"Terror on the road to Genocide"

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this is The Good Stuff

The illuminati media's script for the agenda "Terror on the road to Genocide" by MattMarriott echoed by lastelement

Notice how the technique of level increase acceptance was used. The "humanitarian" wars in 1995 (bombing the Bosnian Serbs) and especially 1999 (bombing Serbia non-stop for 78 days) by the NATO airplanes, using depleted uranium and splitter bombs, set the acceptance levels previously required, to let the shock troops start operating on the ground. After reading the following you should understand that this mind control operation is almost completed. And be able to guess what will the next level be and where will it take place...

The message of each level - the ultimate examples

Level A - Torture in concentration camps,run by US Military, outside the US

1. Guantanamo, Cuba, but in fact legally as US soil: first pictures suggesting torture, later declarations of released prisioners and documents confirming it.

2. Abu Ghraib, Iraq, country occupied by US Military, but officially independent: pictures of torture.

Level B - Mass murders, executed by US Military

3. Iraq, Afghanistan: civilians incl. children bombed.

Level C - War crimes, Weapons of mass destruction, executed by US Military

4. Iraq: Fallujah, an entire city is wiped out through air bombings and usage of chemical weapons.

Level D - Genocide, executed by police trained and armed by the US Military

5. Baghdad, Iraq, mass graves, now officially at a rythm of around 50 bodies a day.

How each level was labeled and packaged by the illuminati media

- Level A, labeled "war against terror, in a foreign country", was the only level packaged as propaganda (headlines, massive usage of graphic elements) for a broad public. But in Guantanamo, unlike in Abu Ghraib,even if graphics were constantly used to make sure nobody missed the message (i.e. Torture in concentration camps run by US Military), the point was to never show any explicit images, since this was supposed to be happening in "US soil".

- Level B, labeled "accidents in the war against terror", there were a few times a few seconds footage of dead children and civilians (e.g. 50 people at a wedding that were "accidentally" bombed), no comments, immediately followed by totally different subjects, to create a sort of subliminal message.

- Level C, labeled "military combat in the war against terror", there were no pictures of carpet bombings, just images of US Military on the move and description of total destruction, just as much as to leave no doubts about how that might have happened. Only 8 months later did some illuminati media - as small 4 lines newswires, no comments - mention the usage of chemical weapons.

- Level D, labeled as "civil war": articles for a restricted audience, openly stating the message but avoiding explicitly the right sequence (i.e. Genocide, executed by police trained and armed by the US Military). The number of victims of genocide used guarantees the optimal impact of the message.

For an example of how Level D is now packaged, extracts from a Time Magazine article (1), 20 March 2006, using the number of 44 a day for suggesting the ongoing genocide, openly stating the message, i.e. who did it, but explicitly avoiding the right sequence, i.e. starting with the fact that Jabr was put in place by the US administration and his Shi'ite shock troops are armed and trained by the US military:

mass grave... 87 bodies were found over two days in Baghdad... Iraq's Shi'ite-dominated police forces, overseen by Iraq's Interior Minister, Bayan Jabr...allowing an Iranian-trained militia to take over the ministry...Jabr has authorized the targeted assassination of Sunni men and stymied investigations into Interior-run death squads...Ever since Jabr was appointed Interior Minister after the January 2005 election brought a religious Sh'ite coalition to power...he began remaking the paramilitary National Police into Shi'ite shock troops...Most of the guards' beards are invariably cut in the close-cropped Iranian style, making them stand out in Baghdad, where beards are less common...

(1) Time Magazine article: _http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1175055,00.html

Mind control to prepare "Terror on the road to Genocide" by MattMarriott @ _http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=53450
just so everyone knows what we're dealing with, clicking the 'search' option above and entering a search term of 'MattMarriott' will produce some interesting material. enjoy ;)
Its interesting because its true. I post these with the utmost sincerity. I hope at least a few people will listen.

