the Divine Plane, in contradistinction with the state of wilful conscious active contact with the Divine Plane, which is proper to authentic Esotericism. [p. 142.]

We see that according to the Tradition of esoteric Christianity true knowledge does not bypass the intellect, rather, it engages it fully: it is "wilful, conscious, and active".

Writes George Heart:

[...] Gnosis is therefore Knowledge of God, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Archetypes, the Essence and the Origin of the human being. It is a Transcendental Knowledge to start with, which we register prior to transforming it into our substance. But, if this does not happen, and our internal psychic structure is not radically modified in accordance with this knowledge, then it has failed to accomplish its goal. Gnosis is a Knowledge of Life and Light which is itself Life and Light. [Ibid. pp 130-31.]

Remember: The method of esoteric science is the same as that of positive science: observation, critical analysis of the given observations, and rigorous deduction from the established facts

true gnosis permits one to see metaphysical realities. What does that mean? Are we talking about some hallucinatory trip? Not at all. The world is the manifestation of the interplay between Creation and Entropy. On one level, these are metaphysical realities. However, they are manifested in our world in ways that can be perceived by our senses. What is differentiated from sensory perception is our ability to see behind the material manifestation and to identify of which force it is a manifestation. Gnosis, or True Knowledge, permits us to see these forces as they manifest in our world, to see through the veil and the illusion to identify them correctly.

Horus_Risen, you may have the natural talent or gift for accessing higher realms. So there is all the more reason for you to step carefully in this area, armed with adequate knowledge and awareness.
It can also be 1) deliberately induced by 4 D beings, STS usually, to mislead you; 2) a result of your "practice" that has altered your brain chemistry.

In general, we have learned that such experiences often have nothing to do with spiritual development. But I address this at some length in Secret History.
Hey Horus_Risen; Thanks for the post and the thoughtful writing. I'm with Laura and obyvatel on this one. What you are doing is opening yourself to a wider realm, and this might be a good time for you to glimpse larger - or to be deceived. Either way congrats on achieving the release and the detatchment, that's pretty cool alone. I too, have tried Soul Travel ala Eckanckar, and I also heard a very strong voice at 16 yrs old: "Not YET!!"

Scared the bejeeesus out of me, and I stopped right there! Years later I met Preston Dennett, who has written a number of books on the subject, but I came away from that feeling he was in fact only Lucid Dreaming, which might be quite dangerous as it may block the normal mechanism of dreaming. There is a C transcript somewhere that they identified the OBE phenomenon as 'entertainment.'

I woke this morning thinking I might brave my related post that I have agonized over. Let me get a cup of coffee, and maybe I'll do it.
Thank you everyone for your insight and opinions, especially the words of caution. :) This has been something I have wondered about for a while.

I, too, deduced that this was what the Hindus call "samadhi." When considering the 4D negatives and the approach of the Wave, there could be any number of reasons or combinations of reasons as to why this occurred relatively easily, as opposed to decades of rigorous discipline as a yogi. Something to ponder. The important thing, I think is to keep one's feet on the ground and one's head from swelling above of the clouds. Got to keep an eye on that wily ego. ;)

Luckily, I have not fallen into the trap of believing I am "special." I'm sure in ages past, if people experienced this sort of thing they would probably say, "I saw God!" I think almost anyone could achieve these things if they tried. The benefit of this experience have been the perception of the annihilation of the "personality" which we so strongly identify with. Though, I sought this process out, the idea of being passive vs. active has given me a little insight on what is called positive vs. negative.

This experience scared me rather strongly. I have not sought this kind of thing out actively since. I have no fear of becoming addicted to it to say the least!

On a related note, I finished the first book of The Wave this afternoon. In Chapter 7, the concept of a machine made to amplify passion and will for the purposes of manipulating energy was brought up. This concept of course, was said to have come from the negative side of things, the Grays. Now, in the past, I am sorry to say, I was a student of "magick." The premise of which is to bend the universe to your will. I had discovered that I could produce results. I was under the impression that I could bring freedom, peace, happiness, etc. to the world with these techniques. The road to hell if paved with good intentions is an appropriate cliche here. :) The desire to manipulate the forces of nature, even for the "greatest good" has a net effect on the individual which is negativity. I understand that now. I am finished with "magick." Perhaps I can start a "magician" rehab clinic. :lol:

Now the work of becoming passive begins. The work of ceasing to attempt to control everything and to seek objectivity begins. The scene from Fight Club where Tyler Durden lets go of the steering wheel comes to mind. In fact, that scene might be my new signature quote. :)

Thanks again, everyone. Thank you again, Laura. Thanks to the Cs as well. Cheers!
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