War on Terror Hoax - echoed by lastelement

LONDON June 2007 "AL-QAEDA" TERROR - TWO CAR "BOMBS" revealed worldwide first

"Bomb" #1 - part of the usual illuminati "AL-QAEDA" terror agenda(1), i.e. keep population aceepting the terror state (2) and keep alive the "NATO vs. muslims" hoax. (3)

"Bomb" #2 - revealed worldwide first - part of the agenda to undermine Prince William's concert in tribute to his mother. (4) (5)

(1) Everyone in this forum knows that 9/11 was executed by the Illuminati and their media.
Now as for the Madrid bombings, this simple fact immediately exposes who did . Better said, the illuminati only needed this line to make sure that even the last idiot gets who did it (mind control technique "package vs, contents"):
Google tells you immediately who was the only one to translate this illuminati message, given six months later. Correct, the same who was also the first to expose who did the Madrid bombings, hours after it was reported, March 11.

(2) Transition from Formal Democracy to Legal Terror State

(3) "NATO vs. muslims" hoax explained again in this discussion about the next event in the "AL-QAEDA" agenda, one day later:
Glasgow Airport 2007 vs. 9/11 Pentagon: remake upscaled with actor "burning" and being "arrested" - see first reply from Matt Marriott here:
Original article and photos:

(4) Did Prince William ACCEPT the murder of his MOTHER, Lady Diana?

(5) Concert for Diana and William, one day later and Illuminati Media: Prince William in Illuminati Death List vs. Paris Hilton

In Forums


sv said:
just so everyone knows what we're dealing with, clicking the 'search' option above and entering a search term of 'MattMarriott' will produce some interesting material. enjoy wink
lastelement said:
Its interesting because its true.
I don't think you understand what you're saying. Sleepyvinny pointed out the fact that Matt has been banned from this forum for posting noise - and lots of it. If you were to search for MattMarriott as Sleepyvinny had suggested, you would have found out that he was banned because of his behavior on this forum (assuming you didn't already know and are here because he can't come here to promote his own agenda).

Coming to this forum to 'echo' the words of a person who has been banned for posting noise and then posting live links to known disinformation sources will get you removed from this forum.

Yes, the war on terror is a hoax, but backing up such a true statement with conjecture and baseless, sensationalist claims detracts from the statement itself - which is a classic technique of cointelpro. I've no idea whether you are doing this consciously or not, but please understand that this forum will not tolerate noise.
I know what I'm dealing with, I just didnt know yall were so offended by it. I didn't search for MM because I thought the post was directed to other people. The events referenced in my reply are a little off topic, but terrorism is a broad subject. For instance, Rudy Giuliani giving a presidential candidacy speech and saying the words terror/terrorist/war 30 times in 10 minutes seems like terrorism to me that desensitizes and brainwashes people.

Can you point out which topics are "known disinformation sources"? Where were they debunked at?
lastelement said:
I didn't search for MM because I thought the post was directed to other people.
So you basically came here to spam "your" point of view in the hope of attracting readers? That sort of behaviour will get you banned, sooner rather than later.
lastelement said:
I didn't search for MM because I thought the post was directed to other people.
Which post? Your post? If you address other people, then you should first respect them. And, out of respect, you should do all what you can in order not to propagate noise. In this case what was expected from you was not time consuming at all - just using the Search function. This way you can not only save the time of other people but, perhaps, to learn something for yourself. But do you WANT to learn? We do.
I think in this case lastelement believed Ryans reply meant that others should search MM to get some interesting results.

Not aimed at lastelement because he (lastelement knows all about MM and therefore did not have to. A misunderstanding. If you see what I mean.

Now that he has been put straight on this he can now choose to take the advice so that he can make up his own mind , or we may find that he does have an agenda.Time will tell.

Anyway he can answer for himself im sure

Late edit after reading Sleepyvinny´s reply below
OOps i should have written sleepyvinny´s post not Ryan´s.
yeah a possible misunderstanding, as I was fairly minimalist in my comment.

anyway, lastelement, this is not about being 'offended'. There is no room for such things in the search for truth. Being 'offended' is what kept people believing in a flat earth etc etc. instead it is just about filtering noise, that has already been determined as such.

If I was being a bit more externally considerate, I should probably have stated, as anart did, that "Matt has been banned from this forum for posting noise - and lots of it". for those who want elabouration, do a search on the existing threads and all will become clear.

But as these things tend to come round and round ad nauseam (we get lots of links to stuff that has already been thoroughly dealt with), I just mentioned the 'search' option, and left it at that, for whoever chooses to be interested. I didn't want to spoil the surprise!

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